Druid (29, UK) looking for a new community of players to play WoW with since all mine seem to have melted away.
Interested in raiding and M+ but not Mythic raiding really. I have previous Garrosh, G’hunn and Xavius AHOC but nothing further due to a lack of a decent Guild or enough friends committed to WoW at a time.
Am more than happy to server/realm transfer and would even consider a faction change too for the right community.
Sup dude. Im GM of a guild whos currently 5/8HC. Hit curve on Ghuun, jaina and uu’nat this expansion. We raid thursday and sunday from 7:30pm to 10:00pm UK time.
Add me if you want a chat on bnet Riddesu#2266
Hey Dónald. Would be happy to have a chat - see my post on Doomhammer/Turalyon forums
[H] Is Amazing - looking for more to join our guild
Feel free to add me on battlenet Singer#2816 for a chat!
Hey Dónald,
we would be honored to welcome your druid to SICK (Serious Injuries Can Kill). SICK is an Alliance (sorry, but we like the shiny bright side) guild created recently by a group of WoW veterans (yeah we re a bit older). Starting our friendship back in 2006, we were Always a Dutch guild only. We decided to start an international guild to casually raid with the focus on achieving Curve every tier. But only with 2 raids a week. Other evenings are for M+ and other stuff we can do ingame.
If you’re interested, add me on Bnet for a chat. Wisnix#21673
Grtz (and good luck finding a new home)! Wisnix.