Residual memories

residual memories has once again got broken by something do blizzard even care that things like this are breaking down all the time . i think this is partly because a horde group a couple of days ago spawned hogger and stitches multiple times , having seen these antics from the horde many times in voldoon where they spawned giants , same thing in warlords of draenor ,every time they did this it broke the game , its about time blizzard bitt the bullet and did something about it.

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You never explained the problem…?

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its broken so you cant warband trade

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There’s a blue post that currency transfering is temporarily disabled.


i sent blizzard a ticket about not being able to trade, and the horde group are the reason things break ingame as they cheat by spawning adds and bosses over and over , since warlords of dranor i have seen them do this to get xp quickly.

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So… working as intended as far as the event is concerned? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You’re aware they spawn on their own, right?

Nobody’s spawning them

Yeah, and also currency transfer has been disabled for 13+ hours, not just residual memories

today aug the 15 during 1 15 minute period hogger and stiches spawned 1 after the other for 15 minutes 10 times thats 5 0f each i know because i helped fight them ,this is not normal , most of the group killing them had their names in orange letters they are from another realm .

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Only live another week - zero effort will be put in as per usual.

I’m not saying you didn’t encounter a large group of the opposite faction, I’m saying they didn’t spawn those mobs, seeing as these mobs aren’t summoned but spawn on whatever rotation Blizzard has them on.
You changed shards or there was a glitch, or those mobs keep spawning despite not necessarily counting towards downing the memories remaining bar

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how cant you?

currency transfer is also back up.

200k is enough to buy at least one of each thing in the vendor

Transfer has been fixed for days.

Even if it wasn’t you can put unequipped gear in the warband bank and take it out on the alt.

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yeye its working :smiley: was thinking i could press the red icon to open the transfer menu or similar

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any idea how to “import” currency if the char has 0 ?
the currency is literally hidden until you got at least 1 and this prevents the transfer-menu to be opened

Literally go kill a single mob in the area for x1 residual.

Blizzard are not good at informing when things are fixed. They also didnt inform that players could trade again cross realm.

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yeah thats a weird fix for this issue. for all other currencys in future not.

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