Ret Pally rework inc, FDK next please

Technically they could tweak numbers for everyone every week. They are not doing that. Balance of classes is important part of game, yet it feels like there are more people working on implementing battle pass then on balancing game.

It’s essentially when they should be doing every 2 weeks or so, least in PvP. Some micro damage buffs and nerfs, with some small changes to cooldowns.

Not full on panic overnerfs like they did to DK’s at the start of the expansion, all because of a bug/unintended design.

2 hand frost does not exist in wrath and cataclysm if you only pve and in pvp its bad, too because how easy it is to disarm frost without another weapon providing protection from it in the offhand.(and disarms are double as long in the classics compared to retail)

The fallen crusader+razorice combo is just too strong to give up.

Dw is just better in every way for frost.

It was a fun meme spec. Essentially being all about fat Frost Strike crits, which was fun for a while in classic wrath, but Blood Dps… damn i miss that after playing it in classic.

I played recently Blood DK in bgs, everything speced into selfheal and dmg/burst. It felt much better than Unholy with its 3 min gargoyle gig, that any druid could just cyclone.

Sadly, i had to switch to double unholy, 1 for raid and 1 for arena…Wrath is restrictive with having only 2 specialization max at all times.

It does make little sense when you are immobile and your diseases are dmg modificators that could be quickly purged without a certain unholy talent.

But, its still better than retail blood, i do not see this spec performing anywhere in pvp and its sad its not even a rbg FC for years now, always bear druid/DH tank, so it fails in its tank role too when it comes to objective based pvp.

All the reasion why dk as a class should see a radical overhaul after all those years of idling around.

I managed to get a decent amount of ArP due to the gems being available, and got the trinket that gave ArP on use. In PvE i could pump some really nice burst with Dancing Rune Weapon and Unholy Frenzy on myself.

PvP, damn it was fun. You truly feel like the juggernaut that DK’s are supposed to feel.

I think a lot of it comes down to the success of Legion, and we live in the shadow of it with talents and abilities.

Yeah, i think when it comes to frost dks, WoD was the peak for them, class design and performance wise(numbers) could say MoP, too, but in WoD Frost Dks scales much better, because hp pool was higher and dmg coefficents and selfheal, for instance death siphon heal was greatly improved, we also had desecreation as a cc breaker and our presences, like blood presence to tank melee dmg.(which interestingly, used to be frost presence in Wrath - so the suggestion to make frost a tank spec is not unbased at all - i prefere all 3 DK specs as pure DD specs, with unholy a range DD pet spec, cause 3 melee based DD spec might look and feel a bit onesided)

And in WoD most classes lost much of their abilities and talents they had in MoP, like Druid lost symbiosis and shadowpriest void shift, afaik, Frost dks lost nothing. Felt good. lol

Since Legion everything, but maybe dmg, feels wrong with this class, if you put some research on it and compare it with the glory of the past, there is no class fantasy and no logic anymore(that makes me feel excited at least), but thats what you get, when you have a raid lead designer who cares only about dps as a game director, i guess. For him pvp, does not exist the place where you actually use your toolkit and def cds and more refined gameplay, like kiting and peeling, you hardly ever see in a Raid.
Everything was fine until Legion did happen and too much iconic abilities and talents were removed and the way you play the class completely changed.

At least in DF, Unholy will get QoL changes in the coming patch(PTR) maybe some tuning too, but nothing yet about much needed Frost DK overhauls.

Somehow, i am less positive, the current class devs of wow can create creative talents and abilities as they once manage to do in MoP those class designer do not work for blizz anymore and nobody of the current devs seem to listen to their playerbase’s suggestions, when it comes to class design.

Blizz, definately, should hire more creative talent for class design.

For me its the most important aspect of the game that makes me play.

This is just to vent some of my frustration:

Might of the Frozen Wastes: Buff Frost Strike damage by 30% and high chance on auto attack to apply Razorice.

Remorseless Winter: Increase duration by 2 seconds, make it something that you want 100% uptime on when you’re doing PvE content, keeping the 10 stacks of Gathering Storm constant.

Breath of Sindragosa: Cooldown Changed to 30 seconds, max duration set to 30 seconds. Now it’s more useful in M+, having to do mechanics and have it drop off won’t feel as bad anymore. Balance it around 100% uptime.

Chill Streak: Prioritize players when it bounces in PvP.

Frostsythe: Buff base damage, make it the spamable Rune spender when doing AoE.

In base DK tree
Add back Death’s Due from Shadowlands as a choice over Abomination Limb.

Soul Reaper: Now a powerful dot with a 10 second duration that is only usable on a target below 35% hp. Costs Runic Power and interacts with Obliteration for Frost. (Unholy already got a damage boost, and i’d say it should stay that way)

Took me about 10 minutes to brainstorm these, and some i’ve suggested in the forums before. There’s a lot of great suggestions on these forums how to make the abilities more fun, and balancing these is all about the numbers…


here is a fresh video about 10.1. when devs overhaul pvp talents.

Flarky wants the legion talent Tundra Stalker back and it should replace necrotic aura for frost in pvp.

Many pvp talents do not interact with pve talents, too.

Like profilerating chill not interacting with bitterchill and deathchill, the second chain of ice target is not affected.

Deathchill even breaks CoI, when the root is applied, wasting 3 runes for a snare on single target(the other one is ignored with profilerating chill as said)

Yeah sometimes its about numbers but in the case of DKs its not just about the numbers, as talents do not interact with each other as they probably should.

Or are more underwhelming than they look like, for example unholys life and death pvp talent with its internal cool down that is nowhere mentioned.

As well some nerfs still remaining active even though vastly outdated (Cold Heart, Frost Wyrms Fury etc).

Flark gives really good points about pvp talents too, thanks for the link.

The idea about Rot and Wither being that D&D follows you. chefs kiss

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They will have a set budget and hours allowed for each patch, they cant just dive into reworks because of that.


Time, they cant just sit in 10.0.5 for 9 months to ensure every class is done right by in a singular patch.

Also i dont think classes are quite 1 to 1 in such manner, we know blizzards motto. Only 1 specc be good at a time concerning dps. Ur considered fine because of unholy effectively.

I think 1 persons responsible for several classes. Rets likely only getting help becsuse the class doesnt habe a second dps specc realistically.

I am equally as positive about current class devs.

While sure prior times maybe better for you, its the old dev team which called rhe state of ret paladin a Joke, and did nothing to fix it in several years.

The old class devs were equally if not more ignorant of classes, they had several times over left many speccs dead for a expansion.

Frost DK needs a rework for about 5 years


There is one thing that i don’t really like much about frost, and that’s the fact that too much is about runes and only runes.

Runic power is an afterthought, pillar of frost str increase is purely tied to runes, no runic power at all, remorseless winter too, etc.

The problem is that with breath of sindragosa it would likely become too powerful.

So if they were to change that it would require a rework of breath, which i’m not against, i never liked breath much.

In fact id say that i dislike it, more than i like it.

I’m not against the idea of having a cd where the time increases based on whether you are playing well or not, in fact i like that kind of stuff, but i have some issues with breath.

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Just delete cooldown on Breath. Breath should be only one rp spending if it talented. Or they can change it to be like DH Eye beam, short and strong enough.

I’m 100% for a complete Frost DK overhaul. It’s an annoying RNG reliant spec who’s burst can very easily go wrong. I hope the devs look at it next, and I don’t just mean fixing dead talents.

He makes some nice points. I always preffered the idea of Frost DK being the tank spec over blood. And absolutely on point with this whole dual wield thing, who’s idea was to have the slow, plate cladded lumbering behemoth, walk around with 2 tiny swords?

Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I would go as far as completely removing blood spec and rework Unholy into 2 separate specs. One would very much be the necromancers of the scourge as we know them, raising the undead and casting diseases (but melee). The other would be a more actually unholy spec, a mirror opposit of a ret paladin, focusing much more on the melee aspect, more akin to what we saw in Maldraxxus.

Why are DH and Shams in this topic telling how FDK should be played? It’s funny, lol. What do you know about playing FDK?

Because i don’t just play one class? Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

Also the fact that you are using 2h on frost tells me more about your skills as a player than what me posting on dh tells about mine.

Liar, you play only meta classes. What can you know about FDK?

Until February 7th I played BOS, but you’re an expert, I have no right to argue.

What a bad community this game has.