Removal of titanforging will destroy mythic+

So we mythic raiders only need the first few bosses to get geared? and 10+ is a walk in the park.

Raiders said it’s not about gear, they just want to see the content.

It’s an mmo ofcourse you want to max out your character and get proper rewards from what you are acctually doing, If you do a key over 20, I wouldnt complain that those guys get something better than ppl doing a 10+ key, It’s a silly system tbh

So could you tell me why you aren’t killing them on mythic if they are that easy for everyone?
I mean yes they are easy, but compared to a +10 I dont think they are any easier, or any more complex. Its a lot of co-ordination though.

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Issue is most people that do the 20+ are using mythic raiding gear, it’s a lot harder to do it with the gear you get from M+ alone, best trinkets and weapons are from the raid, at least in the current tier, depends on class and spec.

My issue is mostly with how all this will affect PvP, people who like PvP don’t want to spend their time doing PvE and I’d prefer not to but I just can’t so I’m forced into M+ and raiding, I stopped raiding few months ago because 80% of the time I spent raiding I had thoughts of doing PvP so the only option for me to stay somewhat competitive with raiders in PvP is by doing M+, unfortunately.

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If you wanna gauge difficulty by handling numbers and loot scarcity, World bosses are 1 boss and can take up to 40 members to kill.

You and I can twist things to suit our narrative as much as we want, but that won’t change the fact that both content require different skillsets.

What even is this…

You act like doing an m+20 or above is just a plug and play and will go down, or like having a leader assign some people to do stuff is some kind of hard job.

Yeah like Hinata interrupt the add with X, Dk tank mass grip the adds when they spawn! yep, definitely hard.

On the other hand, while a raid usually has 1-3 players talking an M+ at the highest levels has all 5 players talking and interacting, which requires much more synergy, and it also has more real time decision making than preset paths that will never, EVER deviate and the only thing that matters is when something will happen.

You also act like leaving some website to recruit or spamming trade chat and trialing people is something hard, if anything it’s a trivial and luck based, If you have the best players it won’t matter sometimes because just no one wants to join you guild, your progress is limited by other things that aren’t your " skill "

" One of them can wipe the whole raid "

Absolutely false, evident by the amount of Mythic raid sells and the guilds that get cutting edge with trials / pug players.

Sure there may be an important tactic like doing the belt on Siegecraft blackfuse in SoO and 1 person failure can result in a wipe, but that’s a niche role and even dungeons have the same tactics every now and then.

" your guild may bench you for certain bosses, while bench on M+doesn’t exist "

Yeah probably because everyone forgot that arms warriors don’t exist anymore, and seriously what kind of guild actually benches people unless it’s a tryhard top guild and then I can use the same argument that tryhard top M+ groups bench all other classes that aren’t meta, infact the " benching " is harder evident by just searching for a random M+ group and I quote " ROGUE ONLY " " WAR TANK " " 1500+ RIO ONLY " once in group " lol feral druid " followed by a kick.


Yep, and likewise really for raiding, depending on class some BiS stuff comes from M+. Perhaps some kind of currency? A chance for 1 of said currency to drop, up to x times per week (3 / 4?).
Go to a vendor in exchange for 1 of said currency you get to roll on the entire loot table of raid for a chance of stuff that way ? And vice versa.
But said currency only drops at the highest levels, or have them tagged Mythic, Heroic, Normal etc, +4-6, +7-8, +9-10 …Although with the removal of TF rolls on M+ wouldnt be needed,and likeise the mythic rolls from M+ should be gated behind an equally difficult Key level.

I really was tryiing not go there ,but im glab someone did. Thank you.

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Yeah perhaps, an alternative fair system to gearing should exist on all levels imo regardless to where you stand and raiding shouldn’t be the only way, I don’t have any good suggestions to make here but ideally it should exist and I hope that in the next expansion it’s going to be better, I don’t really see it happening in the next patch though.

“i want endgame rewards, but cba putting effort into it” - i want instant gratification or the chance of being lucky without effort.

thats all i read

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The unavoidable ones of course need defensive cooldowns, Regardless of what ilvl you got this is a standard. My point is regardless if you had 450 or 440 it will still one shot you. M+ isn’t a progressive challenge, it is more of an extreme and planned challenge.

All the higher key runners all do mythic raiding, so it just doesn’t really matter if you have TF or not. you still run with 445 as a base ilvl. People get the specific bis as they need for higher keys.

Just brings it down to a more balanced competition of no more lucky 445+ ilvl vs average 440+ ilvl. Everyone is similar ilvl, just comes down to a more risk & reward decision on corruption vs party combination which I think can make a more interesting meta in theory. Will have to wait and see.

I do believe this corruption is only the initial test phase, I think Blizzard will start designing dungeon specific effects and raid specific effects. For the next expansion. To balance the 2.

Well, it kinda is, the only way to get 455 weapons from PvE is by doing mythic raids, weapons levels can increase up to 10 and M+10+ gives you 440 baseline so that’s 450 tops, subtle difference but still, not to mention that some of the best gear is from raiding like the Azshara staff so let’s not pretend that M+ is on par with mythic raids in terms of gear and let’s not pretend that item level is everything.

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When has this ever been the case? Maybe one of two people get lucky with TF but the majority of people don’t.


It actually won’t. The difference in HP between 430 and 445 is something stupid like 65 000 HP. That makes an enormous difference in surviving unavoidable mechanics.


The biggest issue is that if you wanna push keys and only do m+ you cant compete with mythic raiders.


For the current tier without TF the average ilvl is 440 with max necklace. I don’t think you should be comparing with 430. It’s easy to just compare numbers but to be realistic even without TF it is easy to get 440 ilvl your necklace itself boost your ilvl by a lot.

This is a given, as regardless of what the trinkets and weapons are bis from the raid tiers.

But I think blizzard will fix this in the next expansion, I can kinda see dungeon specific effects and raid specific effects coming into play. As M+ weren’t considered a main end game feature since it’s still new from Legion a lot of tweaks and changes made on it till now.

It is the same with pvp. you have the azerite trait that is specific for pvp vs pve. I think this will happen for m+ vs raiding. The new corruption system might just be a test for these special effects.

My point is, HP scales with item level. If the difference between 430 and 445 is 65K then what is the difference between 440 and 450? It would be equally large (if not larger) so how in the world would the same stuff be equally lethal to you at both those item levels?

I get you and know what you saying the extra stamina helps with the survivability.

Go check how many people actually can get 450 ilvl. majority is between 440-450 ilvl. The TF isn’t a big of a deal if you look across the average ilvl on the raider. Just check the all time leaderboards and see how many actually have TF gear. I would think average 2-3 TF pieces? If super lucky maybe 4.

All I am saying I don’t think removing those 2-3 TF pieces by 5-15 ilvl will destroy the mythic+, keeping in mind having the new corrupted effects and sockets.

:smiley: I had to

(really wished blizz would sort out the permissions for posting links. This is getting silly)

http s:// raider .io/characters/eu/kazzak/Gigabob

Im afraid youll need to remove the spaces.
Thats the healer from World rank 1 of all runs. But I counted 8 in total alongside 6 sockets.