Ret Paladin Looking for raiding guild

Retribution paladin played and raided all the way back in vanilla, tbc and beyond. Had the odd break due to unfortunate circumstances. But came back in shadowlands, missing half of BFA (didnt miss much) and now pushing in dragonflight.

I have aspirations for both mythic+ and raiding of course as i have always been a hardcore raider back in the day and it is not something i can just stop doing. The most important thing for me is inclusion and a guild with a welcoming atmosphere that is good to make me feel included and help out the guild.

I came into Linear half way through shadowlands and i have just not taken off there due to many reasons. I am new and they are secured with their mythic+ teams as well as their raiding team.I am looking to do high mythic+ keys and mythic raid if that is available also.

I am a ret paladin but i would consider changing my spec if it helps the guild out as long as you are patient with me to learn the new spec and help me out while doing so. If the guild has a good atmosphere etc then i am sure that is not a problem. I do enjoying hanging out on discord and having fun on there while playing.

There is also a chance i could have a couple of friends also interested. One has mained Mage back in the day and is now playing Dracthyr dps. My other friend is currently a priest and played healing classes so would either be holy or discipline.

I am open to all discussions, on this server or not. But all i ask is if you are interested then please be honest when approaching with what you can offer. And if you say your guild has a wonderful helpful atmosphere then also mean it please. As that is paramount for me going anywhere.

Current statistics from writing this advert,

Item level - 445.13
Mythic + - 2660

Aberrus - 8/9 Normal
9/9 Heroic

Vault - 8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
2/8 Mythic

Thanks for reading guys and gals.

Hello there :wave:!

Are you looking for a guild where flexibility is central, where you can play as often or as little as you want? A guild that supports you, includes you, and help you push the content you’d like whenever you have time?

Welcome to Aged, a super friendly guild with a mature and friendly community.
We raid once a week (Sunday 8 - 11pm and are currently on 8/9HC).

If this sounds interesting, you can read more about us in this post: 👨🏽‍🦳[A] AGED - Ravencrest [1-day-a-week raiding]

Let me know if you’re interested :smile:.


Good morning. if u are still in the market for a guild, u can have a look at our post, see if it something that might interest u. <First Pull> - A silvermoon experience

Unwavering fools Kazzak (H) recruiting for 10.1

Server : Kazzak (Horde)
Language : English
Raid days: Thursday & Sunday
Raid times : 20.30-23.00 Server time
Recruiting : Raiders and Socials
Progress : 8/8 Heroic Vault
8/8 Heroic Aberrus

Get Curve/KSM and have fun. Not in a hardcore fashion, but there is a heavy emphasis on everyone doing their part and contributing. We tend to be running m+ together on evening’s we’re not raiding, helping each other as much as we can when we can. We learn by doing it together.

We strive to improve as much as we can with the limited time we have for gaming. Trying goes a long way, so does asking for help. Wanting to improve as a team is a big must, and a general vibe we want to have. There is an expectation that people have a grasp of their class and where to find information regarding their classes and so on. Need help? Ask :slightly_smiling_face:

What/who we´re looking for

We are looking for people who are mature and have a sensible approach to the game.
Active during the evenings.
People who want to do content together either as raiders or socials.
Value progressing as a team, building and creating an atmosphere where we all enjoy pushing heroic raid and mythic+ content together.
Has a functioning mic and willing to use it :slightly_smiling_face: (not required, but very helpful!)

Raid Schedule
For Dragonflight our raiding days will be Thursdays & Sundays, 20.30-23.00 Servertime (CEST)

DPS - HIGH prio mage/spriest/dk
1 x Offspec Heal-
1 x dps with Offspec Tank

We are accepting all but we are short the above classes/roles

Were currently planning for 10.2 on the horizon so happy to discuss roles and things moving forwards :slightly_smiling_face:

Please feel free to contact me on discord Cervet or skips13
or In battlenet Cervet#2247 HipsterSkips#2309

I am still currently looking although i approached one of the above listed advertisements. But i forgot to mention raid times that start at 20:00 or after due to my work times.

Thank you for the current interest.

Hi Christoff - Synfull might be a place you could call home. We are an english speaking social guild (although have a range of nationalities) who like to clear content together.

Inclusivity is important to us and so we work hard to ensure that everything we do is inclusive and accessible for all.

