Remove shadow crash

they should just go crazy with shadow priest make everything spread dot like mind blast shadow word death make it co exists with dot spreading go wild i prefer if the lead designers interpret dot spread to another lvl of game play.

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I hope hero talent voidweaver helps out with dot spreading, that would be cool

I hope they burry the void bolt i hate that mechanic to the core its redundant


Yeah everythink would be better then shadowcrash so we are not doomed too only can do damage effectly too one up too 8 targets IF they stack very close and nothing get pulled in on a 20 sec timer bevor the uselessbolt is up again

Shadow crash should be a target and affect enemies in a radius, it doesn’t miss times, you pull it and it hits 3 mobs.
I would love to have something integrated; some more natural way to dot the pulls and have the aoe damage come from the shadow apparitions.
Other classes have easier mechanics to dot pulls quickly.

make mind blast spread VT and shadow word death spread pain.

Shadow crash is trash garbage :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yep just anythink bolt is so bad

season 4 will be only 3 people on top page priest version not the people friendly fun dot spread version.

Seriously they need to remove void form or make it a 4th spec give us a 3rd specc with dark ascension pet bender. Want cata priest back with better dot spread and blinks.

This next season is just boring i dont get why even bother void bolt its ton boring.

make devouring plague spread dots when your timer ends like is it so hard to be imaginative.

I love the state of shadow priest as it is now. Why do you think shadow crash is bad?

Nothing more fun than raining down your evil on your enemies.

Not the person you asked, but I really dislike shadow crash for several reasons

  • it’s a slow moving, ground target projectile. So if the tank moves unexpectedly, that’s your dot spread gone.

  • if the tank is chain pulling, and sc is on cooldown, you dps tanks

  • it sometimes gets stuck on the ceiling, or doesn’t apply dots at all

  • it has a long cooldown, so there’s 0 flexibility in how to use it

I’m short, having our aoe damage rely on a mechanic that is unreliable and can easily fail just feels bad.


I agree on it being slow moving, especially when you have a group of enemies in your sights. Boom, they’re gone.

I feel it could be unlimited dot spread that auto lands instead with an cast time.

and spreads dots to any add close to 12 yards.

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Sorry if they make dots do BIG damage and remove all spread that will mean shadow can kill everyone in PVP again, and in PVE you’ll do zero damage because the entire design of m+ is BIG PULL AOE SPLASH DAMAGE every pack.

No wonder they can add 500 new classes in the upcoming expansions since all classes are all the same now with different themes and graphics to separate them.

Dot spread in this season is boring. If you compare it to season 4 of shadowlands.

start with caring about dot spread. When ever you want.

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I’m maining Holy priest for the first time. Because I was curious, I gave Shadow a few tries in M+.

Oh boy, Shadow Crash and Vampiric Touch are such bad spells!

Shadow Crash is terrible because half the time it misses, because the tank moves mobs unexpectedly. Because it’s the only way of spreading Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word quickly, and because it has a cooldown, missing Shadow Crash feels so bad!

I also really dislike Vampiric Touch. It already combines with Shadow Word if one takes that talent. Why even have 2 different DoTs? It feels so redundant. I hate seeing so many debuff icons on enemy nameplates because it makes it really hard to see which mobs are missing DoTs - it’s a usability issue. Blizz should just delete Vampiric Touch and buff more interesting spells to compensate. If we’d only need to manage Shadow Word DoT applications, DoT management would be much easier because Shadow Word is an instant cast. Non instant casts DoTs are the worst!

Anyway, I’m glad Holy is fun. I’m never playing Shadow again in its current design.

Wont be better next expansion since blizzard don’t listen to inputs.

Yep, remove it. It restricts the whole class. Especially on myth dungeons, you are completely restricted, If newer adds, or trashes come, you need to wait for use it again, makes u do lesser aoe dmg. Its just bad

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for example look at destruction warlock they have fun all day spamming rain of fire here’s shadow no dot past 8 cap with 20 sec cd.

slow river travel on the crash chance on missing if tank walks a lot.

It feels like dev team hates the gut core game play its ok in small pulls boring on big pulls. And on ghost affix week like this its terrible.

we are a pi bot. Even shadowlands dot spreading were better even if slow.

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