Remove russians from EU realms

True, it is lagging. And for some arcane reason those two few times I aggroed them to land a melee stun (playing resto druid) I got an instant game crash, like the moment i touched them -zac- disconnected + 15 min debuff.
A coincidence and bad luck?
This is anedoctal evidence and may mean nothing, but how curious that all the fishy stuff happens against cyrillic named players :thinking:
It is getting annoying to the point I felt the need to vent on this post.


Remove Chette from eu realms please


Sad part is he plays with a community which has admins full of russians.


Problem with Russians is they take this game too serious. They just can’t relax for a while, no, they have to win no matter what. They use all potions, flasks, engineering/tailoring tools etc.
Instead of removing Russians from EU, better remove these flasks, potions and similar stuff from BGs. Oh, and let Russians queue with no Russians as well.

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I use them too tbh. I have all potions , flaks , thirdwind potion , saltwater potion and inscription stamina scroll on my chars. But not only on ru char. Have them on eu and german ones too.

I cant stand losing a random bg. My eu friends use them too when they are in same bg with me.

There was a girl on facebook who told me ,

You are russian. You guys are no lifers. If I enter a bg against russians I just leave. Because you are all bunch of try hards. Ruin the game for everyone.

I told her you can get some good team on eu bgs and win against russians.

She said I’m allowed to dislike getting farmed in random bgs. Not a nice thing. Its the better team I can never find on both eu horde and eu alliane.

When other people read it , they said you know , you can play on Ru, US , eu , german , french and other servers right? Just like you play on eu and choose eu realm. Problem is you I think not them. Those players were eu server players too.

Better take serious bgs like russians. And dont stay afk. I won like 12 bgs against russians today with eu team.

Its time to get better.

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same thread here to OP Russians and premade BG

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What the point to have all of them if they got the same cd? Thirdwind potion is most useful in all situations, so clear ur bags from that garbage saltwater etc.

What if you go temple of kotmogu and will need saltwater potion with random bg queue, saltwater potion single shots any orb carrier there.

Doesn’t make sense. Nice try though.

I use potions aswell, I think it is nice and okay to do. The main problem I have with russians is the lag. It isn’t okay that I’m lagging because people from outisde of EU join EU realms.

I rather queue up with Russians than being grouped up with EU random bg teams atleast they put in effort to win.

Only posions i use are the invisibility one and the one that grants me 50% of my hp back or whatever its called i only use them if im getting ganked

And you play with russians everyday inside the horde slayer premade community. What would admins think if they saw you complain about them? Leave that community and play with eu then. Because morethan 60% is russian inside that community.

Better remove nationality ‘flag’ from realms so people are unable to understand if they are losing from french - russian - german - spanish etc.

The thing is that if you gonna suck in the battlegroumd , you gonna suck no matter what.

Nationality has nothing to do with losing team’s ‘tears’.


Best way would be to ad a proving grounds type thing before you can enter BG’s.

It would get rid of absolute crap players who are in the bg’s just for kicks as it did same for dungeons in WoD.


I regged as 5 players groups to german alliance today last 7 hours. All were win. Then I regged russian alliance. All were win too wtih my group. Then I regged eu alliance. There were only wins too with my 5 people group.

Problem is not russians , germans , french or eu. The people who cant pvp properly.


Since I play mainly same nationality bgs not epics , I always thought the hate speech on bgs were against russians.

Tonight I queued several epic bgs , the hate speech were not towards russians only. Germans also.

Directly report for language.

People hate from anyone who plays same nationality on lfr raids , random bgs , heroic dungeons and stuff.

Only thing we should do is when see **** german speech like this or against russians directly report…

These things written because people dont report and give penalty to writer.

I put it here:

I wish it was russian problem.

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I wish they would seperate russian and European groups once again. Been saying it since 5.4…the merge was a Horrible idea.

They’re Always premade…all have the same language, same country…
In short, kind of unfair to EU imo.

We aren’t make themes to remove EU players from World of Warcraft still. Your racism is not good.


Yes. Racism and ignorance.

I don’t have any problem with RU players. I find that they play much better than EU. This seems to be some people’s problem. Instead of getting better and more organized, they QQ.

Language has nothing to do with it, people who know how to play and where to go in the bg, barely communicate because they dont need to. This is valid for all nations.

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Eu realms are individuals on bgs. Germans and russians play team play.

Ru horde is very weak if compare to Legion. Dunno, why people still copmlain about this. They even can’t push 3 buttons, in legion RU horde win EU in 80% cases, now its mostly 50/50 even lower. Many peoples who interested in PvP re-rolled Alliance, coz of bonuses OwPvP, racials and other stuff.