Restart the Classic trilogy

Classic > TBC > Wrath. A lot of people missed out. A lot want fresh progression.

This trilogy has endless replayability.


No way. Not want to loose my progress on Era characters, and not on Wrath haracter - even if I will if no Wrath Era server is comes when Cata takes over.


what a dumb selfish request.

I don’t think it is, some people did miss out, but I don’t think it will happen until they end the current classic run.

I also don’t think they would wipe the current realms if they did it.

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we all know people are requesting mop and legion because those are peak retail expansion. i think blizz should rerelease them one day. but people like vilagos are selfish because he don’t want them to enjoy it again but instead wants blizzard to cater only towards the classic community and rerelease the same all over again. and nope “just play dragonflight bro” is not the solution because different retail expansions are not the same.

Where did I say delete current progression accomplishments? The formula is simple and far less complex than the mess Blizzard has gotten themselves into with Progression into Cata and beyond + seasonality:

Vanilla > TBC > Wrath, restart. At the end of each expansion, progress gets replicated into each respective Era realm, Classic Era, TBC Classic Era, and Wrath Classic Era. You speak of selfishness, but what about all the people that missed the bus? What about those who wish for replayability? I am not vouching for cancelling Cata - I am simply stating that everyone should have their fun, it’s more money for blizzard, and the user gets to pick their flavor - everybody wins.


so u can get to level 20 again and quit?

That’s easy.

Start a new account.

Now you talking. With Era servers to each part of Trilogy … you have my vote!


would do it all again


they should do that automaticly like Cata release +x weeks or months and restart the cycle
Every 3th expansion the cycle restarts, Classic ends where Cata begins

Most likely it has already been restarted, you just do not realise it yet.
I estimate with ~80% that with the end of SoD the portal will open.


I hope so. I missed the 2019 train and jumped now in SoD. Whenever there will be a new classic run with expansions following in in , and from what ive known there are many like me in sod too


I also missed the 2019 train because I had no access to my PC then. Except I hopped back on in SoM. There must be plenty of people like us, and also those who simply want it all over again

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That will blow my mind. They would have to redesign a lot of the runes or make them only usable at 60 and get new runes in Outland. But yeah I’d be all for SoD TBC.
I’d be down for any version of TBC to be perfectly honest. Outland is my fav continent and I loved the dungeons/raids.

More on topic as to what the OP is proposing: I do feel (if SOD won’t go into TBC) they will have to restart the classic trilogy at one point. Right now it’s a bit too early but maybe in a few years when MoP classic is on it’s last legs they could announce a server or two that will go through all of classic again up and including wrath.


Can’t imagine that. But I also didn’t think they’d do SOD, so maybe.

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