Remove the Trust Level system!

Oh yes, so agree to that. You need a system to flag up actual problem people that will always be abused and there simply is no way to go around it. Perhaps in the past they had actual people check out these reports but they laid off most of the customer support people so I guess we are stuck with automation :slight_smile:

Give it a thought - what does it takes to reach TL 3? And which actions by other users does it takes to remove you from the tier without you ever posting something that violates ToS or otherwise make yourself lesser than other users on TL3?

I have. It’s a long way up, whether one realizes they’re doing the steps or not and it’s easy to fall down.

But I don’t self-censor for TL3 - I self-censor here and in-game to avoid hassle/suspensions as people are easily offended nowadays. That means joking is out of the question too.

The community is definitely behind you on this!

17 ban’s prove you are wrong .


It’s just a very minor perk for being a regular participant in the forums who does not misbehave.

Apart from posting gifs/images there is very little to be gained.

Anyone can post a link:-

  • Go the site
  • Copy the URL
  • Paste the URL into your post
  • Highlight the URL
  • Click on the </> button
  • URL appears as

If it’s not something dodgy or breaking the ToS then most TL3 posters will repost links/images for others.


but thats already whats happening? you dont get “shut down” or “silenced” just because a bunch of people flagged your post. flagging a post doesnt really do anything than to hide it and raise a mods attention, the message can still be read too. a mod then decides whether the message becomes visible again or if the person really broke rules and receives a punishment.

whenever you receive a silence or whatnot then a mod decided and not an angry mob.


man, 17 silences? you re on a killing streak Dee. :laughing:



The bulk of punishments are just, they are for people swearing and bypassing the language filter, expressing hatred etc.

There are two warnings, first one is that a post has been flagged, at this point it’s basically waiting for a moderator to review. Then when a moderator has reviewed they will either take action and you should receive an email or it’s unflagged/unactioned. If you do not get an email but are temporarily unable to post you can appeal/ask support. There is a specific section in support in connection with the forum. It’s the same place to make appeals if you disagree.

People are not banned for their views for or against something unless it’s like a real life threat. Some people conveniently forget they are swearing their heads off when expressing their views.


Exactly this all flags are reviewed and the human touch is put into place all but one ban for me was just i would say . One of the bans i think the mod didnt understand a joke between 2 friends but the other 16 were my fault .

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But if you voice your opinion in a polite manner you have nothing to risk nothing snowflake about it at all its called being an adult and learning from mistakes .

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It happens but what they forget to say is most times it is handed back if appleaed.

Yes i was the first to go nuts over a man who constantly uses the c word on his stream getting tl3 for making one post .

I always speak my heart and i got told by mods i am to harsh and have to calm which i try to do but i do not curse or post bad things .

I only wish they removed the requirements to read a lot of posts, it’s kind of stupid. Just visit the forums for enough days in total and don’t have recent silences/bans is all it should take to prove you’re not gonna misuse it.


I’m beloved you say?
Haha nice one.

There’s a pretty simple explanation: The forums would be FULL of spam and links and virusses and whatnot if they didn’t have the Trust Level system. They ‘trust’ the people who’ve earned this privilige to not abuse it. And so far, that seems to be working, wouldn’t you say?


So users who aren’t TL3 are spammers and bots?

It should be very easy to put spammers to moderation without penalising half the members for not having the privilege of being TL3.

Now that’s just twisting my words.
That’s not what I said nor meant.

I think you’re underestimating how much work it is to moderate a forum without such a posting threshold.


I do not. However, the current threshold for TL3 privileges are too high and very excluding for posters who have had posts flagged for being “offensive”/spam by snowflakes and others who do not want to see posts they disagree with. Bots/sleepy mods are unfortunately allowing this, creating a space where snowflakes can maintain their special bubbles and everything outside is offensive.

The easy solution is to move TL3 privileges to TL2, and remove the tier completely, and rather move posters who can’t behave to TL1 for a given time.

well…dont be offensive then? flagging alone does not compromise your forum account. a mod does.


:man_facepalming: What is considered offensive is always changing, and in many discussions there are many opinions that becomes “offensive” because they either belongs in the past or in the future, and this makes discussions impossible. Societal and political discussions should not be allowed at all, but still people manage to get such issues connected to the game and thus allowed.

Asking people with legal yet less popular opinions which aren’t hate speech to shut up is to ask for one-sided discussions which freely bashes the other way with no room for getting anything positive out of the discussions.

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