Reconsider the "barber" shop

I just read about it, maybe I should read blue comments before making posts even though I feel it’s wrong.

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I can confirm that they also have a new cinematic showing you the entire process, from removing your butch legs all the way to implanting a new chip that makes you more appreciative of scented bathroom soaps and an overwhelming need to always ask a man how he feels.


Well, it already seemed odd that the barber could do facelifts, bleaching/tanning skins, changing your posture, etc. And changing druid forms in SL, too.

The barbershop suffices as a catch-all for re-entering the character create screen. Although if you’re going to change it at all, maybe change the barber to some ethereal who can physically alter your entire body.

back in the middle ages, they used to be barber surgeons in europe.
so its not that difficult.

just google barber surgeon and wikipedia will give it up
(i would post, but i cant link lol)

So you never changed the haircut? The name? Factions? Races? Talents? Mounts? Equipment? Just because you made your char one way way back when doesn’t mean you want it to stay like that forever.

Especially in a game, being able to customise your character, or even turn it into a completely different one, without losing all your progress on it, is a good thing.

It’s fine if you don’t want to use this service ever. Doesn’t mean it’s bad. It only means you don’t need it. There are a few million more players out there, who might very well find it a good idea.


thanks ^^

(i tried and was amazed at first as it showed that as a preview. am i lvl 3+? i asked myself. NOPE! said the forum when i tried to post. ‘back to the mud, plebian!’ it said lol)

though…that does look scary. amputations, high mortality rates…still, if we have a healer and some bandages ready, we should be okay right?

I’m not a racist so I don’t really care about where people look or comes from. How they behave is more important to me.

I also wouldn’t care if I was born a boy or girl either but I also wouldn’t want to change who I am.

Translated: me, me, me, me, me.

The world doesn’t revolve around you. Nor does the game. Not everyone thinks like you, either. Live with it.

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Previously used ones are 66% off. 50% if you also want them washed.

30% off if washed with antibacterial and antiseptic wash?

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That should not be a problem.

Italian huh. Yeah, can do.

finds a pen and changes a label


It was common practice back in the day. They would give them brandy to get them half drunk, put a towel in their mouth and tell them to bite down and cut away.

Now here’s the grisly part. Contrary to what you may see on a tv or movie or on a video game, flesh and especially flesh that has high fat or strong muscle build up that surrounds dense bone tends to be very pliable until it hits bone.

To cleanly cut through all of it takes two things. A very sharp, heavy blade with enough kinetic (remember the kinetic part it’s important to the physics of the action) energy to cut through the bone. This is why be-headings were almost always carried out with the streo typical two handed executioner’s axe or by using some kind of mechanism like the Guillotine or the earlier Maiden which almost always used a heavy blade in a chopping motion of at least 2 feet. to behead someone with, for argument’s sake, a knife or a dagger, you’ll be there for quite a while and be literally blood soaked. A sword will clean cut, but again, it needs to be a downward chop, a sideways chop will kill the target, but it will likely not completely sever the head from the torso.

Now where it gets really silly is when tv and movies have people getting chopped up with a kitchen knife. If you were to try and dismember a corpse with a kitchen knife you would be there for a VERY long time. the kitchen knife will cut the skin, but the flesh underneath is as i said earlier, pliable. it’s soft and squishy and while if your corpse is given time to bleed out and partially harden, your knife will not cut through it cleanly. you will be making a rough sawing motion. Next time you are cutting a chicken breast or a beef joint, remember that that meat has already been processed and you are essentially cutting a long dead piece of meat. Cutting into a carcass of a cow with a kitchen knife would not be worthwhile, which is why butchers never use them on a whole carcass fresh from the slaughterhouse. they will use them when the meat is ready to go on display for sale. To get a kitchen knife through to the bone will take at least a minute. And there it will stop. A kitchen knife, even a heavy duty one, will not cut through dense bone of considerable size. nor would a razor. What would however, is a bone saw or a similar type of heavy serrated instrument.

So the basic set up is this. In basic amputations A knife or similar bladed instrument was used to cut open the skin and flesh. Then a saw was used to cut the bone. As is described, as the hygiene we use now in medical fields was non existent back then, you were more likely to die of either shock or sepsis than you were to die of the actual injury. Conservative estimates range from about 40% of amputations resulting in death from surgical complications, meaning the patient died during procedure or soon after. By the time of the mid 1800’s when surgical proceedures were more advanced, this percentage dropoped to like 20% Where it spiked however, was in military amputations, where the luxury of properly maintained and sterilised surgical equipment was an expensive luxury not seen as important. Field amputations right upto WW2 often resulted in infections and death from shock.

Now who’s up for a burgher for dinner!!


That’s a big assumption out of nowhere that was completely uncalled for


Please put mogs into this system as well. Often I want to change skin tone or hair color to match a mog, and this is extremely hard having to use 2 different systems to change your character appearance. Also annoying to have to manually find which appearance you had picked in the first place.


It’s called barber shop for historical reasons. It started as a barber shop. It’s like MTV or History Channel. One used to be about music and now they have werid reality shows. The other was about history documentaries and now it’s just UFO.

Things change over time and buisness expands the range of thier services.


I’ve changed quite a bit during the years. Besides, we’re talking characters in a game.

But even in real life, people change themselves in various ways: piercings, tatoos, haircuts, clothing, whatsoever. Some temporary, some permanent. Some undergo complicated surgery for one reason or the other, some don’t. It’s their business, and has zero impact on me, so they do whatever they want.

So if the game offers free gender change, so be it. It doesn’t impact you in any way.


We will be able to do that? I’m so glad I didn’t buy an appearance change. Still gotta get that name change tho, for obvious reasons, but at least it will be cheaper.

I wasn’t trying to be rude but I felt you said the opposite when I said I was happy about myself and you argued with that. Like why shouldn’t people be happy about themselfs like they already are.

But hey, it’s only a game like you said and this is 2020.