Reduce Realm Transfer Cost


Just a thought, £19 is a bit extortionate for a quick change of realm.

Why not lower it to like, £4.99?

More people will buy it and people can move their alts at a more reasonable price to their mates realm/server group.


Bot companies would also love it.


think overall WoW has the most expensive Optional extras of all games.


They want the money


The goal here is to reduce the number of players using that service with high prices, but keep the option available if you really need it.

If the only goal was to increase MTX revenues then you can be sure that a 5€ transfer would be a massive success… I’d probably use it every few weeks to move mats from one realm to another, that’s not even a single token for a back & forth & usually massively profitable.

But it’ll destabilize the economy (fun fact : you can actually be ban if you abuse the transfer services to move massive quantities of mats from one realm to another, it happened in BFA iirc) and most likely cause issues for smaller realms.

edit : Quick example for my realm <=> draenor.

I could buy 15 000 heavy desolate leather on draenor, sell them on my own realm and get the price of my token back. That’s 73 inventory / bank slots, which leaves me dozens more for pure profit.

You’re trying to earn gold by crafting potions ? Sry mate, they are 25% cheaper on another realm & with a quick and cheap transfer i’ll flood your AH with hundreds of pots below crafting price.

And let’s not talk about bots who will be able to flood even more realms with the transfers


Or fix the dead realm issue. Would be nice too. Or free transfers for ppl on dead realms…as there isn’t much fixing going on!

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Cool point however - Why not offer a once per 6 month character move for all players or something? Maybe even annual?

It would just be nice to bring back a character from a server group that’s just of no interest to that player.

The price is also a bit of a deterrant so that people don’t hop all over the show.

A one time transfer for old characters would make sense but a recurrent server transfer seem excessive. I mean do we really need to change realms for every tier ? The cons seem to outweigh the pros here.

Imho the focus shouldn’t be on free server transfers but rather on dead realms. A massive exodus of their already small playerbase won’t do them any good.

They could just turn free transfer from several high and full realms to low / med pop realms atleast for while. Could even add free faction change If you move realm what is mostly only one faction and want go opposite faction for whatever reason.

The fact it’s automated and it’s 27quid for a FC is hilarious


We intend to offer bundles of realm-to-realm character transfers for a discounted total price in a future update to World of Warcraft and the in-game Shop. This new offering will allow players to select multiple characters that are on the same account and move them all to a destination realm in one purchase.

We don’t have the final sizes, pricing, and date these new bundles will become available just yet, but we’ll let you know all of that as soon as possible.



That is most wonderful news for those who need these services. Much obliged Blizzard, much obliged.

Could you also perhaps think on making name changes a little bit cheaper? Thank you.

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Jesus where did he come from? o.O


Thats good news everyone!

Nazareth I believe


Gz OP you made it to the big leagues! You got a US mod to give you a answer!


Would be nicer if ppl on dead servers would get merges or free transfers as they never continued merging :sweat_smile:


Make it free until you find a solution to the unbalance between factions. We shouldn’t have to pay more because of the failings of Blizzard and I’m surely not going to.