Ret palas OP?

ret pala main here. I know we get alot of hate for being OP, but last few games ive played theres been sooo much RMP. How are they still the best comp in the game after so many years??


Ret pala got too much damage with wings on such low cd and an overloaded tool kit.

I very rarely see RMP though. You should completely dumbster them as ret/arms or PHP.


Right now the ret is the second best mele behind the warrior. The last few nerfs to survivability have been effective, and in 10.1 they get even more nerfs to healing, so it’s getting closer to what the ret was before the rework. A trash class with no survival


Can’t wait!

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Get a priest and ret is useless :smiley:

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Nah they are not that op

Its time to stop


I dunno about Rogues (with all the CC nerfs, they still can get their damage back with the new trinket bonus) but Mages will pump, especially with the hilarious sheep talent that is literally like 2-3 talents in one.

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Already preparing…

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What it exposes is that it is the most played class, which is nothing new because the paladin has always been one of the most played classes in wow, but that it is the most played does not mean that it is the best. The warrior right now is the best no matter how much you warriors want to deny it.

I’m also telling you, those statistics don’t reflect reality, because they’re missing the first 2 weeks when the rework came out. Now after the nerf you see much less paladins, before the lobbies were 2 to 3 retrys, even 4 rets, and now you see 1 ret, and not in every game. Instead now you only see warlocks and warriors in each game

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Theres no point arguing with someone who cant see past certain things. Theres no doubt rets sustain dmg is overtuned, but its the way that he cant seem to understand that rets are not the only one overtuned. If you look at past representations, arms warriors were at top and sometimes even MILES away from the rest, but he would not aknowledge any of that information just due to it not moving towards his goal.

This is a link that shows both 10.0.2 but also 10.0.5. So the people who basically go ham on 3v3 representation as proof of something being overtuned… Yeah? And what I know, Arms didnt rly get any nerfs in 10.0.7, so the only reason they are not the highest is just due to how rets we’re released and how long it took for nerfs while still having abit overtuned sustain.

You’ve no idea what you’re talking about, unfortunately. The entire reason I play multiple characters these days stems from the fact that I find playing the FOTM broken OP spec unbelievably boring. I abandoned my paladin in 9.0 because of that and only revived it in 10.0.7 after seeing the unfathomable amount of cope going on by the retsplainers. I knew they were bad and they were just pleased they finally had a spec that allowed them to break 1.6k, but I didn’t know just how brutally oppressive and OP ret could be in the hands of a semi competent player. Sure enough, it is far worse from the driver’s seat than it is from the outside - it is absolutely absurdly OP and the only people i’ve seen hand wave it away have been ret mains that are afraid they’ll go back to having no defensives again, so they feel the need to roleplay as if their entire damage profile, utility, range, cooldown rate and so on is perfectly fine as well.

I will never defend my class if it is OP, but what your brain doesn’t understand is that if something is second best, it is by definition not OP - the ‘OVER’ in ‘overpowered’ means ‘OVER everything else’ - not ‘OVER the average’ - by that logic, Boomkin would be considered OP because it is better than the average caster. Is that the hill you want to die on?

Instead of trying to cope so hard about why your spec is not ruining the game right now, you could instead strive to improve yourself at the game, so you wouldn’t need to hold onto laughably OP specs with both hands with a death grip and respond to every single ret thread and comment in existence, telling us all that you actually think this other melee which is represented significantly less than ret is actually just as good if not better because uhhhhhhh hand waving motions

I will never understand it - it is the same as the premade runners in the BG forums. Do you not enjoy a challenge? Do you not cringe when you press your 1 minute wings macro and one tap 2 people at the same time with wake of ashes?

On paper ret are the most OP spec the game has ever seen - by representation they are the most represented melee we have ever seen, on par with demon kings in 10.0, if not worse. They are also arguably easier to play than them and they have significantly shorter cooldowns than them AND better utility than them. All of this won’t penetrate your mind, because you’ve pressed your 1min CD shield of vengeance, which blocks out all logic, reason and facts.

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You’ve been defending them wherever anyone have said anything about arms. But I guess in your mind, they are never overtuned so I guess in your own mind, thats quite legit indeed.

I have no clue, but I linked something that confirms the representation on how much more arms warriors were compared to rest. But thats apparently misinformation because… Rets are what they are right now, thats quite… Impressive! Almost like I did not say:

:clap: :clap: :clap: Almost like I did not point out why rets are far above. Hm.

But you are assuming I do. Do you know how many games ive played as ret after 10.0.7? If you can figure that out, plz tell me since it would be interesting to see. But I can say for facts, I played more before 10.0.7 released. Had more fun on SP recently. But yea, I guess your assumptions deny any other reasons.

I think you kinda dont understand, OVERTUNED and OVERPOWERED are 2 complete different things even if they have minor things in common.
One guy said it quite easly on google:
“Overtuned and OP share some common values. However, the first is usually related with number adjustments, while the latter involves fundamental mistakes.”
So when you keep trying to say im talking about WARRIOR BEING OVERPOWERED when ive stated OVERTUNED is 2 different matters. You are literally trying to define 2 different words as the same to provide yourself with an argument. I know its the only way you can do it but, come on, chill with accusations and assumptions.

Just saying but, Ive been stating rets have been overtuned since 10.0.7 release. So when u keep trying hard to undermine what I really mean, it comes down to being quite… pathetic. I know how strong it is, and I surely dont need someone to come try to say things that I have never said either just to try to make a point. You rly need to stop accusing ppl when you have clearly been lying. You stated before that you lvled your ret a few days ago, but achievs on that char says it got to 70 4 days after 10.0.7 released. You rly need to chill.

If you used your head and looked things up, you would have seen ive both played Holy priest and Shadow priest more than Ret in 10.0.7. But according to you, only you can think like you do and noone else. What a shocker! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Yes, because of how rets we’re released after 10.0.7 and how it took time for them to actually nerf it, ive called the sustain dmg to be still too strong but they only nerfed wings. Its quite surprising isnt it? Ive said some things are too strong, but according to you, I have not! :person_shrugging:

But srsly, before you start making assumptions and actually truly, for some reason, believe its pure facts w/e you say…
You might want to take like 5 min and look for facts. Just saying, it usually helps instead of making accusations and assumptions!
I’ve repeatedly said rets are overtuned, but you keep saying I never do. It does get tiring when people like you refuse to actually read but its not surprising. :smile:

Even easier explanation if you STILL did not understand:
“Overpowered is when a character’s kit is hard to counter and has a more uses then intended and is hard to fix without a complete kit rework. Overtuned on the other hand is where the character’s kit is not broken but he has been given way to much power and can easily be balanced with a few damage nerfs.”

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Exactly - you have no clue, which is why you’re responding to 10.0.7 criticism of ret pala with 10.0.3 and 10.0.5 information about arms warriors. Man it is painful talking to you :sob:

And this is nonsense too! Who cares what second best is, when retsplainers are busy defending #1! Are you ok?! When rets inevitably eat the 20-30% damage nerfs that are coming, alongside 15 second wings max duration and 1min CD on sanctuary, I will not defend arms if they become #1 melee. I promise you - now will you please stop living in la la land?

All this does is confirm to me that you again,

Either you have played the spec recently, and are lying about how strong it is, or you haven’t played the spec recently and have no idea what you’re talking about - pick your poison, liar, or ignoramus?

And yet here you are in a thread about ret paladins, talking about 10.0.3 and 10.0.5 arms warriors. Ain’t that somethin? If its good for the goose, its good for the gander, either those 10.0.3 and 10.0.5 arms warriors numbers mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just like you and Barry Chuckle seem to think is the case for ret paladin numbers in 10.0.7, OR, they mean exactly what they seem to mean - that ret paladin right now is astronomically overpowered, that they managed to take one look at 10.0.3 and 10.0.5 arms warrior and said “now, its my turn” and RAN PAST THEM AT LIGHT SPEED to produce some of the biggest representation numbers at 2100+ WE HAVE EVER SEEN!

In your own words:

So what you’re looking at right now is UNNERFED 10.0.3 and 10.0.5 arms warrior, vs NERFED ret paladin and STILL, with charts from the LAST 14 DAYS, the numbers look hilarious!


Atleast you have now confirmed to me, you are one of the worst ppl to argue with since you cant seem to understand even a tiny bit of what im writing but you are perfectly fine with trying to change my wording to suit you more. If you dont want to read EXPLAINATIONS on why arms warr is not first compared to ret, why bother responding? If you are in such a fairy land where you cant seem to understand even a small fraction of what im saying… :person_shrugging:

Where have I lied? Have I not said:

Hmmm, its starting to get quite interesting on how you seem to change the directions of context… You’ve barely played retri either, but you seem to be hellbent on knowing. So…

Everything you keep saying, keeps confirming you are fine picking words, changing them to prove something I never said to begin with. When you can actually start arguing based on whats being written instead of being in your fantasy world, you could come back again since right now, its quite pathetic :joy:

Considering your Paladin got to lvl 70 “25/03/2023” it confirmed to me that you feel free to lie as long as it benefits you :smile:

I will now attempt to use pictures to speak to you, because words don’t penetrate your shield of vengeance:

And you keep confirming that you cant read! Thank you, you actually made me laugh! :clap:


Must… Link… More… He def dont understand they are overtuned! Hes still defending it by saying they are overtuned! Im so mad! :joy:

I read just English unfortunately - I am not versed in retsplain, outside of being able to identify it as such:

What emotion do you feel when you see the following pictures:

Not my fault you cant read and keeps jumping over what I write… I never once said they were not overtuned but man, you rly love to change context and try to change what I truly say or that I have some deeper meanings to what I say.

Does not mean “they are balanced”. Geez crist u are amazing when it comes down to actually ignoring what ppl write and try to believe everything someone says have some other meaning. If I had my priest avatar, would you have gone armsplaining everywhere?
Oh, wait, you already do. Whenever ppl have said something about arms, youve been there armsplaining…

If you want to make a thread on your shadow priest about how badly arms crushes you, I promise you I won’t show up in the thread and tell you about this other spec that is actually just as strong, if not stronger and uhh, in patch err 9.2.7 they were the most represented spec evar!!!

However, you avoided the question - what emotion do these images illicit in you:

Anger? Pride? Fear? Sorrow? Love? Joy?