Retribution paladin played and raided all the way back in vanilla, tbc and beyond. Had the odd break due to unfortunate circumstances. But came back in shadowlands, missing half of BFA (didnt miss much) and now pushing in dragonflight.
I have aspirations for both mythic+ and raiding of course as i have always been a hardcore raider back in the day and it is not something i can just stop doing. The most important thing for me is inclusion and a guild with a welcoming atmosphere that is good to make me feel included and help out the guild.
I came into Linear half way through shadowlands and i have just not taken off there due to many reasons. I am new and they are secured with their mythic+ teams as well as their raiding team.I am looking to do high mythic+ keys and mythic raid if that is available also.
I am a ret paladin but i would consider changing my spec if it helps the guild out as long as you are patient with me to learn the new spec and help me out while doing so. If the guild has a good atmosphere etc then i am sure that is not a problem. I do enjoying hanging out on discord and having fun on there while playing.
There is also a chance i could have a couple of friends also interested. One has mained Mage back in the day and is now playing Dracthyr dps. My other friend is currently a priest and played healing classes so would either be holy or discipline.
I am open to all discussions, on this server or not. But all i ask is if you are interested then please be honest when approaching with what you can offer. And if you say your guild has a wonderful helpful atmosphere then also mean it please. As that is paramount for me going anywhere.
Current statistics from writing this advert,
Item level - 445.13
Mythic + - 2660
Aberrus - 8/9 Normal
9/9 Heroic
Vault - 8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
2/8 Mythic
Thanks for reading guys and gals.