We are on EU Dragonblight where we focus on and attain Ahead of the Curve each raid tier (and tip our toes into Mythic if numbers allow) as well as Keystone Master for as many of the guild who want to get it.

We raid 20:45 - 23:00 ST on Monday and Thursday each week. We love players who can be flexible with their raid comp position. We do have secured spots as you’d expect for main tanks and healers, however irl stuff happens so we are always grateful if guildies are able to do multiple roles to help raid comp when needed. We also ask, not require that guildies have a raid capable alt in case we need to mix up raid compositions.

Outside of raid nights there will always be some M+ on the go, we have groups running that are key slammers through to key completers. We always endeavour to ensure that everyone who wants a weekly key done gets one done - every bit of gear helps the raid.

We have a social night on Fridays where we organise whatever majority of those online wish to do whether it be M+, old raids / content, PvP.

Inbeween those three nights guildies self organise on things they want to do.

If you like the sound of what we do you can reach me on Lorc#2313 on bnet where we can arrange a chat on discord to explore ambitions, and, chat through any questions that you might have.

Please add me on discord for a chat :slight_smile:


Hi mate- we raid Wed/Sundays on Draenor - but have several Cross realm team members - currently 9/9 heroic- we are needing 2 dps for our team - raid invites start 7.45 and pull from 8pm server. discord me on senceii#3541

I am still currently looking although i approached one of the above listed advertisements. But i forgot to mention raid times that start at 20:15 or after due to my work times.

Lorcane and Beckmiester. I will chat with you when i can but just keeping the options going. Updated my original post with updated item level and progress.

Thank you for the current interest.

Still currently looking for other opportunities.

My Evoker friend is looking to come back to the game also and going either dps Evoker or Augment Evoker.

Hi there Christoff!
I saw your post and I think my guild, Strange Loop, could be the right guild for you!
We are a semi-hardcore guild on Draenor, with players of all skill levels and a social community of friendly, welcoming players. We are currently 2/9M, we aspire to get curve every tier, and then push as far as we can go with the people we have. We managed to do some mythic raiding this tier, but we are currently struggling with signups due to the summer. We’d like to continue our mythic progress, and to do this, we are looking for several classes to round out our raid team again, but more importantly we want people that get along with the gang, wanna hang out and be friends.

Whenever we can’t go mythic due to lack of signups, we will reclear heroic/partially reclear heroic and do some achievement/mog runs for the rest of the raid slot, so that we can spend some time together. We raid twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays from 20:30ST - 23:30ST. At the start of each tier we usually have one extra optional raid slot for gearing alts and people who had a late start.

We’re a team that enjoy doing content together. We have a big community that spans multiple games too, so for example we also have our own Minecraft server, and a guild on Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV.

We also have several people who like to push high keys, so we’re definitely keen on forming a group of high key pushers to push together!

Our raid ethos:
We want raids to be taken seriously with people coming prepared, both knowledge and consumable wise. But we’re always happy to help, so let us know if you need something! Our raid lead will be happy to talk you through mechanics, and we have several people who are always happy to help out with consumables if needed.

Boss pulls are a time for concentration and teamwork; we don’t want to foster your typical toxic mythic raiding environment. We want to kill the boss, but it’s just a game and nothing justifies being unpleasant to other people.

We of course have some banter going on during trash pulls, because if you’re not enjoying the raid, what’s the point?

If you’re interested, please feel free to drop me a message on Discord: Pouncey. or bnet: Pounce#21429

Hey christoff…maybe u remember me,add Fao#21189 for a talk.

Greetings christoff

We are a normal/heroic raiding guild looking for more DPS and like minded people, we are a more older crew with ages from 25 all the way up to 60, nice bunch and welcoming, been around since 2007 so well structured and organised.

We have guild events and mythic+ runs weekly, the mythic+ runs are more so random and when people call for it or have the time.

Raid times are Wednesdays and Mondays from 19:30 to 21:30 uk time. We are a curve guild mainly but do dabble in some mythic raiding, nothing to serious :smiley:

Add meh if interested.
Discord: razorstorm1

Hey there! I would love to have a chat with you, I have linked our guild info below you can add me on discord: Bowmistress if you would like a chat. :blush:

Hello there mate.Would be happy to discuss with you on discord about joining our guild.
Add Sindarta#8038.