Remove Petri

Petri won’t save from DCs.

nah, petris are ok. Even D3ROS has three(!) failsafes (skill from merc, Player Skill, and a trinket.

i would prefer a trinket - instead of petri flask - reachable for everyone at Level 60. It should cost you a bit and destroys at proc and brings you back to town. Or has a large cooldown instead of breaking, for e.g. 7 days, or the like.

i have a very reliable and fast internet connection - i never lost a Char through DCs or client crashes - lost 2 chars so far by stupid gameplay - but not everyone has a rock solid internet connection, so i think some failsafe is ok - even for a online only game.

afaik In D2 there are no failsafes item but you could leave at any time through a portal.

No trinket will save you from DC either.

Ironically is the reason why I quit HC. I see petri flask as cheating and couldn’t bother playing anymore. If there were no petri flask available, id be still playing


lies, if you don’t want to use Petri that’s up to you. HC is a race against yourself anyway.

Why would I lie? It’s cheating in my eyes. You can literally save yourself from a wipe, it’s not really HC then is it


HC just means dont die. How you achieve this is up to the player. You are free to not use them if you consider it cheating. No need to burden others with your opinion on the matter.

This has always been such a cringe response. People will always choose the easy route when in competition with others. Even field is very important. It’s up to blizzard to stop it, not us players

It’s like in SoD with incursions, the majority didn’t like it and in fact hated it, yet people were still doing them because it was the best option out there. Same with the flask, id still use it, even tho I find it a cheap way to escape death and have no respect for people using it. Also being part of a raiding guild would kinda force you to as in you don’t want to ruin it for everybody by dying if they need you as a main tank i.e

If you and others like to cheat out of death by playing it safe on a challenge mode, then that’s fine. But having that option out there is enough for me to not play it


Don´t asssume that i´ve used these flasks. I never did but once i wish i had.

Anyway, the only cringe thing here is your with your take on the matter.

Oh no, you mistook WoW for a single player game. You are on the wrong forum mate, no biggie.

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clever use of game mechanics

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I don´t get this response. Care to elaborate?

Of course.

You stated that can just simply pretend that you are playing Hardcore.

This is 100% true. You can pretend anything. You can go to retail and pretend that you are playing Dragonflight Hardcore. You can delete your character right after you die.

I can pretend that I am multi millionaire and pretend I drive a Ferrari.

But the fact remains. That’s not a Ferrari. That’s not Dragonflight Hardcore.

There’s an official Classic Hardcore version for WoW and its’ rules has been set. You can pretend anything you want, but its’ rules are what Hardcore gameplay is.

And as OP stated, these rules are not in line what the spirit of Hardcore gameplay is, which is to have no second chances and no safety nets.


I never played the unofficial version with the HC addon.
People there had safetynets too iirc. Some sort of appeal council comes to mind when people got griefed or had a disconnect. People were fine with that too.

Thats not exactly true, a lot of games instantly log out your character when you disconnect which is a lot like using a petri and roaching out

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because other games also lack in this department, it doesn’t make my statement less true. Most games are as I described: One chance, no backup, no excuses.

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I bet you just died in an instance and didn’t bothered to go again while guy nex to you had gold for a petri and survived because of that.

Once in a while a wild clown appears with “remove petri” request. Can anyone explain why?

If you know how to read, you may go over this thread. Or, you know, just keep wondering why.

This char is lvl60 on stiches, alive. Quit because of petri abuse. Go bet again on your fantasy scenarios