Remove Battleground auto-group feature

You are being dishonest with your arguments. This is MMO game by default and it is impossible to join a BG alone as BGs will not start without minimum number of participants.

Solo queue vs. solo queue is fair. Group vs. Group is fair. The bottom line question is, do you want to play fair or do you want to play against people who cannot win no matter what they do?

I am fine with group vs group rated battlegrounds, just don’t force me to play to them because they are not very enjoyable experience. I want to play solo queue games vs. other solo queue players. In these games people make mistakes and not everyone is running around with a personal healer. It’s overall more satisfying experience even if you happen to lose a game.

you are as honest as an italian and call me dishonest. My suggestion has always been to make battlegrounds group vs group exclusive. Solo queue only enables leeching and botting aswell as enables what is degenerate asocial behaviour.

People make as many mistakes in group vs group as they would with the current system. Probably more so as tactics and strategy would have a higher weight than it does when communication is such a small part of pugging.

Pugging bgs has to be one of the worst experiences I have encountered in wow apart from leveling. The games are infested with people who give up, play worse than bots or are bots. The average person doesn’t even talk to their team or even listen to information. The same system also enables these people from learning the basics of the game.

You really should not pass critique on anyone when you do not even understand what you read. You even contradict yourself in your reply. How could solo queue players leech if they were exclusively playing against other non-grouped solo queue players? (read: separate games for join as group and solo join)

You are looking at the situation through the lens of the current mess that is the battlegrounds where the outcome of every game is decided who has more premade group joiners on their side. Solo queue joiners are just used to provide instant queues and cannon fodder for the premade honor farmers. Every game is inherently unfair, of course people are going to give up because there is no point playing against a full premade with a bunch of randoms with zero healers.

Join as group is the problem, because it is used by people who want quick access to high end gear. If you actually got your way and battlegrounds would be transformed into exclusive group vs. group action, you would hate it. Games would be a lot longer on average, often it takes 6 - 10 minutes to just cap BS alone in AB. The only reason you think you like group join battlegrounds is because a lot of times you get to farm the poor solo queue joiners with your 5 man teams. In these games, you think you “rule” and are “the best” gamers who ever lived.

How is it possible that you do not see that the only reason you win these games is the fact that the games are unfair? What kind of man goes anywhere and beats up people who have zero chances of winning?

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Since you are implying solo queue without teammates then that has nothing to do with this post. That has no place in wow to begin with.

Join as group is absolutely not the problem. The problem is that solo queue is possible to begin with and that MMR is missing. I’ve played premade vs premade on private servers, classic and rbgs on retail. All are far more enjoyable than the trash that is random bgs.

Only Blizzard employees are thinking like you.

Especially RDF was the best thing in original WOTLK when it came in ICC patch, everyone loved it.

Literally no one said anything bad about it.

Everyone likes convenience and less boredom until they realize what degeneracy it leads to. Your short sighted mentality is what leads to degeneracy and hedonism.

LFR and LFG were greatly appreciated when they were both added, but both just degraded the game and the challenge that was supposed to be there to begin with.

LFG Shouldn’t be added. The group system on retail is far better, the group finder used to make M+ groups. M+ is a much better system that should replace normal & heroic mode. Adding increased XP for same level party and boosting quest XP from both being in a party and solo should be done to solve the boosting “issue” which just stems from the fact how boring the content is. This is probably the main reason non retards want LFG.

You are not the right person to tell me what I should think.

RDF was excellent, and worked very well.

Now only vanilla andies, some streamers and Blizzard employees think like you.

I assume that you didn’t played original WOTLK, because real WOTLK fans would never think like you.

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Sure it worked well in doing exactly what it was intended to do. Automate group finding, remove travel time, investment and social cohesion.

I did play original wotlk but that doesn’t mean I’m a fan of trash systems. Cataclysm is a better expansion than wotlk and that even added LFR.

Being a “wotlk fan” has to be the gringest thing ive heard today. On par with being a tbc enjoyer.

You are wrong, and bad liar.

Retherz, Blizzard employee.

accuse others for what u are doing.

the liar here is you, hyena

Only liar here is you.

And whole community knows it now.

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