Release Hyjal separately from Black temple?

I think it would be pretty cool to separate these two raids. They didn’t release at the same time in TBC, and the current set up feels like it kills any hype for hyjal. We’re all looking forward to illidan, and black temple in phase 3, but hyjal feels very much like an afterthought.

If it was to come as it’s own mini 5 boss raid say 2-3 months into this tier, then you had Black temple 2-3 months later i think the content pacing would feel a lot nicer. Hyjal would get it’s own moment in the sun, but feel like the mini tier between phase 2, and black temple.

It would also make phase 3 progress a little bit less daunting for most guilds, as progressing 14 bosses will leave a lot of guilds on the progress raid schedule for quite a long time.

Personally i feel like splitting Hyjal and Black temple just feels much nicer, as long as you don’t make Hyjal it’s own full length phase. Treat it as a mini phase


Why? Neither of them are particularly hard or fun, why extend the painful wait for Sunwell?

Technically they didn’t, but in reality the developers didn’t plan for anyone to raid Hyjal before Black Temple was released. Prior to the release of BT you could only attune one player per raid, meaning a guild would need 12 weeks worth of both Vashj and Kael kills to field an almost full Hyjal team even if they ran split raids (which afaik no top guilds did). Combined with leveling time, gearing up, attunements, broken boss mechanics and time to figure out tactics for t5 bosses it’s pretty clear that the devs never intended for players to start raiding Hyjal any significant time before BT was released.

Also, there never was any hype for Hyjal, even back in 2006. It was considered a snoozefest by most people back then.

It was never intended to be a mini tier between t5 and t6. There is a reason it drops t6 loot…

No guild capable of killing Vashj and Kael (and thus be attuned) will have any problems killing the majority of bosses in Hyjal and BT.

Please don’t. Blizzard have already caused more than enough harm by splitting up the t4 and t5 raid releases and by releasing season 2 too early. We are already past the point where Black Temple should have been released if we followed the TBC release schedule.


I feel like your missing the key point that i don’t want it to delay Black temple. I just want it half way through this tier

This wouldnt really work from pvp perspective: add Hyjal before s3 and its unfair towards healer combos, add only Hyjal after s3 and its unfair to double dps combos. Of course they could make it so that Hyjal would open only couple weeks/a month max before BT in season 3 which would not have that great of an impact to pvp.

I guess a month before BT would be pretty good time to drop it.
Would find it odd if they drop together because of the attunement for BT needing MH and stuff.
So its in a way ‘designed’ to be open before BT, right?

No I’m not missing your point. Black Temple (and Hyjal) is already delayed. But releasing Hyjal today would also be a mistake due to previous mistakes made by Blizzard. Releasing both raids in around 1-2 months from now is the only reasonable solution for anyone wanting to keep raid progression anything near what it was intended to be by the people developing it.

You already got season 2 a full raid tier too early. Season 3 belongs alongside Zul’Aman.

Gnome please, you really think its intended to have the seasons drag a full season behind? Just because back in the day PvE content was open doesnt mean it was raided to the fullest lmao. As PvE is a piece of cake nowadays and PvP on the other hand seems to be optimized to the oblivion, dragging pvp seasons behind would mean that double dps combos would be the most OP stuff ever (as if rogues, mages and locks already werent overrepresented in PvP…). Hate to break it to you pal, but times change and no doubt Blizzard also knows this. Just a reality check for you.

Season 2 was originally released after the release of t6 raids, and after both end bosses of those raids had been killed. So yes, season 2 was very much designed to be released later than it was in TBC classic.

Oh, I’m well aware that the people working at Blizzard these days are incompetent. Why else would they have come up with the idea of delaying season 1 until their time gated release of t5 content? It’s also very evident that they want to hand out as much welfare gear as fast as possible, just like in retail. I’m at the point where I expect blizzard to make the worst decisions possible whenever they have the option to do so, that way I no longer get disappointed when they do.

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Youre missing the point which is that people back in the day did not raid within the same scale as now. Repeating the original sequence would result in so that healer combos would be completely useless in pvp. I mean I guess dps players would like that, but it wouldnt be fair tho.

If this was the case they wouldve released the raids with the original schedule, because PvE gear is welfare gear, not PvP gear.

Surely they’ve made mistakes, but pacing content the current way surely is not one of them.

Arenas was never intented to be fair. If they were we would have seen far more attempts at class balance.

A certain (original) TBC developer called PvP gear welfare gear at blizzcon :slight_smile:
Anyway, I didn’t only have the rushed PvP gear in mind, but also stuff like the brewfest trinkets which belongs long after Sunwell release.

Delaying t5 as long as they did was certainly a mistake. If it was available at release we wouldn’t see such a clear gap between 8/10 and 10/10 guilds. Sure, some guilds would still have cleared t5 fairly quickly, but far fewer than what we see now. More guilds would also have been stuck at bosses like Solarian, Al’ar and Morogrim. Probably even Hydross.

I am fairly sure its better to keep the game playable instead of keeping it abusable and unfair by purpose coughs in seal of blood to alliance and other countless modifications from the original times

Yes it used to be welfare gear back when PvE mechanics were new as the players. But now as the mechanics are old and the players too, the tables have turned.

Yeah sure

Not a PvE expert here, but im fairly sure there wouldve been a huge gap between the guilds clearing every content and the guilds not managing to do so. But eventually even the lowest guilds would go 8/10 on t5 and the pve gear superiority would be completely unfair. I guess rogues would be even more fotm then, maybe youd like that idk?

Btw newsflash: they probably wouldve gatekept the t5 content even more if new world hadnt released, so id expect a fairly long p2.

Rushing arena seasons has nothing to do with keeping the game playable. Seal of Blood to the alliance, and Blizzards reasoning, is just another example of Blizzard having no idea what they are doing.

That is correct. But teh guilds not yet able to kill Vashj and Kael wouldn’t all be stuck at the same boss for weeks (or months) as we have people complainging about already. Instead they would have seen proper progression.

There is nothing unfair about rewarding success in an MMORPG.

I couldn’t care less what the fotm is in arenas.

We’ll see. If what the people in 8/10 guilds claim on these forums is true we might see a fairly short p2.

It seems you only care about PvE, which is why youre very biased.

Yeah aight so youre just biased.

So lets add arena seasons before tiers insert your argument here /s

Since you seem to have 0 interest of having the game overall balanced, but to rather be able to hit 15 year old computer dummies, I guess theres nothing more for me to add.

That’s not true. What I care about is a somewhat true TBC experience. Rushed arena seasons does not promote that.

I wouldn’t expect someone who enjoys running around pillars for hours to understand how other people have fun though.

Woah, get a load of Mr. Fun Police here…

Because the current raiding progress of guilds gives such an accurate and true TBC experience. /s

A problem partially caused by decisions made by Blizzard. What’s your point?

A problem caused by the fact that the content is 15 year old and people tend to learn, even the slowest ones.

Not really. Bad players are still bad.

Unfortunately that isn’t true. If it was we wouldn’t see threads asking for nerfs to Vashj and Kael.

If you believe PvE is anywhere close when it comes to challenge as it was back in the day, then youre as delusional as you are tiny my sir. PvE gear is welfare gear, I really dont see why anyone would take it seriously, if you want serious PvE you gotta go to retail. You having fun bashing 15 year old computer mechanics has nothing to do with “true TBC experience”.