Reputation no longer boosted in MoP: Remix after pre-patch

It looks like after the pre-patch, Operation: Shieldwall (Landfall) quests is giving very low reputation rewards in Pandaria: Remix. I’ve done the whole introductory questline and scenario, Lion’s Landing is now build and then even did all daily quests - but I’m still at Neutral. So it seems that higher Remix reputation rewards are not working. There is not a lot of time left for Remix to get the achievement to get the class armors - please please fix.

More people seem to have the same issue: Reputation issues with Dominance Offensive?


This is a known issue currently being worked on.

Thanks, Edivh!


Good to hear you’re looking into it! :smiley:

If possible, do you know if the fix will reimburse us who got reputation deducted, or will it simply fix it for questers going forward?


Any info about how long it will probably take to hotfix this?


Thank you!
Hope for the Kael’thas orbs is restored

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Dear Tyrkskorn,

I was not aware that you were already aware of the issue and I just reported it on several forum boards as well.

If it gets fixed will it be possible to regain the reputation that is currently being deducted? My character is currently soft bricked. (I have to farm coins to get the rep up in order to continue the quests).

Best wishes,


Could we please get an update as to whether we will get the missing rep or not after it’s been fixed?

Would just like to know if I am better investing my time elsewhere while this is broken


I’ve just noticed this after completing a number of quests where this must have happened as I’ve had to grind some rep by doing dailies etc to make up for it. I’m really hoping I’m able to get this rep back and soon so I can get the remix rewards!

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The issue is present when doing stuff with Klaxxi aswell. Seem to be a issue when there’s a reputation bonus that’s seen as a item reward in the quest window.

So currently on my main timerunner I’m stuck on both the Landfall and the Klaxxi quest lines currently due to this.

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Same isuse with my main timerunner - Stuck on Landfall and Klaxxi as each quest gives then removes XP.

Hoping for a fix before remix finishes.


How will we know when the hotfix goes live? Do I have to scour the patchnotes?


Yeah, pretty much. Altough we have only 1 hour of maintenance on wednesday morning, im not sure how much or what we can expect. Hopefully most reputations, achievements will be fixed.


Hi Edivh,

Would you be able to give a rough ETA on the issue being resolved?



can we please get an actual estimate of when this is being fixed? some of us (Me) have resubbed right now only to be able to get the transmogs from landfall achievement before they are removed


Could you communicate the solution for people who’ve already done or doing the content?

Should we stop doing these quests?
Will the reputation that we lost get restored?
Will there be some other compensation (boosting reputation gain).

As these are things that should have been said, its a known issue doesn’t really help us other than knowing ‘It will be worked on’.

Remix time is running out and I’d like to know if I’m wasting my time or not.


I can only echo what everyone is saying - it’s bit frustrating not to be getting some news. After all, those sets locked behind some achievements / reputation are one of the key selling points for MoP Remix…


Can any of our beloved gamemasters check our threads in forum about not getting achievement for raising our order of the cloud serpent reputation to exalted on remix toon?


I’m currently 9500/12000 and compeleted some of the campaign. Is farming coins and daily quests going to be enough to complete the achievement to unlock the transmog if Blizz do not fix this, does anyone know?


I have the same issue. Its impossible now to progress. Btw killing opposite faction bosses for achiev is also not working

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Same issue for me - Exalted with Sunreavers and no remix achievement. Already had the rep on my main. Had Sunreavers and August Celestials outstanding. Has anyone received either of these remix achievements post TWW pre-patch?

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