Recent DDoS Attacks Impacting Game Service

Hopefully they will be caught and thrown in jail, bunch of spineless worms.

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they deleted there Twitter acc lawl

DDoS is not a solved problem. Even cloud environments can be knocked offline.

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There is no defence for this, sure… get stronger servers that can withstand it, but if they want something down, they can easily increase the number of incoming connections.

That;s how DDOS works, sending more connections to overload a server and bring it offline.

The DDoS-attacker’s Twitter just got suspended.


When i try to login to my lvl 47 main “Freezà” it says “A character with that name already exists” but when i login to “lootmule” everything is fine

“A character whit that name already exists” error lol

I’m not sure that “little boys” can DDoS Blizzard servers. :roll_eyes:

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Strange! They usually leave them up to help with the investigation.

hes facebook got leaked and yeah it was a boy from the uk working for McDonalds…


From what I read, there was no definitive proof that was him. Someone just found a reference to the name on a YouTube playlist. Seems fairly spurious to me tbh.


Blizzard deserve A LOT of blame for classic issues but ddos isnt one of them

Didn’t the profile pic match though?

Shows how much you know then, DDoS are extremely easy to set up, more harder to ensure you don’t expose yourself, and most of them always end up caught because they’re children that haven’t a god darn clue.

Most of the 4chan raids back in the day were done with LOIC, most got caught because they did it outside of the main attack.

imagine making yourself a major criminal for something so meaningless…

some peoples lives must indeed be sad. almost feel sorry for the guy.

The “best” comments I’ve seen are people demanding Blizzard say what they are doing to mitigate it.

One can only assume that they are descendants of the people of Troy who said “That large wooden horse looks cool! Let’s bring it in”

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It is fairly easy to impersonate someone and drop false clues online :stuck_out_tongue:

ohh i read that they found it through some stuff on hes twitter but yeah the chance for its him is proberly low but u could only hope it was and some other hacker guy would mess him up lol xD

Well, oddly enough this is the first time I wasn’t able to play the game, so what blame are you talking about?

Indeed, I almost felt sorry for the guy earlier. That maybe he was a kid, that just had some “fun” and didn’t really know what he was doing. But now I hope they get him, because appearantly he knows what he’s doing and it’s not some innocent teenager fun anymore.