Ret paladin PvP talents in 9.1 ARE BROKEN LMAO

I wonder why the insist on giving paladins auto cleansing stuff.

Time to level my pala to 60 no point of playing anything than retri cause they have everything except MS, they should give them MS too. I expected rogues will get all the good stuff but this is next level troll from game devs.

it makes sp and eles quite unplayable to be honest. if the healer dispells dots AND the ret is auto dispelling dots all the time you end up doing 0 dmg.

speaking of the new talents, people seen improved mass dispel? on the ptr for me it’s a 0.4s cast on a 15s cooldown. imagine that on shadow.

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meh dunno if anyone is going to play shadow. Nerfed ST esp in pvp a lot. nerfed fade. nerfed some leggos. got improved mass dispell? it’s also that every other class gets better new talents.

it is available as shadow. while this is really interesting as an addition, the fact that sp loses lasting plague is annoying (+ plague damage nerf) and gfade gets nerfed by 25%. but the next season gameplay seems to be changing a lot from this one so we’ll see. I’m glad they are bringing more utility and versatility to classes as long as they are active, not really a fan of passive crap like this.

its good but not quite what shadow needs. Shadow is already very good against setup combs where improved mass dispell can be played. Removing Lasting plague and nerfing lasting plague hurts the dmg.

SP will still be fine but maybe only in sp mage stuff and not in pure pressure combs we will see if this ret pvp talent goes live then ele and sp is rip haha

No worries guys - Activision-Blizzard announced that they are opening new offices (one in Poland) and hiring 2000 new devs. If you are smart you know what’s going on. I think that Bobby lost his patience to the Irving office. He is going to hire cheaper devs around the world. If they will continue losing subs and getting low players scores on rating sites he may just fire all of them and close Irving office to pass development to other location. While it’s sad to hear that someone loses job I think it’s good for us as it brings more pressure to WoW team to deliver better quality game or if not it means that the game will be passed to someone else. I don’t think that it can be worse than it is now.

Poland also proved they have a lot of talented devs with companies like CDPR (maybe not with Cyberpunk 2077) and Techland.

Elemental should get a passiv aura that reduce holy damage to everyone with in 30 yards by 60% thats how bad this is.

x: you, i heard you got a job at blizzard mate!
y: yeah bro, i earn 400 euro now!


It’s dev role it will be 500

we’ll see how gameplay changes. i’m very excited about the cute sub rogue tools, even though they come with damage nerfs. kind of like sp i guess? we’ll see how it works i guess.

thinking about it a little, i’m not really sure how much i care about improved md as rmp. it does sound like an absolute nightmare into WPx where it’s so hard to setup cleanly that we’re doing weird long goes instead, but then that’s already a nightmare. shatter, splay? ehh.

it does make it harder to go on the priest’s dps partner, but that’s already pretty scary if you don’t cross cause of the mend legendary, grips, stuns, silence, md, swap, all kinds of stuff. but i’m not sure it matters much for going sp unless there’s a warrior to keep the priest alive for the stuns. for going healer i guess it’s good if you only cross the other guy to get him out of cc quickly to help peel or something?

i can’t imagine you drop fade or swap right, so just depends on if it’s worth the third slot.

ye that pretty much what i mean. It can be annoying to kick 0.4 sec MD but sp in general has many tools to stop setups when the sp isnt feared, ringed etc. Good rmps cross cc anyway.

its a cool addition i dont mind it but idk

i’m probably way too boomer to kick a 0.4s cast, but i don’t think i’ll have to, i’ll just stun him. by the time the sheep or fear or whatever lands, he’s already in a stun so it doesn’t matter, and by the time the stuns are over we’ve hopefully done enough that we’ve forced cds anyway. depends on how the pacing works next season of course.

Curious if this “cleanse” effect will fear you, if it dispells the shadow-priest dots

It triggers the silence and damage of unstable affliction so I think it should be the same for sp dots.

Just another rng gimmick for ret. Exactly what we needed
 Either rng dispel every poly which is game breaking op or dispel every ignite, which does absolutely nothing.

Worst part, it makes kyrian even more mandatory. They probably make it non interactive with Divine Toll like lawbringer. Like they should atleast.

New burst phase against locks=Bm trinket> Shield of Vengeance> Divine Toll dispel every UAs.

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since most hard ccs (except stuns and fear) remove all negative effects on a character, those affects are then guaranteed to be dispelled by a judgement

The only good thing about this is that maybe we get some counter to the stupid poly spam fiesta that we have since forever

This isn’t even funny anymore

actually I read it only dispels 1 of each on the party from the target that you are using judgement on.
So it seems it doesn’t really dispels your whole party if you randomly judge a pet or something.

Better, but still toxic lolz