Remove guilds from the game

This is only really the case in raiding guilds and such, but yeah it is pretty lame.

Want to do something? NO you got other stuff you have to do first.

It’s like a job in a game.

90% of you guys? why do you minmax and sim n s**t if your performance matters more than if you have fun or not?

2nd job, having a boss seems alright, helping you gear up n sheeeet

Then you do this:
Plan the raids
Get the ppl for raids
InV new ppl when needed
Make sure to sort the ppl out
Make sure that everyone is happy about the loot system so it’s fair.
Organize the PVP team
Make sure to train the team accordingly
Make sure everyone has the right spec gear enchant.
Help whenever anyone needs anything.
Make sure to announce around different forums for more ppl to join.
Make sure ur ready for next content
Make sure that everyone knows what to do
Answer 20+ questions a day repeatedly
Answer recruitment questions

It’s an fulltime job to run a guild therefor 10-15 ppl do it together. So that you can archive something good.

I can go on and on.
There are a lot of responsibilities u have to as leading guilds.

Properly made guilds

What’s best random ppl, or organized players? - therefore ppl stay in guilds

If you don’t like the smell in the bakery u can be the lone wolf

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All that grants, is the illusion of accomplishments… while you only played a video game… which is optional, so it’s not stressful and / or useful.

Maybe some people actually like playing with guilds? How do you expect to clear raids with the same people over and over without a guild or chain of command of some kind?

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By being an awesome human being?!

You don’t sound very awesome.

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Of all the whining bs threads, this one must be among the most amusing. Some people are just that delusional, I guess.


I love my guild. It’s full of great people and we always have a laugh. If it wasn’t for this guild I’d probably of stopped playing.

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Do shop around as it were. It’s not unusual to go through a few guilds before you find the one that’s right for you. There are plenty out there that advertise as being relaxed and casual then turn out to be nothing of the sort or hard core raiding then fall apart after the first raid wipe. Just keep trying until you find the one that works for you.

Oddly my alchemist isn’t in a guild (it moved) and had someone seeking a transmute CD that changed their mind about it as my char wasn’t in a guild. That was a new one on me. Seems some do see being in a guild as some sort of safety net.

I got kick from job n guild

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If you can find 39 other awesome human beings that are able to do raids together without any sort of leadership or organization, all the way to Naxx, let me know.

Hobby maybe?
I think you will fit well down in Africa or Amazonas. Civilization is not something for you.

You need someone to take responsibility for the human been. As soon as they are not controlled. it will evolve into riot until some slams the table.

Whatever it’s a ”game” hobby, sport or anything which evolve feelings and different ways to go, u need someone to tell u. Guide u, and such.

Don’t tell me u never read a guide on how to play ur character.

Just look at these forums how uncivilized they are and stubborn comment here and there.

That’s a clear proof, where leadership ain’t shown.

On topic
Therefore ppl search for guilds (help, roads, friendship, goals, casual, hardcore and something to follow) bla bla.

I think all this is way out of ur league and u play this game like every other singleplayer game. And that’s your choice as well as others to have the guilds.

Leichu is literally that guy who either joined the wrong guild OR joined the right guild but has the people skills of a slug.

Dont be like Leichu.


Dude don’t insult slugs, that’s just mean :frowning:

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You are right. I appologise.

I nominate it for best post 2020.

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I agree with you that most guilds are horrible but there’s no need to remove the guild function lol just don’t join a guild like me, easy as that.

socializing with random people sucks…
Blizzard need to disable connection & make wow scale for solo gameplay xD ‘sarcasm’

You are worthless, maybe that’s why no one wants you in their guild.