Reconsider the "barber" shop

yes 10char



Change-o-Tron 7000 :smiley:


10 char (not needed but didn’t want to break the combo here)

What Gender-Change? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Sounds more like is a “plan” and not really 100% confirmed.

Hmm…don’t have a gender neutral name :frowning:

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But now if they don’t add it, the vocal professional offendee brigade will call them out as being transphobic

It’s likely being added regardless

yeah thats pretty much another issue. but i somewhat doubt blizzard will drop the name change as well from their shop. :S

maybe they will though as it can be really awkward for some names.


Buddy we can already do that but it currently costs money - the only thing that changes is that it’s gonna be free.

You get something for free that used to cost money before and you imply some kind of agenda?


I don’t get it, when I made my characters male or females I got what I wanted. Why would I want to change that?


It’s a good thing if they add loud screams during the changing process ( just like the latrine in Grizzly Hills) :smile:

Same reason as race change I guess

I think it’s to bait people to give them more money. Oh I really enjoyed that gender, let me go to the shop and change this permanently.

then why would they be offering it for free in SL?

Is it permanent?

Was gender change confirmed? Thought that was just a rumor

as far as i understood it its like every other cosmetic change.

pretty much. if you scroll up a bit there are people posting links from wowhead.

Snippetysnip I shall be a chick!

The barbers will just recycle what they snip off :thinking: just snip more to make it all fit, some glue and ducttape et voila.

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