Ret palas OP?

I dont like it, just like I dont want any class to be broken or overtuned? Theres a reason why Ive said before that their sustain dmg needs to be nerfed? Or do you want me to say something according to your wishes? :smile:

You did show up to someone who just normally talked about bladestorm and how much things they have in one ability… So I know for sure you would do the same if I went on my priest and talked about it. :smile:

Why do you feel the need to soft-defend ret in every thread you enter, by implying they’re on par with arms warriors, when the following evidence exists to the contrary:

Can you tell me where I have said they are on par?

Can you atleast try to stay on facts. I never said ARMS ARE ABOVE or BELOW rets. I said they are both overtuned. How much they are overtuned is something blizzard figures out, but ive already countless times said rets sustain dmg is too high since it EFFECTIVELY makes WINGS stronger at the same time. Surprise!
But I guess I cant expect much from someone who dont understand the difference between overtuned and OP since I never once said arms are OP.

uh in that comment just now

Nah, you still seem to read different meanings.
Not saying it doesnt mean I automatically see them the same.
Saying both are overtuned does not mean they are the same.

Stop trying to read deeper meanings into what I write.
I dont care if they nerf rets so they are viable but not best.
I dont care, but you seem hellbent on w/e a ret says it means entirely different.

Your entire view so far have been quite like this:
Ret: Sky is blue!
You: Retsplaining saying sky is yellow!

Ok we’re going to need to go back to pictures again, because English doesn’t translate well into retsplain. lemme know if u need help.

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So according to you, never saying it means ive said it? Hm :thinking:

I made it abit easier for you to see the underlining word. “never said”. But, for some reason, you use that as proof of me saying that ive said it… :smile:
Does that mean you are actively trying to force opinions and statements onto me? Is that what armsplaining means?

I don’t mean to be rude, but have you ever taken an IQ test? Literally every question is a series of 3x3 grid, where by using logic, you have to figure out what is being said, by what is not being said.

If something is not greater than X nor is it less than X, then it must be… ?

I’ll use a children’s maths question to help you:

"Billy’s mother has tasked him with going to the shop and buying some apples. Oddly, Billy’s mother did not write down the number of apples she wishes him to buy! Instead, she has tasked him with finding out the answer for himself using the following instructions:

  1. The number of apples I want is not less than 7!
  1. The number of apples I want is not more than 7!

Using the instructions above, how many apples does Billy’s mother wish him to return home with?"

and Yojeong, if you respond with “we can’t know, she never said she wanted 7 apples” I’m done, I can’t help sorry.

So you are actively saying that you are digging into deeper meanings into everything ppl say and use that as a means to drive it further… Without knowing if its true or not… Well done, I guess my statement was true :thinking:

Considering you cant read, I guess thats understandable. But, googling things just to have an answer to what I write is… Abit sad, atleast when you try to insult quite poorly x) Atleast you are able to make me laugh, quite entertaining indeed! :clap: :smile:

How many apples does Billy’s mother want him to get, Yojeong?

Sorry, im not entertaining you since you arent clever enough. You might want to try armsplaining someone else :joy:


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Ive seen 11 ret paladins in the same game it wasn’t a fun sight.

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I cant stop laughing , my eyes are watered af , you made my day hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

7!!! 7 apples!!! Did i won?!! Oh and ret is Broken even after 3 nerfs , and i LOVE IT!!!
pala main since vanila <----------
Peace and sorry for my bad english

Second best hahahaha. Good joke.

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ret and arms are both disgusting and need hefty nerfs but neither are as oppressive as a demo warlock those guys need huge nerfs too.

I see what you did there ‘‘ènal’’


[ image. png (1920×1080) (discordapp .com)](https ://cdn .discordapp. com/attachments/925086763029004319/1102024398652837998/image.png)

I see my self out. I met 23 paladins today in a 40 man not a fun sight

They bubble you dead.

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lmfao, i never created the name with such thing at mind… you dirty… lol

If you think warrior is better then ret right now you’re dropped on the head.

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He is a ret pala main who is stuck at 1700 on his war, while sitting at 2700 on his ret. says it all, really