Reputation reset (and keeps resetting)

I hope that this issue doesn’t end up being ignored longer than it should be because of the separate visual/display issue. The Warband system has encouraged people to run old dungeons and raids, which is causing more and more players to lose their reputations. Since my last post, a friend of mine lost their faction-specific reputation for Tol Barad.

im also scared to hit exalted with The Enlightened now after weeks of grinding. I am so close but i really dont know if i want to hit exalted if i dont get the achievement for the Shadowlands Meta achievement.
Would really appriciate some update on these reputation, achievement bugs and i do really hope that devs are working overtime (i doubt but i hope)

Especially BFA reps which both have costly gold unlocks. First I achieved Exalted on Alliance and 90k per mount was still very expensive so I decided not to purchase immediately. Eventually farmed Exalted on a Horde character and their specific factions, unfortunately still not enough gold for mounts.

Eventually two expansions later the inflation caught on and now we can easily and conveniently transfer gold between servers. I still haven’t logged into my main but something is telling me that I am in for a big surprise nonetheless seeing how many players were affected by reputation reset in the last few days.

If it means anything to you, I’ve done a lot of testing on this subject. Reputations impacted by this particular issue don’t reset to neutral unless you earn some reputation during a session. I’m afraid it’ll be a long road to resolving this issue because most people affected won’t even notice it until months down the line. Logging in and doing nothing is perfectly safe.

Imagine you’re a random player going through some old content to farm transmog, content that contains reputation such as Hellscream’s Reach, and you kill three bosses in Baradin Hold. You don’t get notified that you gained reputation because you were previously exalted. You move on with your day, log out, and now, this reputation is gone from your log. If you were to scroll through the reputation list, you wouldn’t see it nor would you notice it gone unless you were specifically looking for it, and you’d actually have to go to the Hellscream’s Reach Quartermaster to rediscover it at neutral. When was the last time any of you visited a Quartermaster for a faction that old to accidentally rediscover it?

A lot of people are, and might be, affected by this issue, and we are getting buried by the reports of Dragonflight reputation issues such as Sabellian, Wrathion, Azerothian Archives, and Cobalt Assembly, which are purely visual in nature and do not actually reset. And those are easily noticeable on top of the list, and people are looking for those as they’d like to see the new changes.


honestly im just hoping they have collective data prior to pre patch day and somehow they can reroll to that / add that to current game. I have no idea how this works so im just saying stuff i can think of but i really really hope they fix achivements, reputations all over.

Achievements have experienced this issue before and have been fixed with full progress restored. But, as for the reputations, you’ll most likely have to earn them again. Only in cases where you have a corresponding achievement can you make a ticket and ask Customer Support to grant it back to you. However, in my experience, they’re very unhelpful in this regard, and you’ll have more luck farming it again. You can have a game with bad Quality Assurance, but a game with unhelpful customer support and bad quality assurance is just heartbreaking.

I hope this issue gets more attention sooner rather than later. I’m very careful about what I do on my main right now, and I stay away from anything reputation related.

Do I understand it correct - If I go to for example Hellfire Ramparts right now, clear the instance do I lose exalted reputation with Honor Hold/Thrallmar?! If so this is just insane. Whats the point to log and do something then.

Yes, that’s exactly the issue. But, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I only managed to replicate the issue on two characters personally, and a friend of mine on two of his. All of the characters I replicated the issue on were faction-changed in the past. I also tried on a few alts that were never faction-changed, and they did not have the same problem.

The affected characters will always have their reputation reset when attempting to gain it, not just once. It’s effectively impossible to regain the reputation back to exalted until this is resolved.

Note: I am not sure if faction-change is the cause or the reason, but it’s an observation that I’ve made. It would help if more people reported the issue in detail.

This is huge problem. I’m afraid to do anything in game now. Almost all of activites are connected with reputation gain. I knew game will be broken after patch, but not like that. This is realy bad.


