Reduce Realm Transfer Cost

But your already alliance, the alliance needs soldiers damnit!

The other way around. Alliance is dead.

Thats what i said, the alliance needs soldiers o.0 or cannon fodder

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To celebrate the good news, free chocolate/mud cake for us all!

Worry not, it’s not from Amsterdam (unless you want it to be…)


I read it wrong, I read faction transfer :frowning_face:

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This is very good news! Sholah described the rationale for making a barrier to casual transfers above, but the current pricing is prohibitive for people with many characters on a (dead-ish) realm.

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This really is a god send.

I have 5 toons that I play regularly, and they all work together with their professions. If I want to move 1 Character, I need to move the entire support group.

I’ve been asked to join Guilds on different servers, but have had to decline to avoid losing out on all of my hard work.

Edit Whether this is actually good news is all down to the end cost. I wouldn’t want to spend much more than current price for moving 1 toon, to move all of them. I think OP is right, £4.99 per toon is a reasonable price.


I can understand why you are nice to be around .

Please make this Horde to Alliance as well please but not the other way :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a trap - they’ll reduce cost. Rake in the money of people using the new ‘value services’ and then announce that factions are being removed and cross realm guilds and raiding will be implemented in 10.0.



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Helo Kaivax, is this bundle of character transfer gonna be available for wow TBC classic players too ? Because it is not precised Thanks !

That made me laugh so much.


Kaivax, can we have cross-faction guilds?

As someone who migrated some horde from Stormscale to twisting nether , regrets it and wants to move them back , this is great news

Cheers for the post and info :beers:

And now make this pls also for faction change

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You shouldnt charge money for realms that are dead in the first place. Those realms should either be merged (which should have happened an eternity ago) or be offered free transfer. Also it wont fix faction imbalance whatsoever unless you (you as in your superiors) think “well if all alliance plays on one realm in the end its fine isnt it?”.


Ah, so basically even realm merging is going to cost us money now.

Because lets be real, if it weren’t already needed, it certainly will be after this, since the game is in such a depressingly bad state that the playerbase, and thus the population of many realms, are at an all time low.


Back in 2015 when Doomhammer and Turalyon were merged players told you even then it was not enough to keep them going and since then both servers have appeared as “new players” and they are not attracting them at all .
Infact even being connected the server’s are bleeding dry.


Will you also be releasing canon character names for players instead of making them restricted?

I’d rather see them connect more servers than look for another means to get money from people.