Remove russians premades, topic 10000

To be honest, any form of “premade” outside of rated has no place. This is very purpose of RBG’s. Premades within a casual random bg’s only results in bullies getting their elitist “fix” and further damaging the pvp community by subsequently resulting in less pvp participation by the community


Premades in random bgs means avoid all these toxic players that doesn’t play objetives or joing for honour leech.

The objetive of Bg is WIN and this is what we are looking for.

Losing is not FUN

You dont decide that.

We as a community should be “encouraging” new engagement within the PvP framework of the game. The “promotion” and encouragement of them within the “casual” demographic will simply result in less players and hurting the community as a whole. If you ONLY wish to have a very minute % of players engaging in PvP then sure promote it all you want.

But this again boils down to who is the demographic here. Because sometimes i feel this game is putting “WWE content in cosmopolitan magazines”. What is the audience. Simple stuff

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This is what you are looking for. Are you the general demographic? Because your not at 1900 rating >.< the general demographic you will find is much lower. Therefore what your seeking is provided for in the “RBG” Format. This isn’t Swahili

What? :thinking:

The fact this is what your homing in on suggests we are are totally different hymn sheets here and therefore no need to discuss this further dude. (ie your NOT the general demographic at 1900 rating. Your probably this season in the top 20%) My point being you needs are bespoke, and RBG cater for this. Not premading in casual bgs

I say it again u can’t defeat me :smiley:

Excuse me? Let me summarise a bit because in my opinion, considering your answer, you got lost:

  • You asked me why premades in epic bgs have an unfair advantage.

  • I answered mentioning, among the other things, the fact that the people taking part to the premade are all on Discord.

  • You told me that that was not an argument since there is the in-game voice chat suggesting that randoms can communicate as a premade does.

  • I invited you to join an epic and ask random people in it to join the in-game voice chat and you answer this…

Still has to find someone that use that method, maybe because vocal communication is much more immediate and easier?

Went through that page (quickly), but I still confirm that that addon existed. The fact that I don’t remember its name doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Ask around to people that pvp since quite a long time and you will get your confirmation (as I said, do some research).

So wait, do you expect people to join unrated bgs fully geared or play like pros? Are you for real? Do you know why unrated bgs are there? I might agree about the “not following objectives” since it can be quite frustrating, but making a comparison with rated bg (that, by the way, are organized by default) has zero senso, literally zero.

Ok, so why exploiting the queue system if they can find each other and dominating the field as you said? There shouldn’t be the need to do that, no? Plus, the pvp community is getting smaller year after year…

Also this answer has no sense since it was referred to Delenis. Besides, what you do in bg it’s your business and I personally don’t care.

If for you an organized premade vs. a group of randoms in an unrated environment can be called skill, I think you should review the meaning of skill.

Ain’t salty at all. I simply shared my point of view about premades in epic bgs. But having a look at your answers, I’m starting to think that the salty one is you.

I wish i had the time but i need to farm stuff outside of pvp :smiley:

Some people actually trying to get everything, not like u that just sitting premade and nothing else.

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It looks like it’s the word i can’t write, i tried to write it but it said it’s against rules so i could not :smiley:

Good news. I talked with a GM. Syncronizing parties in BG isn’t against the rules and for now there is no policy against party synchronization in Bgs as long as it is not done with third party programs (cheats).

I’m so sorry Meyko and company, but we were right. ^^

Gms knows nothing just saying :smiley:

That u doing is against rules but it’s hard to get around.

U exploit 5 man groups in mass means u need higher then gm to fix.

Well, I will have done wrong to trust the word of a GAME MASTER.


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“Higher than the mountains, deeper than the seas”


I dk, u need Kotick to do the stuff or…?

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I like that u belive in a gm that don’t play the game.

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At this point I’m wondering why they continue to keep the 5 people limit. Why complicating the life of players, why not offering the option to queue as a big premade? You should have asked also this, you know at least just for a matter of curiosity.

I have a doubt though, the GM mentioned external programs and Discord is an external program. So technically speaking, those that organize premades using Discord are at fault. Those instead that do everything exclusively in game without the aid of external programs are ok.

When they say external programs they means something like the banned addons or cheats, not a voice channel. You can even use battlenet voice channel insteat of Discord for syncronizing the premades… jesus…

Is it really necessary to explain everything to you with sketches?

There you have the answer of a GM about this theme, stop looking for the 3 feet of the cat.

The day that using discord becomes illegal, we will use BLIZZARD community voice chat for the duty…

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Discord is an external program though, but well ok everything clear. Yes, please draw me something Delenis, entertain me :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful night!