Hi, posting here because a GM told me to.
Shazzrah is bleeding players on a weekly basis, multiple guilds have left and more to come. To some unofficial websites the playerbase is rapidly declining and therefore, as with any dying realm, I and others would request free character migration off the wasteland.
Thank you for listening Blizzard.
Lets go Blizz, open free migration ppl are quiting playing aswell…
Alliance side of Shazzrah has been dead for months but still no transfers. Even though Blizz talked about bulk character transfers back in October they haven’t given us an update on that either. Blizzard seems unfocused lately.
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In the realm selection menu, ‘Shazzrah’ is now listed as Low populated. This probably qualifies for a free transfer.
Blizzard, it’s your turn…
I’ve been posting on-and-off in the original blue post about this issue. The Shazzrah population is at a point now where there’s never any groups going for any dungeons let alone raids. The population on Shazzrah as pointed out by Supremes is by your own meassure ‘Low’. Maybe it’s time to give the players that are left a Christmas present and let them leave the dead realm that is Shazzrah?
If a problem like this is not being fixed by the developers then what are we paying you for every month?
yes, agreed, make it a possibility! 
I personally have invested quite a lot of time into levelling alts that I can no longer play with on the server and thus the enjoyment of the game is dying please now that we qualify as low population do the right thing and open up free transfers.
yes, agreed, make it a possibility.
Playing the game on Shazzrah is no longer fun. I have a few alts but can’t do dungeons to get rep, raids or anything else.
I invested a lot of time in my characters and I know I won’t start over on another realm…
Please fix this dying server Blizzard!
I mean, I just read a post on reddit how a guy on a 4000 people server can’t get anything done because there’s no groups for anything.
We’re sitting below 2000, and at this point literally the vast majority are raid loggers who play on other servers…
Let us off Shaz
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Not giving transfers to people in those cases will not only shrink the population on servers like that but also your playerbase. I hope you open up transfers soon.
I totally agree with all above. Server is practically dead, you cannot play anything then raid. Alting you can forget. So please, make this transfer possible. Thank you.
Please make this happen, don’t like being stranded on an unplayable server.
Please do it, not worth logging into the game anymore otherwise…