Remove Dungeon Deserter

It really needs to go.

People will…

  • need to AFK/BRB
  • DC in dungeons
  • get kicked for no or any stupid reason you can think of

People are paying their monthly sub just to get screwed over by RDF debuff because of some really insane reasons which are honestly just semiHC and HC player mindsets.
Please get rid of this garbage debuff and ADD a dungeon blacklist option.


nope and make it even tougher on people who leave after first boss

  1. If they do it in an non-premade dungeon they will just kick for a replacement. Players have AFKed intentionally before to incite a kick to avoid a penalty.
  2. If a DC occurs, a replacement will enter and then a penalty levied. Players have DC’d intentionally before to avoid a penalty.
  3. They may kick for any or no reason a stipulated by Blizzard because the worse situation is the above 2 which the guy just holds the party hostage to avoid a penalty.

That is correct, due to see point 3. Without the penalty in place the situation would become from “rare” to “very common” as that was the case before the penalty was set to combat very rampant abuse as asked by the community and since then it remained active.


It’s always the retail players having a bad take, why am I not suprised.

Yes, let’s force someone that needs one specific item from the first boss in HoO, Throne of Tides or Deadmines to play a long dungeon with RP cutscenes and/or annoying trash packs.
Or force players to play Vortex Pinnacle which is just annoying on any aspect imaginable.

That is obvious af if it is done in a dungeon, it’s perfectly normal to go do a short task and return or have a toilet break.
There are even more reasons why short AFKs/BRBs occur for more casual players than I.

Because the attitude and stupid idea is to punish players even if it is a false positive is simply put a bad idea in practice. Which is proving the very point that Blizzard cannot solve this entire issue without people getting punished for something that is out of their control.

Same as above, why bother handing out a debuff when the company is clearly incompetent and unwillingly to go over this blatant issue? All of this are the worst case scenarios, which are rare to happen to begin with.

There is a really easy way that already exists for you to avoid all of this, which is just making a group with your guildies/buddies and queueing as a group, then you can afk all you want and not get kicked.

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Yeah but he aint that smart :stuck_out_tongue:


ever heard of RL things or other things related to it? eventually you will have to go solo.
this is even more true for those who dont really have a guild and/or friends.

Maybe you need to prioritise differently if you seem to have 5+ occasions every single day where you need to afk, dc & walk the dog.

You clearly do not have time to run dungeons if everytime you queue for one, something comes up for you to go away from your pc.
Imagine this attitude in a raid, where you just afk 5 times everytime.

Is this really THAT much of an issue for people where they have to afk this much ?
Personally I’ve never seen someone kicked for going to the bathroom for example.


Gonna be honest. Not trying to make anyone mad here. I’ve heard a lot about this but never actually been kicked from a dungeon when I’m actively putting work in and not antagonising anyone.

There will be edgecases, but what I will say is - if you’re constantly getting dungeon deserter, you probably need to take a look at your own behavior.

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agreed remove it; complete nonsense! If people dont like the dungeon they are in they should be able to leave! Very simple

Instead of punishing those that leave address the actual issue here which obviously is lack of extra search options such as; We should be able to upvote 3 dungeons and downvote up to 3 dungeons! This would ACTUALLY ADDRESSS the issue instead of punishing people FOR NO DAMN REASON!

We have this in StarCraft 2 for a reason; Blizzard please learn from your own damn franchises!

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Yes, lets! If they lack common human decency to stay by themselves.

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Nope. Pure Classic Andy here and I vote for heavier sanctions for leavers.

As for your second paragraph…just pathetic… Screw your group. It´s no excuse even if DPS is replaced in a matter for seconds. Do you also leave raids when there are no more loot prospects for you available?

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Prioritise all you want, at the end of the day there will be some occasion that will shortly force you to afk for a min and you could end up kicked as any role.
Congratz you got deserter for 1min afk. It seriously needs to go.

Not gonna respond to the rest of your post because it is a bane for a casual player rather than someone that plays the game semi-HC/HC, which is one of the reasons why this kicking system is stupid to begin with.

So you would rather punish players that get forced into some hellish dungeons rather than improve this cursed system? Ayamea makes a good point, how does SC2 have it, but Cata doesn’t?

Not me personally, people still do anyways and do you see them getting a debuff? No you don’t, they get blacklisted most likely on a server discord to begin with.

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I won’t force you to either. But the points do not become less valid or vanish because of it.
Theres nothing “semi-hc” or “hc” to put away around 30minutes to a dungeon.
If there are things that will interrupt you often, run with a premade. Doesn’t have to be a guild run.

I just find it a bit wild that you have soo much a day that interrupts you so frequently.
And every group doesn’t kick either. Hell try put follow on someone, see if that helps.

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well i do - when i pug :slight_smile:

why would you stay if there is nothing to be gained ?

I´m not too sure if you are just trolling these here forums or if you are just that psslow of a human being.

I got kicked a few times becouse when i died in a dungeon, i must run with my spirit at the entrance, but i have no idea where it is, a few entrances of some dungeons are kinda hidden or hard to find. If i ask for help i get kiked out with no restrain and get 30 min. debuf. At least make it so we DONT run with spirit at the entrance and instead give a debuff with a 1min. timer or something like that. Or maybe it should be better to not have LFG dungeons available if you DONT enter them 1st on your own so you at least learn where it is. Its bad to just teleport to dungeon as soon as your ilvl allows you to, but then you have no idea where you are and people dont care to guide you at all for 30 seconds or watever. I know i can do that on my own, but if there is no reason to go to dungeon on foot when trying to get geared as fast as posible, in reality make no sense to run to every dungeon and try to learn theyr location without anny quest for it. Maybe make the quests available outside of the dungeon?

PS: i got kiked again becouse i try to help other people to get inside the dungeon while in spirit form,(becouse i know how much it sux to not knowing where to go, this happens specilly in Blackrock spire) and now i learned the way to the entrance, but others was in same place as me when i didnt knew, and becouse i try to help them and guide them, and doing so i wasted someones in the group preciouss 1min. time, we all got kiked and replaced one by one. This seems fair to you? What a crap design, is reallllly baad. This is verry abused by toxic people and we cant do anything about it.

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They kinda do become less valid due to 5 randoms playing the dungeon in their own unique way, most of which will be casual dads to begin with.

You have to be delusional if you think like that, you truly do.
The playstyle alone on how fast you pull or howmany pulls you do, chain pulling and more. Or when DPS start pulling and believe they can do it aswell as a tank.
Or howabout we mention trash skipping whenever you can do so.
Depending on how HC a dungeon grp is the chances of kicking the casuals out of the group are more likely to happen. Compared to a 5 casual player group that met through RDF.

The game was never made just for HC players, and never will be adjusted to.

Again not me personally, but I play with people that do have a life to begin with. Something you can’t understand apparently.

or you are trying to find some higher moral ground where there is absolutely 0 need for one

its a computer game - meant to be enjoyable fun

you are not gainging anything irl for it to be worth paying attention to stuff you mention .

especialy that lfd ensure leavers are instant replaced.

if you want to form meaningfull interactions - find a guild and do stuff with guild. not with random pugs.

its exactly the same reason im nowadays bailing instantly from what looks like failed m+ runs - my experince tell me that its never worth staying in one - you just loose time and nerves. and failers wont even know that they are the reason why its like it is.

and if you tell them that - they will report you back .

so not worth typic even 1 symbol in random pugs.

those peopel are just not worth it.

if life is interupting you - then close down game and focus on life.

that should be your priority in first place anyway

and you shouldnt care if you will get deserter debuff because of it.

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