Remove GCD from meathook

yet you love to cherrypick about shaman all the time.
once again the hypocrisy is on full blast.

or perhaps you would like for healing wave (the big shaman heal) to be put back on maelstrom weapon for the sake of consistency with your own argument as presented here, correct?

while we’re at it we could take mental dexterity back to 100% int>ap conversion up from 65% and AP>SP up from 20% to 30%.

after all, that is how it works in other expansions of wow.
can’t wait.


Why are warriors the only class that need to either deal or receive damage in order to use abilities?

Warrior doesn’t suck because he gets kited. No class can kite a class that has 3 gap closers.

Sorry, I don’t take orders from green parsers

Ehmm ok? Next time I do my retail content check i’ll try to do some orange parses so i can post on smt related to pvp.
Care to add something else on this pvp post or your sub-25k hks in 20years of retail hold you back?

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That’s cool, we can look at your classic logs too

Feel free, if you find them notice me too.
Back to the pvp now since that’s what this thread is about, your “knowledge” of pvp and the sub-25k hks after 20years that prove how ignorant you are on that part?

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I don’t need to find them, you got called out and chickened out, I already know what the situation is.

What does the number of HKs have to do with skill or knowledge? I had 2100 rating in my first arena season and after that I realised Retail PvP is dog and stopped.

Got 12K HKs on SoD tho

Grats, you’ve farmed about 35k hk in a game that exists for about 20years, guess explains why you think the following:

Not that i expected smt better from a guy that got 2.1k with DH in 1 season, quited and thinks he learnt pvp…

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Yawn. You’re a 2.2k peaker, settle down, I did in 3 months what took you years

I’m a 2.2k peaker honey cause even when arena came out i kept playing bgs on my free time cause i like the bg pvp instead of 2v2/3v3 where fotm classes like the DH you play pop all cds, roll their face on keyboard and get 2.1k.
If you even get bloodthirsty, battlemaster and khan titles we can talk again. Till then you can keep believing the following:

We need some court jesters in the forums to entertain us after all with statements like this.

I think meathook is fine as it is.
Only annoying part is that why does it have to be dodge,parried,resisted or missed?
Also why in pve content does it have to be lvl restricted at lvl 60?
Its pretty cringe not be able to meathook inside mc beacuse some mobs are to high lvl.

Lmao battlegrounds

You are in a subforum for the version of a game that pvp comes in form of either BG or open world. Want to take arenas as measurement?

Edit: actually nvm, i just remembered that you brought the pve parses in talk earlier. can’t reach lower iq than that.

Bragging about your BG rating is stupid because a whole team could be carrying you.

Nice edit on your last msg to remove the part where you talk about pve parses. Did you realize how stupid it sound or what?
And i’m not bragging about my bg rating. I’m talking about bg achievement that take months or years of pvp to complete so you have to play the game for some phases/patches/expansions, not just 1 season as some fotm 2k dhs. Guess it’s hard to realize that when you think you know the game cause you farmed 12k hks in SoD or check others’ pve parses in a pvp thread.

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I never said I know the game, though I do know it better than some green parsing clown who thinks HKs matter ( or that DHs were FOTM at any point in BFA pvp lol ) and is too chicken to show his classic char

Keep bringing pve parses on a pvp subject, it’s making it clear who’s the clown here.
At least my green parses has cleared the raids on smt higher than LFR. Btw you should go buy some enchants and gems since you care so much about parses. Your unenchanted/ungemmed character looks exactly as bad as your pvp take on how “cc immunity spells=gapclose” sounds…

Lmao when I played Retail I was a cutting edge player. Do you even know what Mythic is?

CC immunity is gapclosing you absolute eggplant, because it means you can run at your target unimpaired.

Don’t waste time with this clown, I think all ppl on this forum already know what Kellduril is.