Reduce Realm Transfer Cost

Don’t hold your breath it will be something idiotic anyway like 3 chars for 50€ because technically that is still “reduced price” while yet ripping people off.


Yeah F*** empty servers that are dying. Who needs a good servermanagement when you can just get rid of all the servers to have 1-2 big mega servers. The best part? Let the payers “cough” players pay for it! Genius!

To add some suggestions:

  • Alts must have certain a level
  • More alts → less costs (the level restriction prevents lvl 1 char spamming)
  • What about: Higher level with alt means less costs

Any update on this possible? OR MERGE THE LOW POPULATED SERVERS…

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Make it free for those on dead servers… charging people left behind who have continued to support you isn’t fair.


Thanks, this answers a question I have asked myself about the history of Doomhammer/Turalyon as connected realms. I have looked and searched many places, but could not find any info about when it happened and eventual background for it and how it was received.

Yes, I am kinda geeky this way. :slight_smile:

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Why take £4.99 for service when players are willing to pay up to £19?

Can’t even transfer off my dead server. Keep getting an error I have mail and auctions. Which I don’t.

Totally the wrong approach,
Like other mmos make realms irrelevant.

It should not matter what realm you are on, you should be able to group up
Join guilds do content, realms are such an old fashioned approach.

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I know you know it but this is not a company that cares alot about his players^^ Why do something for free when you can charge the players to fix the problem. This is highly toxic but as long as the whales are on the hook nothing will change. I mean they rather work on “multi-char”-transfer instead of combing realms.

The realm approach is actually not that bad if you manage it right (server reputation and other stuff i can’t remember). But server management costs money… even if it is not much. Having 5 ingame GM’s around the world that could scout all the servers around the world to cover up different “scanning”-times to stop botting also costs nothing… its even reducing the income for them so why even bother.

If you have say 5 people across 5 servers they cant be in the same guild. Seems a bit out of date these days.

Has this been confirmed yet? I need to transfer 9 chars from my dead server but I can’t pay £25 each :l

It should be free from dead servers just like classic and classic TBC just got !


Looks like it is a Classic Blizzard SoonTM kind of situation.

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Yaaz make it easier for people who spam the Black Market to corrupt the market prices lets gooo.

“The technology just isn’t there yet”

final fantasy found a way to fix this by offering great boosts to people on low pop servers. Something like 100% xp boost…

Any news about it? Got some chars i want to move :laughing:

It will probably be quite expensive still, it’d be better if they would just give some for free.

That’s about as unlikely as the realm merges they completely forgot about to save some of the low pop servers :stuck_out_tongue: (like mine) At this point i’ve just come to the conclusion that they just want us to pay the full price.

I suspect ‘destination realm’ will be pre-selected, i.e. no choice. It’s the way they always do things in this game, no point in trying to please the customers.

edit. sorry for being cynical.