Remove Transmog tab from shop

Mount, pet, toy and now transmog. There was helm transmog in shop but full set is another level. Next step is gear(directly) and in-game currency. We have many people around who defend this.

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The helms are even worse.

At least this set is attached to the 6-month sub plan and not just an item in the cash shop.

Reading the comments on the old 2013 wowhead article was pretty funny.

Not really a new thing, not defending it but remember the Lichking/Firelord helmets which was like what? Half a decade ago? So i find people panicking now to be pretty funny. Honestly i think it is just plain ugly.

And people spending real money on mounts and cosmetics have been a thing since forever because of the TCG, Member Spectral Tiger scalpers? 20€ is nothing to that. And " “Free” if you buy game time" was done with Tyraels Charger+Diablo 3.

Technically we had “in-game currency” since Tokens, and even before that we had it indirectly with the Guardian Cub and before that the TCG stuff (Buy a TCG mount code, sell it on AH), since you know, Gold is a In-game Currency.

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I didn’t mean only gold. Other game currencies like titan residuum, garrison resources, nethershard etc. After transmog tab, next tab will be this in my opinion. I hope im wrong.

predatory MTX was not the norm or common back then, and people didn’t understand where it would eventually lead, like they do now.

and with activision taking more and more control over blizzard, anyone without their head stuck up their own butt can see what’s going on.


Oh hold your horses there!!!
We have mount tab
Pet tab
Now Mog tab

Pretty soon:

weapons tab
Armor tab
Trinket tab
jewelery tab.


Let’s be honest here.

Nothing will happen. We’re talking about a company that blatantly stole money from a tournament prize with the EXCUSE that players already surpassed the prize pool with their own contribution.

The same company that’s been doing this shady side shop mount sells for 2 years now.

And as long as loyal customers out there, buy these things, they’ll justify it.

They don’t have a spec of shame in them anymore.

Exactly my point, the damage has been chipping away for ages because “No one would waste that much money on a mount”, “It doesn’t bother me”, “I can still buy it on the AH without real money”, “It’s just a pet”. My point is that the time to do something was done years ago, because this is not testing the waters, this is slowly wading out with complete purpose and confidence.

This is why i think it is funny when the writing has already appeared on the wall. If you are playing WoW right now you are and have been a passively supporting it because you kept playing or started playing WoW with the things mentioned sustaining a the environment (Taking it from Mobile Game Monitization Design: People who buy cash shop things are more likely to do so if they have players who did not that they can style on around them, so you cannot just go “But i didn’t buy anything”, you are still supporting the system that encourages the spending for the people who would.) and just ignored it or didn’t care, or grew to no longer care as time passed or not caring THAT hard about the IMPLICATIONS as long as you can keep doing what you think is fun with the game and so on.

It’s a long-con and if they were gonna stop this movement they would done it already and this is nowhere near the worst thing the company done this year which makes people having THIS repeat of things that already happened (Helmets and the Tyraels Charger Year Sub) ages ago be the breaking point be the funny thing.

I have zero problem with Blizz making cosmetic items available in the store.

However I’m ambivalent about the token…but since it allows people of limited means to access game time, etc. via in-game gold and also makes life difficult for gold sellers, it’s a tolerable evil, until some better solution is invented.

forum TL3 only 99$ per month

Hello Rompuche does it tire you out and wear out your keyboard changing between so many chars :kissing_heart:

Well you need a sub to post on forums so you already on £9.99 for it :slightly_smiling_face:


Not new just open again we had the 3 helms remember :kissing_heart:

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Selling cosmetics is korean free to play style lets not go there. I stopped playing those games because of the cash shops. Now you are selling transmogs next you will sell little boosts to make your character stronger?

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I think that was more a matter of some players not understanding the definition of what providing a guarantee means, and then afterward complaining because it wasn’t what they wanted it to be.

Let’s not rewrite history here.

Well I do, because this is suposed to be a “reward” for committing to a 6 months sub, which in turn is their way of guaranteeing subscriptions for 6 months even if they put out no content.
But then to also add what should be a unique “reward” as also a separate purchasable item is quite obviously a “cash grab” move clearly from the Activison’s side and the timing no doubt to try and off set the huge losses this quarter as started with due to the many Shadowlands refunds, which was their fault and their mistake for the unreasonable content timelines they set for Blizzard to meet.

Makes me think about the well known saying “the only thing that will kill WoW is WoW itself” well thats not quite right, if anything it will be Activision, Blizzard themselves are no doubt doing the best they can with what they have got, and their staff is shrinking every few months even though its well known they are already understaffed and underpaid.

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You know they merged 12 years ago right during TBC they are both to blame .

Who controls the “purse strings” is in real control

They are both to blame ,if Blizzard only stood up and bought themselfs out of this mess we wouldnt be here now would be so yes both to blame … :roll_eyes:

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You got 8-10 billion dollars on hand? :smirk: