Ret palas OP?

Atleast you have now confirmed to me, you are one of the worst ppl to argue with since you cant seem to understand even a tiny bit of what im writing but you are perfectly fine with trying to change my wording to suit you more. If you dont want to read EXPLAINATIONS on why arms warr is not first compared to ret, why bother responding? If you are in such a fairy land where you cant seem to understand even a small fraction of what im saying… :person_shrugging:

Where have I lied? Have I not said:

Hmmm, its starting to get quite interesting on how you seem to change the directions of context… You’ve barely played retri either, but you seem to be hellbent on knowing. So…

Everything you keep saying, keeps confirming you are fine picking words, changing them to prove something I never said to begin with. When you can actually start arguing based on whats being written instead of being in your fantasy world, you could come back again since right now, its quite pathetic :joy:

Considering your Paladin got to lvl 70 “25/03/2023” it confirmed to me that you feel free to lie as long as it benefits you :smile: