I didn’t realise you had a monk Yeha. I see no reason for the hostility.
Now, it’s getting late, so if you really want to carry this on, can we please wait until the morning so we both have a clear head and can give rational and civil arguments?
Also why TF does limited need to be in speech quotes?
I think there is a reason:
https:// imgur. com/Af78gtx
I don’t know if you where one of them who contributed to this, but taking in consideration that it happened, i will assume that yes.
There is no rational arguments mate. You picked on me for no reason because you wanted to prove me how smart you are…i proved you wrong and that’s it. End of story. At least, when i don’t understand the meaning of a word or a topic (like the cat paradox), i search on google to verify if my assumption is right or not.
Next time just read facts before saying something stupid and nobody will be “hostile” towards you.
I already admitted that I was mistaken. I thought I had apologised, but clearly not. In that case, I will take a moment to now. I am terribly sorry I let my arrogance get ahead of me; I had only heard of Shrödinger’s cat referred to as a thought experiment before.
The link you sent refers to it as both a paradox and a thought experiment (suggesting the terms can be used interchangeably), but you are right- I should not have commented as I contributed nothing of note.
As for the imigur link it does not come onto a website but instead a Google search for me (IDK why), so I am unable to deny or confirm involvement in whatever it shows.
EDIT 1: Didn’t see the spaces. That’ll be why.
EDIT 2: Oh you’ve gotten suspended? No I had nothing to do with that. It is perfectly within your rights to pull me up when I have conducted myself improperly, so why would I flag you?
Posting on another account to navigate a ban is perm banable .
I doubt very much if Emje reported at all she isnt the type and if SHE did she would have said just like me .
I am going to flag you for harrasment and abuse and breaking the forum rules to attack Emje .
There is no group mass flagging you ,you are paranoid .
I don’t need apologies mate. And to be fair, i really liked our conversation. Yes, maybe my last comment towards Emje, was a bit rough, giving you as example and maybe also my reply towards you was rough, but i’m pissed off. And look why:
Crack on…Anyway it seems that flagging others makes you happy. Who know, maybe you reach the so desired climax you can’t reach with a real one…
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
Be permanently banned from posting on the forums*
Harassing or Defamatory
This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:
Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity
Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.*
That’s 2 sections you have broken in one paragraph.
Get a partner. Do some activity. Don’t live only for this forum. Life is short. Trust me , at 45 you will regret that you didn’t experienced “real life” .
Eh, no worries. If you’re accounts been suspended I’m not surprised you were angry.
Though with that rule about circumventing a ban it sounds like you’re in hot water if someone flags. Here’s to hoping someone still listens to appeals, eh?
I don’t care if they ban me. At least i don’t bother myself anymore with snowflakes like Daestra and Emje. Two “frigid” females that don’t even know how a ====> looks.
welcome to my world. getting mass flagged by those karma farmers i cant use other words to describe them but retriwaifu has a guild that suits perfectly. report abuse indeed
i think your mistake was ‘‘siding with me’’ regardless of topic or issue if i say global warming is a problem, they will probably spam ‘‘LOL HORDE BIAS climate change kek omg+1’’
I live a very good and happy life with many friends .
It is you who has issue’s threating Emje and breaking a rule over bans to post more abuse .
I shall not reply to you again you have shown how nasty and abuseive you can be to single a person out .Emje doesn’t deserve your hate or anger.
she meant ‘‘did you post on my karma farming thread that you were banned and the reason so it gets bumped and i get karma?’’ not asking you why u got banned
There is no group flagging just me and thats all it takes to flag a post you are clutching at straws just blame me and only me .
You might actually need to look up forum rules as you no idea how flagging works .
It just takes 1 to get you banned
Forum users that spam threads with stupid replies to get likes (the heart button). They do it for that crap “trust level” or what-ever they call it and if they get i don’t know how many likes or what-ever, they can become MVP’s (users with green comments).