Ret paladin PvP talents in 9.1 ARE BROKEN LMAO

tbh i enjoyed playing nf hpal at the start of the season a bit

everybody talkin about ret, for obvious and not wrong reasons, but that leggo might be good for hpal as well maybe. if thats the case, then kyrian is not even an option anymore

thanks for streamlining even more the meaningful choice

Poly and trap removes every dot from the target so dont worry you will get that insta dispell.

It’s a bigger counter to hunter than mage. Mages have more than 1 debuff up at the same time. Like it doesn’t prioritize your healer for dispel all the time. Could be yourself or 2nd dps.

Hey you dont complain about the survival changes ?

It’s certainly not a full party dispel. It’s one of each school.

It’s powerful in small scale fights but in larger rbg setting this is not going to be Op.

It is funny that it is essentially an offensive purge tied to a high damage ability.

It would be like making shamans lava burst also cause purge: I’ve no idea why the continue to make rets offensive pressure higher and also thier utility.

Has any class community ever got what they asked for?

I remember talking about aff getting back to soullink so their defensive is tied to their pet instead we get a dumb permaslow legy high mobility and some absorb trhough dmg that is useless in the time of the game we should actually shine aka dampening.

With Divine Toll legendary, they will auto-dispell every 5 seconds. The game prety much translates into a very big joke.

Why not make all classes auto-damage, auto-CC and we just watch the screens. The one with most lucky crits wins and everybody is happy.

Okay, that’s broken.

Nice…anither mongoloid passive that removes Devouring Plague…like how the f we are supposed to do any damage when every other class can remove our spender?..its like if we are able to purge lock shards so they cant cast bolt.
How is that going to work? With leggo every 5 sec agter divine toll ret will cast judgement which will dispel someone in range of his aura passively + his of jundgements + healer dispells…like omfg imagine playing sp against ret + mw with turd autodispel spheres, dispell and revival and for example hunter with feint dispell…like wtf is going on…dot classes wanna play too maan.

Can we make it that every time i cast vt, i will disarm randomly one person within 30yard for 3 sec? Or give UA type of oneshot protection to Devouring plague…or smtn…

I doubt this goes live. We lose a good chunk of dmg in PvP (at least in RBG) with 9.1 and the devs thought of ways to compensate for the lack of serious utility in prolonged fights for rets (and holy) but this is the wrong way.
I also doubt that many ret’s would save the judgement just to dispel something. If you do you can’t pressure anyone.

So in the end everybody gets pucked.
For some reason, this is the case for so many mechanics or decisions they do lately. I dont know why. It looks like they want to kill them game on purpose or something.

credit where it’s due. At least something they are good at

hello fellow paladin mains!!! this is a great and glorious day for the paladin main community

Rets are weak atm they need a buff. U just need l2p. Kite it, line it, watch the stacks Š

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I mean judgment magic dispel is good but situational I think. Aura of reckoning got nerfed, ultimate retribution seems wack, I don’t understand what OP copied about lawbringer since on wowhead wording is different, and vengeance aura got nerfed.

if this goes live im gonna reroll to mage next season
why did i choose shaman in the first place ? :thinking:

Because both enha and ele is S tier at least in 9.0.5?

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Tfw people couldn’t figure out how to dispel Flame Shock in order to shut down Elemental burst so Blizzard decided to let Ret do it by accident as a work-around.


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More CD stacking.

What are you talking about ?