Hey Hey,
For the last couple of months i am looking for a decent mythic raiding guild .I can transfer to any realm so thats not a big issue. I can raid up to 4 days a week and i like to do mythic + keys to.
Hey Hey,
For the last couple of months i am looking for a decent mythic raiding guild .I can transfer to any realm so thats not a big issue. I can raid up to 4 days a week and i like to do mythic + keys to.
Sound is a guild on kazzak that is currently 3/8M and are in need of more ranged dps to further our progress. If you are interested add me on Tiken#2693 and we can have a chat
Hi, If you are to consider a faction change then you might just find the right home if you fulfil some criteria ^^ and we would love to see another Boomy in our raiding rooster or even a resto as we do not have one at the moment.
I’m an officer in Primordial Flame and we’re especially looking for more ranged dps and healers, so your druid would be very welcome!
Here our recruitment post for more information:
Primordial Flame is an English-speaking Horde guild on Drak’thul (EU) looking to fill gaps in our Raiding roster as we progress through Mythic Uldir (2/8M) and head into 8.1 content.
We transferred to Drak’thul from Shadowsong/Azsune on the 13th November in order to open ourselves up to more players.
Currently Recruiting:
Our current raid schedule is 7pm - 11pm UK time (8pm - 12am server time) on Thursday & Saturday. Our Saturday Raid is currently subject to change.
Please come with experience if applying for our Mythic Raid team, preferably having cleared HC.
Please contact our GM or one of our officers on Battlenet for more details.
We’d be happy to have you on our team
We are Kings of Blood and we are a guild that focuses on progression in the hardest content the game has to offer. We are located on Kilrogg/Nagrand/Runetotem EU. We are currently remastering our raid team and are looking for exceptional DPS and Healers for our main team. Our current progression is 8/8 HC and 2/8 M Uldir. We raid from 20:30-23:00 ST Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
We focus on collaberation and promoting a healthy and friendly environment that serves as a place of growth and progression. What you can expect from us is friendly and diverse mindsets who are all pushing for the same goal. We are not just guild members, We are a family. So if you are an exceptional player and think you might be what we are looking for feel free to contact me.
You can watch some of our current kills here:
You can also watch our progression live at:
Critzler - https://www.twitch.tv/critzler
Rosaliee - https://www.twitch.tv/rosaliee86
Our previous raiding history:
DS 7/8 HC
SoO 10/14 HC (Before mythic was released)
HFC 13/13 Mythic.
EN 7/7 Mythic
NH 6/10 Mythic
ToV 2/3 Mythic
ToS 5/9 Mythic
Antorus: 5/11 Mythic
Add me or my missus on Battle.net for more information:
Critzlerss21#2885 - Critzler
Bella#1965 - Rosaliee
Hey Hey,
Quik Bump!!
The next question is are there any key runners for mythic+ keys that are interested in a resto druid ( legion 2.2 on holy priest)
This is my recruitment: [H-Draenor] DHX - Heroic and mythic raiding
We raid 2 days a week at present, clearing heroic and making a start on mythic if we can. Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787
2/8M 8/8HC Wed & Fri raids from 20:00-23:00. Check us out!
We raid one night a week. Check out our recruitment post below. If you’re interested add me on
Bnet - Windsurfer#2374
Discord - Windsurfer#8693
Battle for Africa originally started as a group of friends in the UK and ex-mythic raiders who couldn’t keep up with the 3-night a week style of raids. We previously raided in Legion in one night a week and achieved cutting edge and wanted to carry the same thing forward here.
We are now looking to recruit additional members to bolster our roster and give us more flexibility in compositions.
<Raid Night>
Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00 server time
<Classes needed>
Ranged DPS: Druid/Shaman/Hunter/Mage
Melee DPS: Closed
An off-spec tank and healer are still needed.
Of course, any exceptional applications from any players are always welcome, regardless of if that position is closed!
Because we only raid 1 night a week, things are a bit more relaxed here. There’s regularly mythic+ runs going during the week to fill the time, as well as some PVP and occasionally alt runs for heroic. However, we expect players to follow the usual rules for raids, and this is even more crucial since we only do 1 night; whilst we are not expecting orange parses from everyone, we do hope that you know your class well enough to perform consistent DPS and can manage mechanics successfully when it is asked of you.
Check out our guild recruitment on our website: www.nothingguild.eu
Good morning,
Whispers of the Old Gods are currently 4/8 and we are looking for a Resto/Boomkin Druid. If you are still available and looking for a guild, feel free to get into contact with me;
Hey man my guild retaliate is currently 2/8m and is looking for more rdps, we raid fri/sun 8-11pm ST /w in Sweetbrew or add me on bnet Laxhuvudet#2350
Promises to join guild, writes application and then transfer issue, then locked mythic. When asked do you join or we should look for another healer, he say’s he is joining… and next day without word, he is gone from your friend list!
Just warning for future guilds:)
hey hey,
did write an application and sended a decent messenge today on b-net to tell you i wont transfer to eu-moonglade due the fact its an rp server ( low) populated ) so trying to give me a bad name isnt realy good but still thanks for the note. Now i can write something back which make sense. But i want to end this positive , Honorbound is for sure a guild with respect and have a good way of helping or explaining people that make an application. So i recommend people that looking for a guild to apply there… .
<Terracotta Pie> {{alliance}} is recruiting for Raiding and M+ content in BFA we’re semi-hardcore but a relaxed atmosphere Looking to step away from PUGS and Push Guild Group Content We’re both a social and a progression guild and everyone is welcome. 8/8 HC 1/8 M
We have people of various experience and assist whenever we are able! add Numlock#21955 so we can chat
Ping me at nodeuce#2858 or have a look at: forms.gle/ZZoAkdrUx3XL6Hiq9