The hype seems to be around the release of the new retail expansion, The War Within, for the moment. It is possible that blizzard would announce something relating classic wow for the 20 years anniversary, on November 23rd.
I remain hopeful for the announce of a new fresh server at this date, but i don’t think anything will happen classic side before then.
fresh server is a pipe dream. there will be literally no difference between era and fresh unless they buckle down and fix the plethora of issues plaguing the game atm; bots rmt and gdkps, bugs from other versions of the game seeping over, more bugs that have nothing to do with sod i.e warlocks not being able to chain fear because “there’s already a more powerful ability”. you don’t actually know what you want if you think fresh is gonna be different from what we currently have. none of those things above are going to ever be changed.
btw ik theres always the primate complaining about warlocks are too op anyway so ima just put here that that cc-chaining bug applies to virtually every CC in the game that isn’t a stun including poly and entang roots.
and finally to extrapolate upon my original point about there being no diff between fresh and era i wasn’t talking just about the community and bugs.
there are plenty of guilds recruiting for AQ40 and Naxx and sr pugs doing MC weekly and sometimes BWL. so yeah stop asking for fresh when the game needs to 1st be brought back from the frankenstein state its currently in.
Go out into the wilderness and farm mobs.
Farm until your eyes need to be held open with matchsticks, and your head is dropping onto your lap in utter exhaustion and life outside the game is a distant memory.
Day in, day out, night in, night out. Farm until your hand and wrist is so numb that you can barely lift your arm. Never to see the sun, never to experience the wind on your face, or the feel of grass under your feet. Only the farming matters. Farming is all there is, and all there ever will be.
Day in, day out, night in, night out. Farm. Keep on farming, never stop.
And then, when you are literally unable to farm, and cannot even see the monitor - clench your teeth and farm some more. You WILL see that Red Dragon Whelpling.
Do this my son, and one day thou shalt be counted as a man.
I don’t know. I log in on my 60 level paladin, then log out, or stay logged in for 30 minutes, doing nothing and log out.
All I see is some ZG pubs and “Naxx in 30 min” guilds who are min-maxers and require everyone, including healers to go engineering for killing faster.
I would just peacefully level on a pve server, but what is situation on pve servers? I logged in and some guys were searching for uldaman dungeon and that was all. Is it dead?
Pyrewood Village have enough people to do content. There are plenty of players in Alliance, there are less in the Horde side but it seems healthy enough.
It is better to play here than to log in and disconnect 'cause you can’t min-max or you dont want to min-max.
Edit: I am a PvP realm player but I would rather (and im playing) PvE realm at this point.
PVE servers are the shining crown of Vanilla WoW. I will return back to that. Of course for endgame content it does not count as we just hop into raids instantly, but ya, I guess it is better to just play on server where people are not in “Naxx in 30 min” mindset.
Yeah, also PvE servers dont have that “GDKP” or a highly spam of those kind of sh**. I mean all people knows Raids, okay. But it is more relaxed and there may be less people in general but that means that all interactions count more (More socialization). Also, it is probably that you will meet again the same people, I am not at lvl 60 but… I guess it.
Min-Max is like trying to bring Retail to WoW Classic in my opinion. Those are the PvP servers right now.
There’s a chronic shortage of tanks and healers on our PvE cluster.
Almost every LFG post I see is calling for tanks and healers, and often meet with little or no success.
So my advice would be to roll yourself a nice Warrior tank or healing Priest, and help us out. I guarantee you’ll get all the dungeon invites you’ll ever need.
Maybe that’s your problem, then. You try to log in and expect to get in a group for idk what content in 30 minutes or even less judging by how you word it.
That isn’t how vanilla works. There’s no LFG. You can’t just log in and expect to jump straight into grouped content; you need to form connections with other players especially when the content is much more exclusive.