Reminder: Tier 5 Raid Tuning Coming Next Week

Because it’s becoming almost twice as easy?
It’s not going to hurt anybody, but it’s going to make the raid more boring.

“Harder” doesn’t necessarily mean “more enjoyable” for everyone, especially when other players and personal commitments are involved. Personally, after having downed the content already, and after 3 months of this, I definitely don’t mind downtuning the difficulty to a more reasonable level. And yes, I don’t consider the current tuning of T5 (including both trash and bosses) as particularly reasonable to begin with. You disagree with that? Tough s _ _ t I guess.

But TK/SSC are easy enough?
They’re on LFR/Normal difficulty?

What exactly is wrong with them?
If you wanted to steamroll through TK/SSC, there is retail for a reason :man_shrugging:

If you want Heroic/Mythic difficulty,

There’s no heroic/mythic for TK/SSC :slight_smile:
But I guess people always want changes to make the game easier once they can’t clear it.

You can finally clear SSC/TK though, grats :slight_smile:

We were originally told that we’d only get KT/Vash nerfs.
Now we’re getting EVERY boss nerfed.
There’s a big difference.

I actually had cleared SSC/TK before with my previous guild, though my current one is still at 9/10, but I don’t know of anyone in my guild that is seriously bummed out by the news that these nerfs are coming, especially after all the weeks we spent suffering through wipes etc. If anything, most ppl feel relieved at the idea of having a moment of breathing at least until P3 comes around.

Though tbf I’d still welcome the nerfs even if I still was in my previous guild.

Tbf, even before that post about KT/Vash and Morogrim, we had been told that we’d get full nerfs and attunement removal at the end of each phase. Again, I can somewhat relate to the disappointment if all you wanted was for these nerfs to happen only when P3 comes, and the best I can hope for you is that P3 won’t be far behind Dec 14th, but you knew these nerfs would come soon anyway.

Maybe they pushed these nerfs a bit earlier because there are Xmas holidays in the middle and P3 is supposed to come early in new year? Just spitballing. I guess we’ll find out soon anyway.

We were told, but we were originally told in the first blue post that we’d only have those 3 bosses nerfed.
All the others were quite fine.
Vash/KT was mostly around bad RNG which can affect the progression on them.
But nerfing every boss was just stupid though.
Especially since nobody struggles on previous bosses and mostly just KT/Vash.

If they wanted to do it correctly, they should’ve nerfed trash/KT/Vash/Morogrim murlocs.
Not everything.

Morogrim could still be tricky if a tank got tombed at the wrong time, so I can’t say I feel bad about murlocs’ HP being cut down by 75% or anything. Aside from that, most bosses really won’t change much. Hydross and Leo will only lose maybe 10-15% HP, if they didn’t feel faceroll they aren’t gonna feel faceroll now. Void Reaver and Karathress aren’t gonna change one bit. I can sort of relate to you about Solarian but that’s about it.

The one part I am most happy about, though, are the massive HP nerfs to trash. Most mobs will lose between 20 and 50% HP (for ex the Colossi will go down from about 750k HP to roughly 500k). That alone will make the raid 100% more enjoyable for me. If you feel like you despise this because it makes the raid too fast, then I feel like you may have to consider finding something more fun to do in your life than killing Serpentshrine Lurkers and Sporebats.

You do realize the nerf to everything would’ve come regardless in just a matter of a few weeks at most? I’m sure that by the time P3 rolls around you’ll still be fine.

It should not be nerfed the entirety of the expansion. No reason to. Put in a little sweat and you are golden.

It was back then. It should be now. I don’t see why I should suffer a lot more than in 2007 for absolutely no reason…

… especially because I wouldn’t. Most people wouldn’t. Most people would just stop raiding unnerfed T5 altogether because, with T6 being much easier than T5 and dropping better loot, you’d have no more reason to go back to T5 anymore. And even hardcore guilds, when push comes to shove, bow down to the path of least resistance.

does this include the nerfs to trash thats on the PTR?

I think it will. Heck, I think we might even see the nerf (that came with 2.4 originally) that made Kael and Vashj doable even if you hadn’t killed other bosses before. At least, from what I heard from PTR, Vashj’s bridge is already up when you first step in (it wasn’t back in pre-P2 PTR).

Which would be nice to have IMO, especially after P3 starts, since it would allow the guilds that couldn’t farm Vashj and Kael to come back for those two only once they managed to conquer T6 raids - keep in mind that Vashj and Kael still have a few items that’re BiS until SWP at least, but next to none of the other TK/SSC bosses have anything interesting compared to T6 loot.

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If they should nerf something is adds between bosses. so we could have a few more attempts on each boss. but I think most guilds who havent killed vashj and kael just struggling with getting a team together each week.

Guess noone is 100% certain about the trash nerfs, also heard about the Vashj bridge… guess we will just wait and see :))

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Bosses easy as is. Remove nerf. Instead, buff boss.

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Great happy to see this change.

I’m ok with this. We have SSC and TK for farm for more than a month and it would be great to reduce the raid times in preparation for phase 3.

So much for just nerfing 3 bosses. Those nerfs are ridiculous, T5 content will now be easier than T4.


They are giving them the NB treatment.

Free server transfers for dead factions transfers when?