Reputation reset (and keeps resetting)

To be more specific, no solution has so far been implemented to stop reputations from resetting in the first place as we are seeing fresh incident reports from several regions.

We will be seeing fresh incidents for weeks or even months. It will take people a long time to notice they’ve lost these reputations in the first place.

I could be wrong, but can any of you who wrote here during the previous week confirm whether your reputations are still resetting? My Thrallmar reputation is on Friendly right now. It hasn’t reset since this maintenance. The same applies to my friend; both his Thrallmar and Tol Barad reputations are progressing fine.

Essentially, if your reputation reset, but you can gain reputation going forward without it resetting again, that means they’ve applied the fix. To reiterate my point, I was unable to progress with Thrallmar for the entire past week. Any reputation gain would result in the reputation being reset upon relog.

I would like to confirm this because there’s no way I’m dropping this subject if there’s a chance of data being overridden again.

Edit: Actually, anyone who has this problem and can confirm that they didn’t lose reputation last week but have lost it this week (Wednesday), and continue to lose it upon any gain after relogging, can you please confirm it here?

I can confirm, yeah. I have just lost 2750 reputation at Dominance Offensive.

That is a different issue entirely. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’ve addressed that one yet. It’s related to remix and it seems to have something to do with the buffs they’ve applied to remix reputations.

Reputation no longer boosted in MoP: Remix after pre-patch - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums -

Reputation issues with Dominance Offensive? - Community / WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria - World of Warcraft Forums -

Is there a way to track other then looking one by one potencial reputation lost? I mean those ones which were completely removed from the list, not only downgraded to neutral. I’ve heard of such cases and I’m paranoid about it.

I did a single WQ for the Ankoan just now (my rep got reset from revered), relogged and it’s still there. Maybe it IS fixed

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Is there a way to track other then looking one by one potencial reputation lost? I mean those ones which were completely removed from the list, not only downgraded to neutral. I’ve heard of such cases and I’m paranoid about it.

No, but you don’t have to be paranoid about it. The reputations affected by the issue we’re discussing were only those with counterparts on the opposite faction. They were affected only if you gained any rep with them. Even gaining 1 rep was enough to reset it to neutral. The reputation wasn’t lost just by logging in. You had to actively gain rep by doing quests, world quests, dailies, running a dungeon, or even killing a mob for that faction, for it to reset.

That said, there was also a separate, visual issue involving Dragonflight reputations. Some reputations such as Wrathion, Sabellian, Azerothian Archives, Cobalt Assembly, and a few others would disappear from your log, but weren’t reset. Another affected reputation, still impacted by this, is Bloodsail Buccaneers. It’s gone from everyone’s log, but your standing with them is unaffected.

All this to say, unless you’re specifically looking for the missing reputation, you’re unlikely to notice them missing. There are hundreds of reputations in World of Warcraft, and having one disappear from the list is like looking for a needle in a haystack. That’s why reports will keep coming in for months to come even if they were affected last week

That’s not to say you shouldn’t be careful. Blizzard was careless enough to let this happen not once, but at least twice. There should at least be decency from customer support to be helpful and restore our reputations to its previous standings. But, I’ve come to not expect that much even, and it’s quite frankly just sad.

I did 2 more world quests on a character that never had their Nazjatar rep reset, and they’re still at Honored (and it is going up)

Maybe it IS fixed

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Thank you for the confirmation. I would love to see more people confirm this. Likewise, if anyone wins at the ticket lottery and gets the reputation restored, please let us know!

Well, my Waveblade Ankoan rep was reset to Neutral on the toon that got Exalted (progress on other toons seems to be unaffected).

Yep, looks like it isn’t resetting anymore. I’ve opened a ticket to see if they can restore the rep back to its original level.

I couldn’t see my Dark Talon rep this morning, so did some weekly quests and noticed it came back but reset to neutral

All my characters got Bloodsail Buccaneers completly removed from the reputation tab.

Other reputations seems there and not been downgraded to neutral. I’m still checking just to be sure.

Well, yesterday I had rep reset not immediately after relogging but a while later. Today I went to gain rep again and it seems to not reset after relogging/switching to alts whatever you could imagine would cause this.

I’m in the fortunate situation that this is of no great concern to me, the rep I lost is one i’ll get back long before i’m done with many, many mog runs. What concerns me is the continued guessing game, the stealth fixes, the “try again and fingers crossed it’s fixed” mess.

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This is probably a bigger concern of mine compared to losing the reps (which is still unacceptable).

1.) Still hasn’t been acknowledge officially as a bug.
2.) Because it was never mentioned we now also don’t have an official patch note saying it’s fixed.

So we’re are having to guess if they have actually fixed anything and this isn’t just a “working for a couple days” situation.

Many of us are likely now in the situation of GM lottery as to whether we can get the reps returned to their proper level, and it kind of feels that Blizz doesn’t want to address it for some reason.


While looking into this issue, I saw earlier mentions of the same problem affecting Dark Talons and Obsidian Warders. The post below is from December 2023, and from the looks of it, I can’t imagine this being anything other than the same issue we are currently experiencing.

Dark Talons (Horde) reputation reset - from exalted to neutral - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums -

This post even mentions instances from 6 months prior.

Some people also mentioned losing Voldunai reputation. Comments relating to this issue can also be found on the Wowhead Voldunai faction page from patch 10.0.2, dating back to December 2022.

Since this problem bothers me deeply, as it does you, I feel uncomfortable not knowing whether it will happen again, and it makes me uneasy to play the game and invest my time into it. I logged into the beta today to see if I could replicate the problem there. I went into Hellfire Ramparts with my Blood Elf Rogue to gain some rep with Thrallmar and test the issue, and I managed to replicate the same problem. This means the issue is present in the beta build as well. I wasn’t sure if it was normal for reputations to reset in beta, so I gained some reputation with Lower City, relogged, and can say with confidence that Lower City wasn’t affected, but Thrallmar was.

I’ve actually lost all my reputations, every last one of them.

Blizzard should update about that issue. This is the most serious bug I’ve seen in WoW and I’m playing this game realy long.

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This is very serious now. We put a lot of time into these “achievements” and if they can arbitrarily vanish into thin air like this, what’s the point in doing them at all? This isn’t good enough, Blizzard.


same issue , i have the Unshackled exalted achievement and now i’m neutral since the last pach

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