Reputation no longer boosted in MoP: Remix after pre-patch

Not fixed in my opinion: I have lost reputation on the only character I am going to keep and my dailies are still messed up.

So Blizzard I want you to give me my stolen rep and fix my dailies.

For all of those who are complaining about getting ‘bricked’ with their character rep, just create a new character, level to 20 (takes like 20 min) and do the questline. I did it on my mage yesterday from scratch and it took me less than 2 hours to not only get to exalted but finish the whole questline and get the gryphon mount as well. Also did the questline for Isle of Thunder and that took me like 30 min, so 2hr 30 min total on a freshly dinged 70 toon. But again you can do it from level 20 if you don’t have any other alts.

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No, that is not an acceptable solution. I spend time on this: a character I want to continue with.
I have other things I want to complete on retail and remix and having to create yet another character and spend more time on it because they messed up is not the way forward.

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If you really want the mogs then I suggest you give it a try instead of complaining in the forums. It will take you 20 min to lvl a fresh toon to 20 and then you can do the questline from there. If you’re so stubborn as to just play with that one character you might lose your chance.

Yes you may of found a solution
and yes your solution works as an alternate

However, it’s not a solution that was meant to be gameplay

If you were a car dealer, and you told me that to start the vehicle I need to smack the engine a couple of times as a work around?

I ain’t buying your car.

Maybe you swindled me in already purchasing it, and I have no choice but to use your method, but damn you swindled me bad. I’ll keep that in mind for the future.

Klaxxi rep still progresses like it’s 2012. I’ll get to exalted when the event expires. XD

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Stuck on honored with Shieldwall getting ~1000 rep a day, pretty much ruining remix for me now as got to keep daily grindin’ instead of having fun

I just checked the dailies and also campaign quests. It seems its fixed. Itsgiving boosted Reputation and it is not decreasing after it increases.

Ok so after getting past one of the rep points it starts the Op:shieldwall quest line again, in my case I had to sneak over the 2850 honoured rep line to activate the next quest and this gave 2 x rep again (3.5k x 2 = 7000) .

So those stuck in honoured/revered may just need to grind a bit out until you get to one of these points to continue on with the quest line.

I can also confirm that the issue is fixed :orange_heart: got my Kael’thas orbs yesterday - thank you!

issue has been fixed for afew days now managed to finish off the questline for the class transmogs

Unable to hit exalted with the Klaxxi since I finished most of the story quests before it was patched.

If I make a new MOP character will the story quests still grant rep on that new character?

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For me its still bugged…
I still get only 150 Rep per Quest from Dominance Offensive.

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Doing it now on a char I’ve levelled a couple of days ago, everything seems to be fine. I got half way through the Shieldwall campaign in like an hour or two, and I’m already at 6300 Honored. Quests give few thousand rep each, and I can pick up one after another without doing any dailies.

Still bugged for me on Shielwall campaign, last day. It is so stupid.