Responding to criticism with defensiveness

My interpretation of Blizzard’s message about the WoW token is that it’s as though they’re saying:

“We know players don’t like this and we’re going to Blizzsplain it because we work in a culture that responds to criticism and conscience with defensiveness”.

They are riding in on a high horse, adding tokens and explaining it is because: “We tried fighting the bots, but we failed. Here is the token for you”

The Blizzard Cosa Nostra playbook:

  1. Era community is alive! Let’s do something about it
  2. Flood the Era servers with a ton of people. Call all youtube “influencers” for this purpose to make videos and hype them up
  3. Era servers get 10x their pop. Super uber toxic people come in and bring with them wotlk/retail like gameplay
  4. Boosting and GDKPs take over. Bots all over the place. Channels flooded with spam all day
  5. Gold buying is rampant
  6. Blizzard ignores all criticism as this plays out
  7. When it is clear that this is a “problem”, they introduce the WoW token basically saying this is to combat the problem they have created and willingly ignore

They will not take that money to reinvest it into combating bots, or giving us the customer support we have not had for years. No, they will milk this dry and let us to rot when the time comes.

I am sorry, but I see this for what it is. I am not buying their bs “good intentions”. I smell the bs like if it were right below my nose.

The token is not here yet, but if this plays out as I am stating, then it is up to you to give your money to this people. I know what I will do.


This isn’t 2004, 99% of online games players will play like this. This isn’t specific to retail or WoTLK. Meta, optimizing the fun out of the game is typical.

Yet Blizzard is unable to find it :smiley:

Well, I disagree. I have met a lot of people who are not as cutthroat and want to have an enjoyable experience.

…or maybe its true, and that is why WoW has been declining for over a decade now in terms of playerbase.

In any case, if they are the target “customer” and they need a token, then we can part ways, I am fine with the idea.

Well I hope it wont but i bet it will… all games are kind of pay to win nowdayz, for 90% of new gen kids playing, there is no purpose of playing unless they winning no matter what even if they have to take advantage of mommies credit card… Ill still keep playing classic maybe not so often yes community will get worse. It is already from ppl that came from retail and dont want classic authentic community come back and cringe-grudge with cloning service and they dont want it back no matter what, because they gonna be casted out again…

Are they statistically large enough group? :smiley: Since classic launch the statistical majority went ham with various metas.

How we play the game is insignificant next to the quantity of whales and meta slaves.

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