Resubbing Just For The Forum 🤔

Don’t know, it’s also pretty entertaining for us to interact with twil :man_shrugging:

Always having a good time with “ma boi”

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Clearly this place wouldn’t be the same without You Twiluna, shame you do not have rank 3 ! Nothing like an energy drink and a coffee aside and some music to get started. *


Still not 100% sure that everyone posting here is not an alt of Twiluna and that the wow eu forums is basically just Twilunas schizophrenic mind arguing with itself…
Would explain why we don’t get many blue posts.


Honestly, she should be having her own VIP trust level by now.

GoGo Bigblue, you know you want it :heartpulse:


Probably… :smile_cat:

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quoted for truth, unbelievable he/she doesn’t have rank 3 :c or his/her own leve and no i am definitely not Twiluna’s alt yet it would be fun !

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This is true >.>

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It’s like that cult in BfA with Akunda, only in this case we are all Twiluna!


No weirder than only subbing because you love playing with your pals in the game. I did that for years - I didn’t like BfA as a game.

You do you. :slight_smile:

And I still think your threads are funny. You’re the last person I’d want out of here.

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Possibly, but you do you and be happy while you’re at it!


@Punyelf: I am not Twiluna… and I am also not Nottwiluna, either. And I am extremely grateful that I was not stuck being Akunda, either. :smiley:

@Twiluna: I have not really unsubbed since I started playing back in 2008, so I do not quite know how to relate. Very difficult to say, whether I would get “withdrawal” effects, if I was not allowed to post. Possibly… :smiley:


I mean would I even know if I was a alternate personality conjured up by your mind?
Maybe I am Twiluna just that I’m currently hallucinating myself as Frizzle and have no idea that I’m posting with myself…


I do that now, i am subbed for playing keys with my friends mondays and fridays. Its still worth it for me :smiley: if i didnt have that i would have unsubbed.


I’m not in a position to judge. I have been subscribed to Disney+ for months now and have only watched half a movie so far. I get more hours of entertainment from these forums, and I also enjoy the people that post regularly, so I can see how someone could keep posting, even if not playing. Honestly if the price of admission makes no difference to you it’s not a problem.


Nope, you are not the only one :smiley: OK, I play Classic every now and then, trying to level a character to max (level 21 currently :dizzy_face:) and waiting for TBC launch


Now that you mention it… I believe I am still paying for a TeamSpeak 3 server… <.<


Thats half a movie more then me :rofl: i got it for the kids though, but they prefer netflix. Too bad i paid for an entire year :see_no_evil:

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Test account works.

The forums were super dull and toxic without you. Now there are sprinkles of fun to comment on! I think I’m almost as addicted to your threads as you are to making them :face_with_monocle:


Now that’s some dashing transmog ! My! My! those eyes are wonderful on your avatar picture too !