Remove the Trust Level system!

How do I see what trust level I have?

I did read your previous posts and you just keep making parallels between real life and forums like it’s even the same thing. You keep adding conspiracy theories to the table and tbh none of it is relevant in this particular situation.

and my intention was not to insult or offend you in any way, don’t know why you feel like I attacked you.

I just gave my 2 cents but if it bothered you so much, you have my appologies.

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Click on your avatar in top right corner, then click profile- if it says member then you are trust level 2 if it says regular then its trust level 3

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the only person who made any claims here is you. not me.

i dont claim it, i just stated my opinion.

you called me naive and and having blind faith in humans when both is not true.

again, i have called the idea crazy, not you. theres a difference.

oh right, because you are not biased at all. :roll_eyes:

see, thats the problem. you make assumptions without having even an ounce of evidence to back it up.
i do not claim to be right, i am merely making statements based on available information.

so…you basically accuse me of the very thing you are doing? interesting. not.

i dont care about experiences or beliefs, i care about facts. facts dont care about your feelings. so either you can provide evidence of a corrupt system or not. there is nothing inbetween.

again, baseless assumption, i never called you a liar, neither claimed you are one. i didnt mock you. i literally think this is on the level of tinfoil hat conspiracies, i dont believe a word of it.

AGAIN, i never said such a thing. i stated the fact that we literally do not have any freedom of speech on this site. this site is owned by a private company, not the government or whatnot. they can literally make up their own rules, whether you like it or not.

no need to feel sorry for me at any point in your life. just wished you would stop the drivel.

what we need or do not need doesnt matter. blizzard chose to implement a trust level system for whatever reason and theres that. its their site and so is their rules. if they stated tomorrow we wont be allowed to post any gifs, pictures, links or smileys anymore regardless of trust level, then thats their choice as well and nothing we can do about it.

so only because there are worse things out there in the world we shouldnt care about x y and z which are objectively insignificant? people have raised some great points as to why the use of gifs should be restricted.

why do you care about trust levels when there are worse things to worry about in the world then? complaining about trust levels in a forum of a video game is such a first world problem. jesus christ.

you claimed serveral times there is no use in continueing to talk to me, yet you keep responding.
so, you either can provide tangible evidence and not another bunch of anecdotes and conspiracies to back up your claims, or you cant.
if you cant, then just dont bother replying because im just not interested in conspiracy theories and we leave it at that.

Honestly feels like people with your side of this are just dead set on accepting people of power or with authority to be unbiased and not capable of trying to rule the narrative of things or censor things.
Its baffling for me that you keep calling this a conspiracy - but thats nothing I can change.
As I said; its moot if this is your standpoint.
You keep claiming bias’m is conspiracy, and you are fine with narratives and censorship.
You will keep beliving this until you either start listening to people - or experience it yourself.
I can do nothing besides say my points.
I am done with this stupid argument as we will never agree on this and I am done being called anything remotely in the lines of lying or conspiracy-babbler.
Many people experienced being silenced for merely not wanting hateful people to be praised in our game.
Thats all there is.
Thank you and good luck.

As for the topic again;
We do not need to limit average joe from posting a gif, to further increase the gaps between people.

Freedom of speech is the most misunderstood concept.


I never said that people in power don’t have their biases. However, yes, I accept authority with all its downsides. I accept the authority of my parents, law enforcement, my superiors at work. You know why? Because it’s the best system we got so far. If there’s no hierarchy, there’s chaos. And most of the times, chaos is a lot more evil.

I stand by my first statement that this should be the case and in my opinion people can break the rules in any way, doesn’t matter if there’s a pic involved or no.

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I do not accept being treated badly by said authority - tho.
I hence do not believe in censorship made against people speaking up against authority.

My parents never were allowed to go unnoticed if they considered hitting me, for example.
Yet some places thinks that treatment of children is fine.

The world has issues. Nuff said really so lets drop it.

We agree on the Tier list- and thats what this topic was about.
Free the gif.

What baffles me is you taking this stance when it is objectively obvious that the majority of threads and posts in those threads are either critical of the company upon whose forums we are conversing or critical of portions of their game.

Yes, we should be wary of those in power trying to sway the narrative in their favour but that is clearly not a case on these very forums.


It’s usually swearing and or threats. Removing letters to make your swear words work is still swearing.


I cant…
I just cant.
Its like people are intentionally missunderstanding, or not listening, or I am just on some other planet than you.

Go on with your life and hope your stance works out for you.

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