Remove the Trust Level system!

I do not understand why we have a Trust Level system that makes COMMON features on the internet unavailable for the majority of the posters here but the beloved forum elite?
Why do they deserve access to features inaccessible for everyone else? It’s not like they are paying more in sub than we do or otherwise have bought a premium?

No, the Trust Level system is simply about giving privileges to “popular” posters who haven’t had their posts flagged by people with different opinions. Because yes, this is a thing. People DO flag posts they disagree with, so any “radical” posters are getting shut down and permanently made ineligible for features that are COMMON everywhere else.

Now, where is the fairness in this system? We are all paying the sub, right? And thus should have access to the same features unless under moderation, right?


I have TL3 but I agree, everyone should get it. I don’t see the big deal about some pics or giphs.


I think it should be reversed. You start level 3 and if you have forum holidays you have to behave for x amount of time before getting back there, depending on severity.


Remove it.
Let everyone interact with eachother equally.
Its stupid to make it “Classist”/“I am above you” kind of system for COMMUNICATION…

Like come on…


The only issue is that they have censored and temp-banned people (Myself included) for being against hate speech.
It was just hate speech to the “wrong” group that apparently is OK to hate -
all hate made by a writer who now has a NPC dedicated to her in game.

The entire system is flawed when we have odd humans doing human stuff, cause humans are the problem.



Although I agree that reversing it might be better and communication should be free as long as according to ToS and human decency, I dont really get the notion that the ones having the TL3 feel entitled or feel like they are above anyone really.

Mostly they really offer help and stay friendly and kind but I might just have not come across a TL3 poster that thinks they are better. Then again I dont really check the trustlevels of people all that often,so my observation might be flawed.

For me I just found that sometimes not having the right to link stuff or pictures is rather limiting when it comes to help people.

For example somebody asked where to find the option to open a ticket for a certain issue since he or she couldnt find it and I couldnt link a screen which made it a bit more difficult to help via forum. Could resolve it by messaging him ingame though.

I think this would be a good solution, tbh.

Trust level is such a bad design, created to censor you, reminds me of how they give MVP to these players who describe warcraft and the dev team as rainbow and beacon of hope,its really sad


No, it is the blizzard’s implementation of the American dream - giving featured to the upper class and removing them from the peons. :wink:

I agree that reversing it might work, but what do mean with this? Violating board rules and TOS surely is to ask for getting moderated, but we can not have “to behave” be determined by the flagging system as long as people keeps flagging each other as a method for censoring each other and shutting down posters they disagree with.


You missed my point completely…

The SYSTEM is “X is above Y”-reward style.
A t3 is “above:” a t2 and t1 etc…
The system is making people more or less valuable and able to access more things.

Thats the point.
Wheter Joey t3 is kind and re-link for lower tiers or just posts meme pictures is not really the problem.

Yeah I once got muted for 24hrs for calling somebody a muppet.
I then got muted for 48hrs for no given reason, didn’t get an email or explanation.
Their system is not the best.

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Alternatively they throw away this trust level nonsense, I think being muted for x amount of time is punishment enough. Which is obviously what’s been stated but let’s be realistic, that isn’t going to happen…

Ok, misundertood it apparently. Sorry for that.

They really should just bind the forums to the account, instead of character and let u decide the characters as sort of cosmetical avatar. At least people couldnt abuse the system by flagging with multiple chars.

As for flagging itself, it till should be implemented in some sort but might need more moderation, like someone checking if it is actually against the rules. But that would mean there need to be more blizz employees active here …

Or implementing 1. a dislike option without it having an impact on flag, 2. make abuse of flagging having consequences, maybe?

System surely is flawed but to be honest, its also just peoples behaviour… sadly. The lack of capability to accept others opinions even if disagreeing.

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Its the bully mob mentality system.

If you say “where do I buy a fishingpole?” in tradechat, 20 people can report you and you get silenced - just because 1 of below reasons;

  • They dont like you and have told all their friends that they should bully you.
  • They do not like questions being answered/asked in game and think everyone should only seek info on wowhead.
  • They are brainwashed to think its ok to be rude to X group of people in this case people asking for fishingpoles, so bham! Reported, silenced, banned!

It requires just enough mob mentality and someone gets hurt.
This is sadly a huge issue everywhere;
Irl and online.

Humans in a nutshell…

This is why trust systems and report systems do not really enforce good things if they work the way they do in wow.
You need humans with critical thinking capabilities and none biased views to judge if someone should be punished or not.


It’s to make moderation easier I figure, as there’s less people posting more potentially offensive images etc.

I wouldn’t call it a system ‘for the elites’ I got it back (trust lvl 3) and didn’t realize I had until I randomly tried to post a link. So there’s lots of people with it who don’t even realize it. It’s for regular posters really that and aiding moderation.


Oh yes, so agree to that. You need a system to flag up actual problem people that will always be abused and there simply is no way to go around it. Perhaps in the past they had actual people check out these reports but they laid off most of the customer support people so I guess we are stuck with automation :slight_smile:

Give it a thought - what does it takes to reach TL 3? And which actions by other users does it takes to remove you from the tier without you ever posting something that violates ToS or otherwise make yourself lesser than other users on TL3?

I have. It’s a long way up, whether one realizes they’re doing the steps or not and it’s easy to fall down.

But I don’t self-censor for TL3 - I self-censor here and in-game to avoid hassle/suspensions as people are easily offended nowadays. That means joking is out of the question too.

The community is definitely behind you on this!

17 ban’s prove you are wrong .