REQUIREMENTS for Unlock allies races are stupid

Long story short for the 101239812834128947128947r128936721894672891th thread about Allied races - If you don’t want to “work” to unlock those races, then you don’t deserve playing them. Like it or not, that is the way it is.


Waiting 5-9 weeks to unlock is not working for them.


It is, I am still doing it for the Zandalari and I see nothing wrong with it.
It’s a reward I am willing to work for.
That is unless YOU want WoW to become like SWtOR, where you have to PAY to unlock the new races.


I adore how you grown ups and educated people that know how to react wisely in a community environment, pointing fingers and call names.

For somone who has played the game from the begining of the expansion on one or both factions they have everything unlocked by now.

But when it comes to requirements sometimes you are forced to do things you dont want to or feel if you do them it ruins the fun of play. Requirements that you need for dk/dh/certain races etc.

These things in mind of blizzard makese sense because you have to do all the story and explore everything just to know what happend what is your stance and so on. Makes sense, right? It is like in every other game you cant just jump to the end that would kill the purpose of the game and fun of it.

But sometimes it can become overhelming for new people and maybe other types when they just want to try the new stuff just because they got hyped about it.
Best example would be zandalari troll: level up a character do all the requirements and then you can play your dream race where you have three options either do it all over again or boost and do all over again or best deal is race exchange saving everything you have done not ruining the game preserving the fun of play without beeing overhelming at all if you just wanted the new race.

For me personally my so called “babaycry/whine, complaind, etc” would be the fact that after years of playing horde i never thought to try alliance but now i am indirectly forced to play alliance (not such a big issue) and level up a character (or boost) just to be able to do all the story and campaign to unlock an achievement so i can get a mount.
Would have been nice to just use some sort of temporarily faction change, same thing you do in pvp, in order to explore the alliance campaign but that is a bit absurde.

Anyhow, the game has started to feel or be all about micro transactions and make you spend as much time in the game by doing same things but in different colors or circumstances just to keep you bussy with while they dont do much to give you content or actual enjoyment in this game. (Maybe this last phrase i didnt express it right to the point but those that know will get it).

So how ever you do it there will always be all kinds of people that like or dont, agree or incite, be happy or not, etc etc.

While on that another expansion will pass money keeps flowing people are playing life goes on and who cares if we loose 1k subs or more we can allways give a mount if you pay for one year or buy the remastered vikings.

But i bet who cares about what i wrote its just another wall of text.


You’re playing since start of BFA, if you haven’t unlocked them so far, you didn’t really buy BFA for them, I know this because I nonstop farmed mag’har rep, I wanted them. I didn’t have to farm Kul’tiran rep, I got exalted just by doing emissaries for azerite power and gear.

Yet I’m not blind, I see that players that come after they came out, will have a psyche of “They’re out, I can go get them”. No, they can’t get them, they have to wait 5-9 weeks.

Vanilla: Farm npcs/dungs, gain rep.
Tbc: Farm npcs/dungs, gain rep
Wotlk: Strap on tabard, gain rep, Hodir farm relics, gain rep, Ashen farm ICC trash, gain rep.

BFA: Wait day to day to gain rep.

We don’t pay to wait, we pay to play.

Take a look at your day in WoW and ask yourself, am I having fun? Is going around doing same WQs day to day, fun? No it’s not, this game was butchered to shreds, WQs are cancer of this game, they belong in mobile games and facebook ones, not in an MMORPG.


I don’t want play alliance, I just level up my paladin in Aliance to 120, and now I need grind those reputations again to unlock races and new mount for horde. And playing solo on mmorpg game game is stupid, and boring. No one of my friends playing alliance, and I want mount for collection even if he is ugly. And I know story because I have done this same on Horde.

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Can I just ask, do you report a thread like this for trolling or spamming?


You report it as being a serious ingame issue, which with no doubt will be fixed in due time. If they vastly increased rep gains for void elves and lightforged, who were not so hard to farm, they’ll no doubt add extra KT/Zandalari rep gains. Unfortunately, who knows when.


I love reporting you Dotttie :smiley: I don’t think this topic is troling, I have this same issue because we are repiting content on 2 characters.


My only gripe is that rep isn’t sharable and if you grind the Alliance side then it should unlock for the Horde side too but, hey ho we can’t all get what we want.


Exacly! I have mors of reputation on my horde main, but I don’t even touch alliance because no one who I know is playing there! My realm is 97% horde, how I can meet friendly alliance players when there is no alliance players at all.

And then there’s conveniently put 21euro sale on faction change.

I understand race change sale, but faction change? No doubt there.

I even cannot use this cuz I am guild leader…

Because, I already have exalted with alliance 7th legion, so that part about reaching exalted with honorbound could be removed for me. And the only thing that looks legit is to complete horde war campaing. Not like I gonna play this stupid faction for real, just wanted to try out zandalari, but nvm.

True, I mainly play Alliance and my Horde Troll DK was there mostly for the War Campaign (as much as I regret doing some of it’s parts, but that’s personal opinion about butchered characters) and to help farm the Arathi t3 set. I only recently began farming for the Zandalari, hence why I do not have them right now.

And if you defend those people, you are in fact just as deficient as they are, since you could put the effort of typing a few words with your keyboard and clicking a few times with your mouse in order to find out all you need to know about them. We’ve gone through this abysmally un-defendable (Is that a word? It is now!) point, so I won’t even bother finding all the times Puny and the rest of us people who can use google have refuted you and yours.

Now tell me what is missing here?

WQs are just dailies, what’s your point?

Aren’t all the services on sale? I avoid that page like the plague so please excuse my ignorance on that specific topic

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Dailies were optional, WQs are mandatory to keep up with azerite neck level.

Since you’re resorting to insults, I went through your achivements. You have none. You are 0 in pve, in pvp and everything, so you hold onto this allied race unlock since it’s all you have. You’re scared of new players being able to unlock them faster than you did, and angry too, so that you’d rather have them suffer for 5-9 weeks. You’re a bitter and entitled.
And no you did not suffer, you got them casually via emissaries, your neck level isn’t even close to 40.


Not in MoP they werent.

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Hence the downward spiral that resulted in WQs.

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I want the rep gain back from dailies.

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Me too, or give me tabard! Now there is no way to farm/grind rep.

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