I’ve had another faction go neutral on me, Baradin Wardens, which makes my teleport tabard useless. When I go to the camp, all the NPCs are like the opposite faction NPCs in cities like Dalaran. Can’t talk to any of them and they’re all neutral.

I had a look at my reps today and found a lot of them missing, but after Googling found that by talking to the NPCs of those factions I could get them back in the list.

This hasn’t worked for Artisan’s Consortium, but I figured I’d try some different NPCs later.

One I particularly cared about though was the Obsidian Warders, with which I was halfway to exalted. No amount of talking to NPCs belonging to that faction brought it back, and I had the same issue with the Maruuk Centaur, which did return when I got some rep with them.

So I did some dailies for the Obsidian Warders, and have now lost all my progress. Great patch.

More threads on the subject on the US forums too, hopefully this issue gets more attention fast.

Lost reputation - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums -

Lost my Waveblade Ankoan reputation - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

Unshackled renown got reset to neutral after doing some world quest in Nazjatar post 11.0 pre-patch launch - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

Honorbound Rep lost - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

Reputations Lost since 11.0 Patch - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

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Same problem here.
Lost the following reputations to neutral (from exalted)

  • The Honorbound
  • The Hand of Vengeance
  • The Frostborn
  • The Taunka
  • Warsong Offensive

It’s possible that a stealth fix was applied. Thrallmar is no longer resetting for me each time I gain any reputation with them upon logging out. But, this of course means, that for the 2nd or 3rd time in Dragonflight, the fix for affected reputations was not retroactive. I would like to see any new reports of this issue after the hotfixes last night.

Never mind. Just took longer to reset this time. It’s again gone from the log, and reset back to 0/3000.

My Waveblade Ankoan rep just got reset, I was 1K rep away from exalted last night, now I’m back to neutral-…

Can we please have an update about it? This is not only display issue. People actually losing reputation. I’m not affected yet, but realy afraid to play the game right now.

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I been doing dailys in BFA for many weeks now, and i earned exalted for 7th legion
then i did 1 daily mission and i noticed the exalted had been reset to natrual.

The same issue affects other reputations while doing there dailys such as:

  • Proudmore Admirality
  • Storm’s Wake

I had both Proudmore Admirality + Storm’s Wake 19.500/21.000 Rep

And i was looking forward to be done with them both after weeks of grinding every single day.
And now they are both natrual again…

I sendt ticket to blizzard Customer service: They replayed that there is nothing they can do about This. and they told me to remove curseforge and delete WTF,Caches Files And Log back into wow without any addons …

I already knew this wouldent help cus this wasent a addon / interface bug my char had lost all repuation… I sendt ticket again and they reply send bug rapport. …

I dont feel they wanna help at all… its super sad and frustreting i been spending hours after hours, days, weeks, doing same missions over and over and over again, just for them to reset it back to natrual becuase of a bug in there system…

I have Azerothian Diplomat (Achievement) That prove All BFA rep was above Revered!
I even have screenshots before and after dailys that the rep got reset i got all this profe and stil they dont want to even try to help


Aye, just noticed exactly that happening, got honor hold at neutral.

In that Q&A last year they were talking about making sure no information is lost along the way when doing this project of making account wide reputations :rofl:. Now it is getting lost I mean, what is this?

I hope I’m not speaking too soon again, but after testing Thrallmar following the maintenance, it indeed no longer resets. A friend tested it as well. However, as I suspected, the fix was not retroactive. I’m sorry for those of you who have lost reputations that are far harder to farm back than mine, and I wish you all the patience in the world. It really is unfair how you can spend hours or months farming things while paying a hefty price each month for a subscription and get done in like this.

If anyone experiences this issue again, I hope you’ll take the time to report it here. Likewise, if anyone gets lucky with a ticket, it would be nice to let us know. Although, I wouldn’t put much faith in customer support. Nowadays, getting help is like winning the lottery.

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it’s still not fixed.