As do you so ,you have turned this topic into another “Yeha” thread were you single people out and attack them I thought you might have changed after the "mass flag " topic but no your still doing it and still accusing others and not looking into your own faults but sure blame me and ignore the fact he has called me and others foul names .
Anyway please stick to the topic about rares and tames and not about me or you thanks .
That Is a complete lie he has been asked to join raids with our community and to join discord he has turned them down constantly if you actually read all threads instead of cherry pick you would know this .
That’s so absolutely wrong. I don’t understand why people keep repeating this. I have never flagged a Retributor post in my life and I even find him a really pleasant person to play with, as it happened a few times since all my Alliance characters share a community with him.
The Discord is public, everyone can join, everything is visible. Nobody of us is attacking Retributor.
I made that discord for our rp community (fortune favoured on Argent Dawn) and for the forum runs. Both is publicly accessible.
Well, call it what you want and invite whoever you want.
But this logic doesn’t really work. Provoking hunters by calling it a hunter problem, isn’t going to encourage hunters to petition for a fix - when it’s the hunters who are on top of things here.
Rule of thumb, people don’t complain if they themselves have no problem.
This may become a problem for hunters in a future expansion, when Soundless can be one-shot, and taming still takes some seconds.
Ahahaha this actually can work~ against hunters. Just report them for exploiting and they will get 100% ban for X time. Its guaranteed (if it is a bug) that they will get hit with ban hammer Even if they did it unintentionally.
And your comments make me believe that there is so called ‘bait-poster’ group. People who do not post to debate or discuss a topic, but rather post to insult other posters or harass people for no reason. Posts that set out to inflame others, start a war of words (not a debate) and criticise individuals (harassment). I didn’t want to believe this ‘legend’ but you enforce my belief.
And the way you see it is not the way others see it, your so called ‘truths’ is to attack individual players.
Don’t bother responding to me again, I won’t respond to you as I BELIEVE you don’t respond to debates, but rather respond to create or foster a ‘hate system’, like others do. So I guess I know which group you align with
So much horde hate, there is a name for people who hate other races in real life, not sure if it applies to somebody who hates a faction with so much passion. Have a good day with your bait-poster group
I hope they find a fix and the poly change keeps me hopeful.
You might have/had those experience,but putting someone in the corner and to tell him stay there makes also you in no better position then the person you speak off.I had my fair share of disagreement with you yet your thread regarding t3 forum and how its currently an awful system is 100% accurate and i agree with you.More so i probably disagree with retri regarding Silver covenent elfs but thats not the topic at hand here.
The problem is there is alot of vindictive and spiteful behavior on the forums.I see also alot of people come to threads and try to derail them or spin in negative connotation.Some are borderline abusive just cause people do not know when to agree to disagree and be civil regarding something.Its the forums you come to discus stuff on it and you are bound to disagree with someone.Not everyone has similar background/interests in the game.
there is no problem with poly. the only problem is hunters joining a 40+ raid and trolling everyone with taming mob. polymorph has DRs . after 3-4 times it gets a 30sec cd
Indeed it does,but one of my groups got trolled by a side mage two weeks ago…I mean its 40 people and it takes alot to down it.So he circle jerked us for good minute.It was enough for blizzard to apply the combat/poly change to the mob.
So i hope they find a fix for this one too.
if a mage is doing that kick him if hes not in the raid /phased on his own, as you are horde, you are 95% warmode on,. use the nzoth trinket and kill him. ezpz
…without even me saying one word to him, i didn’t even noticed his existence on this forum until he started to “contradict me” …then he replies with this…
…after i have proven him that he was wrong and that he “harassed” me for no reason, only because he wanted to be some sort of failed wise guy…and still i am the one who picks on others?
War of words? Really? Can you explain what it means that?
So if you tell someone that he is wrong, that is called harassment? Right? Because the meaning of criticise is : indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way .
That’s the whole point of a “contradiction” : you need to attack others to prove your point. But if the “other” (the so-called woke victim) doesn’t know to reply or doesn’t want to reply, he just needs to use the 2020 woke strategy : play victim and say that he/she is the victim of harassment or calling names or what-ever he/she wants to be victim.
You’re right. I have a “hate system” . My hate is targeting snowflakes like you, who can’t come with a logical and proper answer and knows only to play victim role. My hate is targeting people who don’t even understand the meaning of simple words like “paradox” or “real life threat” , but they come on this forum to prove us how smart they are. At least, when i am wrong and i realise, i apologise, unlike you and your snowflakes friends who report me so that i get silenced. Thx btw for the silence on the other account. Don’t bother to silence this one. In 4h the silence on the other acc will expire.
You are so lucky that there is so much “unknown” between us. Trust me, if we would meet face to face…i would make a real SPARTAN out of you.