Remove guilds from the game

They’re useless and not worth anything…

Quite frankly, they’re only made by people who wants to control other people, telling them, what they can and cannot do.

Who even wants a boss in their free time?


Or just dont join one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Welcome to humanity


It’s quite sad… even in your sparetime, you can’t rid of such horrible people

Not all guilds are run by “horrible people”.


Don’t you have any friends to play with because those guilds are really nice.

Friends in guild > Randoms

Yes they are… also known as control freaks

I hope you wrote this as a joke :smiley: If you get into a nice guild, a nice community it can be so much fun! And ofcourse for it to run good you need someone to take the lead, but usually a guild is a democracy. Just try to find a nice one :wink:


Indeed, but you don’t need a ‘‘guild / additional name tag’’ for that. That is only additional rules applied, so other people can control you,

Soooo don’t be in a guild then?

Don’t make everyone else suffer because of your awful demands.


I am not currently playing so I have to fully agree. Guilds is definitively the only reason why game sucks and they should just ban all players who are in guilds. In fact I think that we should also get rid of players, all of them. They are toxic and all are the same.

I fully support this not-useless thread and its definitely valid reasoning. All hail our new leader of our non-existent guild or player game!


Then you have been in the wrong guilds.

they also have an unfair advantage over solo players, just like premades :frowning:

Ah Yeah it’s Friday…

Doesn’t make guilds any better

Love my guild - really friendly group of people - we help each other out and enjoy Raiding together

what if guilds are better on fridays

I love my guild i like to spend time with like minded people and have fun.

Dont join guild and be alone then.

Why do you play a MMO when you hate playing with people that much? There are plenty of single player games out there.

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My guilds guildleader went afk 2 months ago. Last thing he did was to give everyone ability to invite people. We now have a levelling guild with 800 people of which about 50 play regularly. We just do stuff together and boost each other but no raiding, and that keeps it drama free