Ret Pala & Affli/Demo Warlock LF Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild

Hi, my name is Marie and I main Ret Paladin!

We (my Warlock partner and I) have been looking for the perfect guild for us but haven’t found it yet! So I’m making a post in hopes that there is any guild out there willing to have 2 dedicated DPS, Ret & Affli/Demo (depending on which is better for the encounter) to join their rosters. We are looking for a guild that is somewhat hardcore, aiming for Mythic raiding where they see CE as a bonus and not the ultimate goal (would still be nice, though!).

Raiding times aren’t a problem for us at all. We also enjoy pushing keys and contributing in any way possible. We want to be committed to a guild of people who pull their weight and can efficiently do their own research and prepare themselves for the content ahead, as we assume this would also be expected of us.

With that said, we also appreciate a guild with friendly atmosphere and vibes. Where we can bond with the guild members and become part of the team.

If our ambitions live up to your standards, please add me on whichever platform is suitable for you!
Discord: mariebuns
Bnet: Marie#23597


SaveCowEatPanda is looking for nemesis who loves conversation(by the day) and leans for honor, justice and vengeance(by the night). Seeking arch-enemy, possibly crime lord or deformed megalomaniac. and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

Added you :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you (and the poster above you) for reaching out! However, we have already found something to settle with. :slight_smile: