Ret palas OP?

im shocked people would still argue that a comp based solely on comunication skil and coordination, can excell one that is smashing dps button while selfhealing and zugzuging

if anything rmp should be one of the comps sitting at top when played correctly, not that i care, since i played fire/feral/healer during SL onlky for the 2.1 gheargear, and other than that i stay well away from arena as its not any fun to play for me.

I’m not saying it, many people can tell you. The warrior has been broken since 10.0.5 being the best melee, only surpassed by the ret when he came out with the rework. Now he is the best solo melee again.

It’s normal, he’s always been the character I’ve always played with more seriously, and the rest I’ve played for fun. That doesn’t mean that I don’t know how the meta is, where the lock demon and the warrior are the top tier.

Nerf it. they do not have cooldowns, can spam huge burst skills every few seconds + their 1minute wings, every arena minimum 30k dps overall + instant WOG healing + bubble + huge shield. Paladins do not even needs to use brain to kill, theyre just PVE rotation and gots rating

maybe the ret is his main how may games do both have played? before 10.0.7 arms was the stand out disgusting broken spec and its not far behind ret now. and demo is in a league of its own

Well, he was Rival 1 on March 20th, then, 10.0.7 came out and he immediately went from Rival 1 (sub 1950) to Elite in the span of 5 days. For comparison, Challenger 1 > Rival 1 took him a month.

Hard to say what his main is. His warrior has 150,000 hks, his paladin 80,000. Looks to me like his paladin is a main alt and the moment he realised paladins were broken OP, he swapped on over, ditched his warrior and climbed 1,000 rating past his warrior’s peak in 5 days.

His warrior has 100+ shuffles played as arms and 25 played as fury, so no i’m not just saying he is ‘stuck’ at 1700 to be mean, I genuinely mean - the dude grinded with 20 minute queues, 125 games, and couldnt hit 1800 for the set, ever.

Then, swapped to ret and immediately went to 2700+.

This is the guy who thinks arms is stronger than ret.

Rets not op anymore, its about skill.

I got legend pennant and i own pal as breakfeast.

i know ret is absolutely disgusting i have a friend whos a clicker hes currently sat at 2061 rating he was a hardstuck 1400 player before ret buffs but arms was pretty disgusting before 10.0.7 and will return to that status once ret is nerfed again.

thanks for sharing clasi corc

YUr welcome

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I can’t go murbastic becouse its bugged :smiley:

You talk about my characters and you have no idea, but I’m not going to bother to tell you anything, think what you want. I’m just saying, even if you don’t want to accept it, the warrior is disgustingly broken and is the best melee by far

But you’re saying warrior is the best melee yet again i must say… you’re dropped on the head, ret is by FAR the strongest melee.

Let’s see, I only use that character for wpvp and bgs mainly, because I like it and because I have a wpvp guild (even though wpvp is dead since SL). While I do my things, quest, repus, ect, I sign up for bgs and solo shuffle to hang out, and I only take out the 1800 when I like the set as I’ve done on other occasions with other characters. If I’ve dropped with my warrior, it’s basically because I’ve been getting out of the games mainly, but I’m not going to deny that I’ve also been losing some games, but if I hadn’t dropped, then possibly the rival would have gotten me.

And yes, when the paladin came out he was very strong and many went up for free, but after the nerfs, many of those who don’t know how to play have gone down and are where they should be, and if you play at a high rating it doesn’t even come out anymore half of what they had, and those who are there know what they do. That doesn’t mean that just because I didn’t come up with the warrior for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean that the class is broken. It is that your excuse or logic is, that if I have not raised with the warrior and with the ret yes, that means that the ret is better, when the same thing is that I have always played the paladin much better than the warrior.

Well your numbers seem rather accurate but just to “confirm” we can look at where warrior is indeed the 2nd most played spec (not a healer) across all brackets.

Then the question becomes - is the small difference in representation because one spec is better or because it has more playable comps or because people prefer hybrid classes etc? To simply show numbers and claim “look this class is NOT good” wont do.

If we ONLY look at your representation numbers we see that paladin is the best and warrior is 2nd. So the outcomes we have are:

Warrior is the best (not healer) spec (talking about arms ofc)
Warrior is the 2nd best (not healer) spec

How does that change his point drastically? Warriors are still at the top?

Another great day of ret being “OP” and people leaving too much salt on forums

I wish it stays “OP” forever, it deserves it

Oh btw, now that I’m done with laughter and joy that came out of me when I saw ret haters and Venruki lovers I gotta ask


:popcorn: :eyes: don’t mind me



In general ret paladin is much stronger then warrior since the rework, i don’t know what you’re smoking.

This reads like a manic episode. ಠ_ŕ˛