Recruit a Friend Requests

Looking for Recruit a Friend partner. I recruit you!

Realm: Sylvanas
Faction: Horde or Alliance

I can provide you with gold and bags if you play Alliance.
Palidox what's your skype, I am interested...
Looking for a scroll of resurrection

My name and server are: Genus, Aggramar

Looking for a scroll of resurrection

My name and server are: Genus, Aggramar


I wanna boost a few new toons up, so if you want to get recruited you can add me. My battletag is Fjeder#2902

You have to buy the battlechest etc. but I will give you gold etc ingame if its on Twisting Nether.

If horde, then on Twisting Nether EU
If Alliance, then on Outland EU

need to RAF someone, leveling on horde - silvermoon or alliance silvermoon
Palidox what's your skype, I am interested...

Skype is : aodpip
Looking to recruit or be recruited as if provided with essentials to play, any realm and faction suits me :)

skype : bigroundstarfish let me know if interested
what do you provide?
Looking to recruit someone.

I can provide you with:
A good partner to level with,
Can be online more to speed levelling up,
More than 1 85


Looking to recruit someone OR just to find someone who i can reroll/lvl with, on a more populated server.
Can be online for longer to make lvling faster.
Faction is up to you, but as is said the server must be high populated.

Since its gonna be a new realm for me too, cant provide gold/bags etc...only comapny :D
Write if intrested.
Hello and im currently looking for a Raf partner (i recruit you!)

horde or alliance it does not matter to me (ortho i would want an alliance pala)
i will provide a good experienced take on the game pvp and pve provide mounts riding skill bags ect all you will have to do is pay for your battlechest (what u believe goes up till cata) for £10

if intrested add me on skype : niem3000
or ingame : Nime3#2514

Can someone plz send me a scroll, I will be getting game time on the tenth next wednesday.
So you can get your awesome mount.

Character Name: Blackstyle
Realm: Hellfire

Thanks in advance.
Looking for someone for RAF (I will recruit you) I will purchase cataclysm for you but you provide your own battle-chest, I currently am on holiday for 2 weeks so would like to get a lot of leveling done in those 2 weeks which is possible with the x3 Xp, I have played wow for a few years and know my way around a fair bit. So if you are interested please reply to this thread and i will get back to you ASAP thanks.
Currently looking for Recruit a Friend partner. I will recruit you.

Realm: Sylvanas
Faction: Horde or Alliance

You must buy your own Battle Chest and game-time. However, I can provide you with starter gold and bags if you play Alliance on my realm.

Skype: aodpip
Need someone who will purchase battle chest, i will pay rest but looking more than 1 80!

Skype : bigroundstarfish

Hit me up if interested, someone who speaks good english aswell please:)
Hey everyone, I'm an old time player back for some more. So I'm looking for someone to send me a scroll. Thanks.
Hey I'm look for a Scroll of resurrection I'll be getting game time as soon as I receive the Scroll so you can get the awesome mount thanks.

Character name: Néwbie

Current server: Ragnaros