Remove Transmog tab from shop

its not about consuming.
its about buying something that you will never use. have you ever bought a shirt and realized its ugly later so you just put it in your closet forever ? it sucks.
same thing here.

Bro if you haven’t realised it yet, Blizzard pulled out store mounts from the game before and made them unavailable. These people will panic that everything in the store will become unavailable and are freaking out that they won’t be able to showcase what a loyal Blizzard consume they are.

well, whatever it is, still i hate it.
and not because they added mogs to it, it was expected. the reason is because once they added every type of cosmetic, they will just add actual gear with actual stats.
or extra bank slot for 20 euro.
stuff like that. stuff that affect gameplay.

Just like how 97% of ingame mounts suck since they started selling shop mounts there is no doubt ingame sets will also start looking even more terrible if they see it is a great moneymaking strategy (selling t-mog via shop).


yep, extremely disappointed in most of the shadowlands mounts, the only unique looking ones are the moths and the sinrunner blanchy.

cant wait to see what unique mounts are locked behind the store in shadowlands. :roll_eyes:

The Iron Skyreaver was used by a dungeon boss as a mount. Could have been a rare drop there.

Grinning Reaver was used by the Laughing Skull orcs and could have been a mount available if you got exalted with them.

The Draenei use the fey dragons, another store mount. Same thing as laughing skull orcs.

Just proof that they sometimes cut mounts from the game to add them to the store mount cause they need money.


if you make a transmog set out of complete set, you just dont know how to do transmog.
in my transmog sets i use green items from vanilla zones and stuff from bfa. you can do wonders with stuff the drop randomly from the world. full sets always suck.

lol they already added 2 mounts that are seen in the Shadowlands as mobs you can kill. xD

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reminds me of how they did that with the Wod mounts

My favourite mount is Ashenvale Chimaera which is originally Iron Skyreaver from Shop :smiley: They brought it into the game 2 expansions after WoD. I also like Dark Phoenix from guild vendor better version of Al’ar.

Luckily they weren’t acting like money addict withereds in the past so that I could buy an alternate Al’ar colour variation from guild vendor :smirk:

The problem is - One day you’ll see there a transmog which will blow your tiny mind and there will be no other way to get it than paying them €20.

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thats the argument people used about the celestial steed… and so far the world hasnt ended and the same was said about the helmets, again the world is just fine

not to mention you can buy this set for free by simple using ingame gold

sure time = money friend but people are making suuuuch a big deal about this but wont even care anymore in a week

Yeah except to make that set they had to reallocate resources from the game for what we all paying 13 euro per month and atleast 40 euro per sub. Its a disgusting practice to add something behind a big pay wall founded from our money while they are still taking our money from all of the other sources. Things like this transmog should have been free or behind a questline, you know a propitiation atleast for all the days we couldn’t play and the last minute expansion delay. And Im not even going into the worst part, if it will be successful then you can expect even more cut out content put behind paywall.


source? or is it just conjecture

you pay that to access the servers which for the most part run smooth

its only behind a pay wall for the people that dont want to commit to 6 months of gametime, those that do get it FOR FREE as a thank you :roll_eyes: boy o boy people dont seem to grasp this do they

free …

thank you for the laugh…

you do realize this is just a marketing scheme, if person X dont have 6 months, he might buy it solely for the set. even though that person will not play for 6 months. this way, blizzard duped people to buy 6 months. and those that forget to cancel, in 6 months they will pay for another 6 months.

who cares what their intentions are, the fact is that this IS a reward for those that commit and the value isnt that bad either, those people are getting their goodies on top of having a cheaper sub

meanwhile people are crying over a mediocre set they dont even want just for the principle of it being on the store

if you mean tokens, tokens arent free. tokens cost 20 euro. so regardless if you paid with gold or with real money, someone still payed 20 euro for that in-game shop cosmetic.


Yeah how nice of them… cough 20€ for a fricking transmog cough :roll_eyes:

Its more the principle, and this is only the start of no doubt many more what should be in game rewards ending up in the cash shop, many many games in the past have started like this then eventually gone full pay to win.
For example “RIFT” started the exact same thing many years ago and eventually after a couple of years later you could buy current end game BiS tier sets in the cash shop, alright is was like $600 but people were actually paying it and eventually it ruined the game, same happened with Neverwinter and many more games that were pretty good until the publishers starting pulling these money grab tactics which always ends up to the downfall of the game.

This is just Blizz or rather more likely Activision “testing the waters” but guarantee there’ll be more to come, For Activision if “could” make extra money for them they WILLL do it.

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ill stand with ya’ll should gear ever find its way to the store, hopefully THAT will never happen and i really doubt it will

fingers crossed then

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