Recent black lotus change pointless

Black lotus prices back up to 140g and rising (Spineshatter Horde) - my first and only in months.

I was lucky enough to pick one before another horde character in Silithus. A few minutes later 3 alliance characters pursued me and camped me.

I left the zone and went to Winterspring, on arrival was camped by 3 more players right outside Everlook.

I thought faction collusion was against TOS.

Please consider making BL drop from all high level herbs, it’s clear that the spawn increase change has only increased the number of BLs getting into the hands of the cross-faction cartels.


A master plan by Blizz to combat bots /hackers /farmers/ cartels…that

that some how helps them and not the players…

TBH it was quite clever of them to market this change as something that helps players, but they knew it would only increase herbs for bots. Hellishly clever /clap

They could have actively went after all these bots in a targeted sweep, and continue to sweep once every morning for 2 months untill the stain of hacking bots was removed for good.

Your house is a mess Blizz, clean it up, have some self respect and put down the piles of cash.

One of the main reason blizz/green posters say the problem cant be solved is due to farmers having to many bots to replace those lost to ban waves

Maybe increase the frequency of the ban waves to make it unprofitable for them to continue


So in conclusion, blizz actively support these illegitimate players like we all suspected.

They should have just made the SoM/SoD change. This change was shortsighted, and doesn’t fix the issue, which is the camped spots which is now giving the bots double the amount of BL, and they’re staggering them on the AH to increase the price again (think De Beers).

If they are unwilling to increase ban waves to combat the issue they should maybe just be lazy and add them to a vendor

They have no real interest in banning the bots, too much effort would be required now, its never been so bad.

Pity we cant trade when in BG when they buggered up and had sod and anniversary players in one BG, they are only 8g ish on sod now.

As someone who farms lotus almost every day when “working” remotely, I agree. The change was horrible. I feel like I see even less nodes nowadays, and the price didn’t change at all. The only ones who benefit are the hunter bots who are running around in circles for 12h+ per day.

Though to be fair, people exaggerate the bot issue a bit. Maybe every fourth player who runs around in circles is a bot, rest are just normal players desperate for money. And then there are the rogues in stealth on almost every node as well, but they seem to be real people as well. At least they respond and try to do big pvp moves when you kill them. Not saying there isn’t a bot issue, but what I am saying is that even without bots a real person runs through the nodes every 1 minute. And then when we add in the stealth afkers on almost every node, no wonder people rarely find anything as they get picked up instantly.

The changes Blizzard make are never intended to solve the issue. It’s taken a long time for people to realize this.

True - they usually just causes more issues.