Remove Dungeon Deserter

It really do be like that. Having done hundreds of RDF dungeons I myself have never been kicked and I can only recall 5 or so votes coming up at all. Only one of those were uncalled for (low GS) and a majority voted against kicking. The others have been people going AFK all the time without saying anything.

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Seems more like hes upset at life than the game.
Grumpy old man.

Blizzard the solution is simple; this also applies to everyone here in this debate we KNOW the solution because it has been done before! Apply solution to problem and problem will be gone! Simple as that.

This reads like a you issue.

If youre getting kicked from a group, youre most likely not doing your role, or constantly going afk.

I hope they increase the deserter buff personally.

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Or that may mean other guy who votes to kick you may need teh very same item with you. Or teh guy which you warn for his mistake may want to get revange. r soem one just wants to troll you… That’s Blizzard’s middlefinger

Just sign up to a specific dungeon and not a random one then… very simple

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Explore the world at your own time… Does your mom also feed you because no one ever showed you where entrance to your mouth is? Goda effing dammit why is wow suddenly a daycare for grown men who vant accomplish the simplest of tasks!??

Calm down satan.
30minute is enough of a punish imo. As you’re both punishing leavers & potential collateral damage of people who was genuinely just going for a bathroom break. Or had to pick something up that fell on the floor in the living room.

You can’t distinguish these 2 situations, so a middleground is fine.

you can only do that once a day

and yes - bliz should change that and let people just farm up the specific piece they need.

or put more pieces on jp vendor :slight_smile:

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Just get better at the dungeon game or find a bunch of friends to run rdf with you

I hate that people say how do you have do much stuff that distracts you from the game, you are all Litterally calling yourselves out as sad middle ages men with no jobs and not one single responsibility like a girlfriend or child. Or even a job haha

Nah that’s called being organized.

There is time for work for family for chores and for gaming.

If you have distractions during gaming it means that you dont organizmie your life well - or Play games when you shoudl be taking care of much more important things irl because of addiction .

Those people who focus on gaming are usualy 10 times mote organized - they have for example 2 hours and want to use then well - and having a player afk in dungeon is not using their time well.

incorrect if you have an acutal life, things can pop up any minute

The feature is horrible. Got kicked twice while i was top contributor on cc and dps just because of they wanted to banter.
But this system favors only those that actually don’t value their game time. I got 90 mins to play on average 4-5 times per week. So getting 30% of my time as a penalty for bantering reasons is extremely ineficient. Bad game design imo. Just fix.

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I think the guy below you kinda called it out perfectly already.
But I have a 7-16 job. I’ve had one for the past 11 years i’ve been in the working age.

I do have responsibilities, i go to the Gym, I take care of myself & my home.
Do productive work when necessary.

That doesn’t mean I can’t set aside time for gaming. What weird delusional train of thought do you have? It tells me more about you, than it does about me, if you find it difficult or outright impossible to plan your days & your activities.
Use a calendar if you need to. You have your phone.

Why is being organized & planning sucha foreign concept to you?

What? No one i know, can not do anything because something completely random can just fly out of the sky, any minute of the day. Ofcourse things can happen, but dude be realistic.

Edit: I guess a last thing. Become an adult, not by age, but by personality & growth.
Because adults don’t have volatile lives. We schedule things, we use calendars, alarms & things to keep us active & know whats coming up.

another day and another 45 min wasted, comon blizzzard, fix this. how is it i get a penalty for getting kicked ?
even after killing bosses.
This time for dying on add that tank dident have aggro on…

Reason i got Kicked Yesterday
It’s really going strong Blizzard, double penalty.
I was thrown into a Dungeon where previous healers have been kicked because they weren’t good enough.
I come in and the group leader insisted on skipping monster. after 4 incorrect attempts, I point it out to the group leader who then acknowledges with a kick.
Not only did I waste 15 minutes dying, you also just throw a Dungeon Deserter at my head.

I don’t even know why I’m writing this because the likelihood of you doing anything about it is next to nothing. Because I happily pay 13 dollars every month…


Once you grow up and have a wife and children, you will understand what the adults in this thread are talking about when they say something can come up any minute of the day.

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Generally you’re 2 people in a relationship, also 2 parents.
Again, i know parents, infact i was conceived by 2, shocking.

Being organized and able to set aside time during the day, has a meaning.
Understand it, think about what the word means.

You dumping the kid with an ipad on the floor, then sitting by the computer, is not organized.

Edit. Also, if the kid is that volatile, that your wife cannot check on the kid & he just flies all over the place, never sleeps aswell apparently. Then maybe you should consider a singleplayer game. Because raiding must be out of the question, thats atleast 2 hours and you can’t spare 30minutes.

It’s just Blizzard’s middlefinger to us. Many people than u think abuses this system without a penalty. They just kick people just for their own faults.

  • Healer do not have healing gear and people pulls extra packs on stonecore and guess what? Cause of you warn them u get kicked and 30 minutes dungeon deserter.
  • People do not know how to deal with evolution and when you tell that its their fault and explain tactics they say f…off and kick you and again 30 minutes of dungeon deserter.
  • In some cases people just kicks you for sharing a loot or just for fun.
    I think this game doesnt even deserve sub.
    Yes there should be a penalty who disturbs dungeon progress with afking, not doing ther jobs but there is no penalty for abusing the system and you just lose time …

I mean i can make a group with friends and for fun, just b4 last boss i can kick some one in dungeon b4 last boss. And no penalty for me? If there is no penalty of course people will abuse the system.


imagine setting calendars and alarms to play a game casualy…